I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 30 Locust: I speed-run Kamen Rider Kuuga TV, even Daguba can't compare to me

Chapter 30 Locust: I speed-run Kamen Rider-Kuga TV, even Daguba can't beat me!

"Isn't it just a hit in the stomach? Is it necessary to be so cruel?"

The next morning, Tiandao walked into the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department with his face covered.

Although on the surface, there was nothing wrong with his slightly ordinary face, in fact, in his dream last night, Tiandao was hit from the sky to the ground by the old man Shenshan, and then from the ground to the ground, and finally hung on the stone pillar.

The whole person was embedded in it, and it couldn't be pulled out.

The cause of the incident was that during the teaching of the cannon fist, under the patient teaching of Shenshan Xinzhe, Tiandao had a clear understanding of the trajectory of the cannon fist, the way to use the force, and when to use these.

All theories will eventually turn into actual combat exercises, so Tiandao is also slowly absorbing experience in the battle with Shenshan Xinzhe.

Shenshan Xinzhe is still very satisfied with Tiandao's training this night and the fact that he can hold on longer and longer under his hands.

I originally thought that under the blood curse, the remaining blood of the Fire Village should not be enough to meet the qualifications for summoning armor.

But I never expected that the Tiandao in front of me would be so talented.

Such thoughts filled the heart of the God Mountain Heart, and he was obviously very satisfied with the summoner of the Fire Armor in this life.


Tiandao took advantage of him stroking his beard and just about to speak, and kicked the God Mountain Heart below the tail vertebrae.

For the subsequent scenes, I can only say that you can't look closely, otherwise you will have nightmares at night.

After arriving at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Tiandao didn't have time to step in, and was stopped by a voice suddenly called from behind.

"Officer Kamiyama!"

"Miss Sakurako?"

Tiandao turned around and saw Sawatari Sakurako trotting all the way from the door with a backpack, standing in front of Tiandao with some breathlessness.

"Have you seen Goyo?"

"Goyo?" Tiandao raised his hand, signaling the police officer who was receiving him not to come forward, and led Sakurako to the gate: "Goyo stayed at my house last night, and now he should be with Ichijo."

"Officer Ichijo?" Sakurako unconsciously clenched her fists, her delicate jade fingers turned a little white, and because of Sakurako's tired overtime and worry about Goyo, she was seriously sleep deprived, and there was a circle of dark circles around her eyes.

"Did she go with Goyo again?" Sakurako's eyes wandered, full of worry.

"Are you worried about Goyo?" Tiandao took a few steps back and continued: "Don't worry, Goyo is in good condition. We just ate some food yesterday and didn't drink any wine!"

What a joke. Saying in front of someone's girlfriend that you took her boyfriend to drink, what would happen if you said it openly?

"Yes, I'm worried about Godai." Sakurako took out a newspaper from her bag and handed it to Tendao. While the latter was reading, Sakurako turned her back and whispered, "Since he put on that belt, I feel like he's different from before."

"I know what kind of person Godai is. He will be serious about one thing and will never give up easily." Sakurako turned around suddenly, "But... this time is different."

"I don't want any Kuuga, and I don't want Godai to become like that. He is just Godai, just him." Sakurako was very entangled, and the confusion in her tone made Tendao put down the newspaper involuntarily and look at Sakurako.

"He is just Godai Yusuke, that's enough."

In the low murmur, there was fear that Sakurako herself didn't even notice, and fear from the bottom of her heart.

Tendao was silent. As a single person without a girlfriend, when he transformed into a flame dragon, it was even encouraged by his grandfather. It was impossible for anyone to care about him so much, and Godai.

Damn it! Why can't I find a girlfriend as beautiful and caring as Sakurako!

Tiandao, who was about to bite his back teeth with jealousy, suppressed the indignation in his heart and spoke gently.

"Sakurako, I don't know what Godai thinks, but if this is out of his own will, I will choose to respect him." Tiandao continued: "And you are Godai's girlfriend, and I, as an outsider, can't really say anything about the things between you."

"But I think maybe you can try to communicate with Godai and see his determination?"

"No matter what, I don't want him to become Kuuga again!" Sakurako made up her mind, bowed to Tiandao and thanked him, and then prepared to leave. Obviously, she planned to go back and find a way to make Godai completely give up the desire to transform.

"Well, if you don't mind, I'll take you to find Godai. I know where he is now." Tiandao was very troubled, but he really couldn't let Sakurako leave like this. Otherwise, when Godai returns home, if he and Sakurako quarrel, wouldn't he be a sinner?

As friends, of course, they have to consider the relationship between the two.

Tiandao felt that he had no choice but to do it.

Sakurako stopped and thanked Tiandao quietly, and Tiandao took Sakurako to his car, and the two drove to the location where Ichijo and Goshiro were now, which was the Kanto Medical University Hospital.

This morning, Ichijo took Goshiro to have a physical examination, and he went to his friend's place to ensure that the information after the examination was confidential and there was absolutely no possibility of leakage.

Tiandao didn't go, so he just waited for the results, so he planned to come over to clock in and prove that he was there first.

Just touch it for the rest of the time.

But now, Tiandao just wants to thank himself for his heart that wants to fish.

If we miss Sakurako, what will happen?

"Ms. Sakurako is worried about the Godai." During the drive, Tiandao also tried his best to think about the topic and tried to think of ways to make Sakurako feel a little better: "I am worried that the Godai will fall into the battle after becoming Kuuga. Then it’s life-threatening.”

"That's just part of it." Sakurako sighed: "What I'm most afraid of is that he will be Kuuga from now on. Everyone thinks he is Kuuga, even he himself thinks he is."

"Then... the fifth generation will..."

"It's true that the fifth generation is Kuuga, but Kuuga is not necessarily the fifth generation." Tiandao continued: "Don't you know, Miss Sakurako? In the past, that belt had another owner, and Kuuga's appearance also appeared. on other people.”

"Kūga could be anyone, but Godai, just Godai."

Tiandao's words made Yingzi thoughtful, and a certain determined thought in her mind became a little loose at this moment.

"That's right, but I'm still worried about him." Yingzi stirred her hands in front of her uneasiness: "I will fight when I become empty, and he..."

"With a character like his, if he goes to fight, he will definitely..."

Before the subsequent words were finished, when the car with the green light turned from the corner onto the branch road, the roof of Tiandao's car was suddenly hit by something, and the entire roof was dented.


Yingzi exclaimed, but Tiandao reacted faster. He stepped on the brakes and held the steering wheel steady to keep the car in place. Then he hugged Yingzi, opened the door, and pushed Yingzi out.

The car door on his side was stuck and completely unable to be opened.

"Officer Shenshan! It's a person! Someone jumped off the building!" Yingzi stood up again after getting out of the car, looking at the dead man who had smashed the roof of the car, and exclaimed.

"Damn it, are you so unlucky? Why did you just happen to hit it?" Things like jumping off the building are also normal for Jiaobaji. Judging from the pressure of Jiaobaji's life, some people can't bear to look away, or they can't survive and then jump. There are many people who have jumped a hundred times.

But when I, a passerby, was suddenly hit, who could I ask to explain?

Twisting his waist and pulling himself out of the deformed seat bit by bit, Tiandao took out his mobile phone and prepared to call his colleagues.

"Miss Sakurako, please."

Before she could finish her next words, Yingzi, who was pushed out by Tiandao, suddenly let out an exclamation.


"Miss Sakurako?! What are you..." Before Tiandao could react, a cruel and sharp voice suddenly sounded, and... right outside the car!

"It just so happens that you are the tenth."

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