I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 305 Then please watch my transformation.

The motorcycle speeding on the highway finally stopped before the last road to leave Tokyo.

It was not that Goyo wanted to stop on this road, but someone appeared in front of him.

Even if he wanted to pretend that nothing happened and leave, Kuuga's motorcycle was still too conspicuous, and there was no possibility of hiding it, so Goyo did not pretend to be stupid, but stopped.

Holding the cloth bag in both hands, folded in front of the lower abdomen, the high-necked sweater set off the slender neck, the down coat wrapped the body, the white mist exhaled and the light yellow down coat combined, revealing some different scenery in the mist.

The falling hair swayed in front of her eyes, and the originally fast-moving footsteps also stopped after recognizing the motorcycle stopped in front of her.

A pair of eyes that seemed to be able to speak revealed emotions that only the two people looking at each other could understand.


The smiling woman, as always, showed her best side to the person she cared about the most.

After a moment of silence, he took off his helmet, and Godai's face appeared in front of Sakurako again.

It was still the bright smile when they met again, and the thumbs up when they met.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that there is no difference from the person she knew before.

But Sakurako doesn't think that Godai will be the same as before.


Smiling and saying the name of the woman in front of him, Godai didn't know why he stopped at this time. Obviously, he knew better than anyone that if he stopped, he would want to leave again...

"I cooked, do you want to eat?" Sakurako raised the cloth bag in her hand high and said with a smile: "I was going to send it to the hospital."

Without asking why Godai, who was supposed to be lying in the hospital, appeared here, Sakurako pretended not to know about it, and just smiled and asked what she originally wanted to do.

"Sakurako, I..." Godai raised her head and was about to say something, but Sakurako, who spoke right after him, interrupted Godai's continuation.

"Even if you want to do something, you can't do it on an empty stomach, right?" Sakurako raised her head and looked at Godai with expectant eyes: "So... so..."

She had a feeling that Godai might never come back after this trip.

The subsequent words gradually became inaudible in the gradually low sobs, even the eyes that were smiling like a crescent moon couldn't help but droop.

Between the hair, she covered the side of herself that she didn't want Godai to see.

"Of course." Parking the motorcycle aside, Godai swung her arms and responded to Sakurako's wish with a smile: "Sakurako is right, no matter what I want to do, I can't do it on an empty stomach."

"So, I'm going to start!"

He came to Sakurako with big strides, took the cloth bag from Sakurako's hand, and Godai half-bent his body, lowered his head and stared at Sakurako.

"Want to come together?"

"Yeah!" The head that had never been raised nodded, and the voice that was responded to was also mixed with joy.

But the current expression still cannot be seen by Godai.

He was the kind of person who didn't like to see other people's sad faces. Sakurako had always understood him very well, so no matter what, she couldn't let Godai see that expression.

And Sakurako had always understood that.

He was definitely not the kind of person who would ignore other people's responses.

"Ah! I'm full!"

Godai ate the lunch box that Sakurako brought quickly with a wolfish momentum, and he sighed with satisfaction.

The two sat in an open space not far away. Because of the snow before, the surrounding area was covered with vast white snow, making it uninhabited, so that only the two of them were left.

But... Godai, who didn't get Sakurako's response, looked over curiously and saw Sakurako holding her own lunch box, without eating a single bite.

"What, Sakurako doesn't want to eat?" Godai put his hands on the ground and supported himself: "Fortunately, I brought a picnic blanket in the car, otherwise there would be no place to sit."

"No..." Sakurako shook her head: "It's just... I miss the past a little bit."

"It always feels like a long time has passed."

"Thinking about it, it seems that it has been quite a long time." Godai thought for a moment, but then said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, when I come back, I will definitely cook for you myself."

"I don't know if my cooking skills have regressed during this period." As he said, Godai counted on his fingers and silently calculated: "After all, there are two thousand skills... If you don't familiarize yourself with them often, you may forget them."

"That will be a big deal."

Then Godai's funny words broke the solemn atmosphere. Sakurako laughed abruptly and patted Godai's shoulder helplessly.

"You... are still saying some weird things."

"Two thousand skills are not my limit." Wudai stared at the sky: "I will become stronger and stronger."

Perhaps she understood the meaning of Wudai's words, or maybe she didn't fully understand it, Sakurako still kept smiling and showed her beautiful side.

But... the skill I want you to learn the most... when can you learn it?

"Sakurako." Staring at the horizon, Wudai suddenly turned his head and looked at the beauty beside him.

"I should go."

Just four short words, but Sakurako subconsciously clenched the corner of her clothes.

Sakurako, why are you so silent at this time? Speak out your heart! You obviously... don't want him to go!

You can't express your feelings for him in person, can't you even express your feelings now?

Can't even say no?


"Is that so." Sakurako gathered her drooping hair behind her ears and quietly wiped away the tears from her eyes. She presented a big smile to Godai.

"Then go!"

Sakurako smiled and raised her thumb: "I'll be at home, waiting for you to come back."

"Then it will be my turn to cook for you." Godai was silent for a moment, but finally said: "I..."

"That's right!"

Sakurako took a deep breath and said firmly: "So no matter what, I will wait for you to come back."

"No matter how long it takes, I will keep waiting."

The eyes that seemed to be able to speak revealed an irresistible firmness and a will that could not be broken by anything.

"I'll wait for you to come back."

"Ah." Godai nodded: "I won't forget, Sakurako."

"I have an agreement with you."

He raised his thumb and gave Sakurako a thumbs up.

But that's not all. Godai went a step further and put his thumb together with Sakurako's thumb.

The thumbs were tightly clasped together, as if at this moment, the hearts of the two, which were originally a little distant, were truly attached together.


Obviously, Godai's behavior was completely beyond Sakurako's expectations, so much so that she widened her eyes in shock when she saw the two hands pressed together.

This was Godai's real, first time to respond to her emotions positively.

"Then! I'm leaving!" Patting his butt, Godai jumped up from the ground and came to an open space not far away.

He turned around and stared at Sakurako's eyes again.

"Then, please watch."

Godai was silent for a moment.

Although the first person to whom he said this was not Sakurako, but… if at that time he was expressing his determination not to give up to Ichijo, then now, it is his answer to Sakurako.

Kuuga is everyone's knight, and it is his determination to fight for Ichijo.

Goshiro is a knight who belongs only to Sakurako, and it is his promise to Sakurako.

But now… the knight who responded to Sakurako must eventually become everyone's Kuuga.

That is Goshiro's choice, and it is Goshiro's… awakening.

"My transformation."

The shadow of the black and gold biological armor gradually covered the surface of the body, wrapping Goshiro little by little.

The golden horns were revealed again, and the bright red eyes showed a different kind of gentleness and tolerance.

The ultimate figure stood on the earth again.

This is a warrior filled with love and gentleness.

It is definitely not a demon king who brings destruction and darkness.

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