I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 293 Thunder Angel Please rest assured, my three brothers, I will definitely help you three b

"It feels so good to be alive."

Sitting in the temple, Tiandao felt the changes in his body. After opening his eyes again, he showed a bright smile: "Being alive is a wonderful thing."

"Are you...really the God Mountain Tiandao, not some Emperor Corpse Spiritual?" Although he didn't know what the Emperor Corpse was, the Earth Angel still said so.

Probably... zombie?

"I am indeed dead, but as you can see, I stayed in a static state for a while, but there is movement when there is static. I just went from static to active again." Tiandao smiled and said.

"Well...thank you for the thunder of Thunder Angel, which gave me a new power."

"You're welcome!" Thunder Angel waved his hands one after another, sweeping away his previous decadent look: "It's better to say that you proved my essence."

"I still have to thank you!"

Since it has been proved that the authority he possesses is not destruction but creation, Thunder Angel has sufficient motivation to continue.

It's not that its thunder power is not strong enough, but that the essence of its power is the power of creation.

It has such power, but it uses it to destroy and ruin, which is a pure act of putting the cart before the horse.

Gurongi's general, Gurongi's king Daguba, and the two Kuuga, all gained the power of evolution and rebirth from its power.

It's not that its destructive power is not strong enough, but that it has the power of creation.

Using it as a destructive force can only bring evolution to others.

"Shui, you have seen my power." The Thunder Angel turned around and looked at the Water Angel expectantly: "I have the power of creation, and I have the ability to make people reborn and evolve."

"Your authority is insufficient, right? Is it in a defective state?"

The Thunder Angel grabbed the Water Angel's hand, and the whole bull head, including the bull's eyes, was emitting light.

"I can help you."

Water Angel:?

"I can help you find the missing authority and restore you to your peak." The Thunder Angel looked at the Water Angel with a sharp look, exerting force in his arms, and he was unwilling to let it leave no matter what.

"Aren't you always worried about your lack of authority?"

"Come on, I can restore you to your peak."

Water Angel:...

Do you mean you want me to be struck by you too?

After hearing what the Thunder Angel meant, the Water Angel's expression changed several times, full of struggle and hesitation.

To be honest, it would be a lie if I didn't feel moved. The Water Angel still remembered how powerful he was at his peak.

In the history recorded by humans, the raging flood was the world-destroying disaster it caused, and it was what its authority could do at the perfect moment of its peak.

After that, its authority was mostly taken back, and even though it was still the Water Angel among the four great angels, it was already unworthy of the name.

How could there be a Supreme God who manipulated the water flow and could only create a sea tornado on the sea after holding back for a long time?

Hasn't he suffered enough because of his lack of authority?

Hasn't he suffered enough humiliation because of his weak strength?

Obviously, after the Fire Angel was gone, it should be the one who should be the leader of the four great angels!

But the inner thoughts are not enough to be told to outsiders. Although the Water Angel is eager, it still has its concerns.

Does the Thunder Angel really control the power of creation?

It... Isn't it...

Family members know their own business. If they are struck by the thunder of Thunder Tian, ​​the Water Angel will definitely not be able to bear it and will most likely die on the spot.

Although Tiandao seems to have been struck alive by the Thunder Angel, but...

So, facing the expectant eyes of the Thunder Angel, the Water Angel moved his mouth, but still didn't say it.

"From static to dynamic?" However, the Earth Angel was a little confused about what Tiandao said: "Aren't you resurrected? What does it mean to go from static to dynamic?"

"Because I'm dead." Tiandao smiled and said: "Death is not the end, it's just a state of silence."

Earth Angel:?

"Then you now..."

"Now, I'm going to do what I should do." Tiandao took a deep breath: "I haven't reached the ultimate power, and perhaps I will never reach that power."

"But I also have my own power."

Reaching out his hand to touch his chest, feeling his beating heart, and feeling the fact that he is alive, Tiandao smiled again: "This colorful, splendid world."

"A world that is always moving will not gradually condense into black and white, and it can be so beautiful."

The Earth Angel and the Wind Angel looked at each other, and each saw a hint of understanding in their eyes.

It seems that his brain has gone crazy after resurrection, and it is a bit not working.

"But it is a foregone conclusion that Daguba has entered the Ultimate. You don't have the Ultimate, and we can't give you power anymore. How are you going to face Daguba?" The Wind Angel spoke again.

"Since you are alive, cherish your life."

"Leave the matter of defeating Daguba to Kuuga, he can also enter the ultimate existence."

"Godai's destiny is not to fight." Tiandao shook his head: "His mission in this world is not this."

"He should travel, smile in adventures again and again, and see more scenery in this world." Tiandao raised his head and looked around.

"He is a person who hates violence and fighting."

"So this is not his mission, nor is it his responsibility."

"It is the responsibility of my Shenshan family, and it is the mission of Tiandao."

Tiandao stood up.

"Face fate and transcend fate."

"I left the state of stillness because I still have an unfinished mission, so I can't start my new round of vivid life."

"You..." The earth angel put on a dead fish eye and looked at Tiandao: "Can you speak some human words?"

"In short, I still have a mission that has not been completed, so I can't die yet, can't enter reincarnation again, and start a new life."

"So I came back."

Tiandao clapped his hands.

"Today is the beginning of spring."

"Yesterday was it." The earth angel replied: "Why are you asking this?"

"Because spring is here, everything is revived." Patting the earth angel on the shoulder, Tiandao walked out of the temple, stepped on the grass outside, and bathed in the sun.

"Winter thunder is gone, everything withers."

"Spring thunder occurs, everything revives."

Turning around, looking at the four angels chasing him, Tiandao smiled and raised his hand.


Instantly, Tiandao's figure disappeared on the spot, leaving only a faint shadow, which gradually dissipated in front of the four angels.

"Transformation?" Wind Angel repeated: "It sounds like space transfer?"

"Can he use this ability without changing his body?"

"Of course!" Thunder Angel said immediately: "The power of creation I have not only resurrected him, but also made him evolve!"

"The current Shenshan Tiandao is 1000% stronger than the previous Shenshan Tiandao!!"

"Okay." The Earth Angel turned around and looked up and down at the Thunder Angel.

"If your power is really like this, then..."

"I also heard what you said to the Water Angel before." The Earth Angel took a few steps forward: "But I still have doubts about your authority."

Without waiting for the Thunder Angel to refute, the Earth Angel spoke immediately.

"The water body cannot withstand your thunder, but if it can really recover completely..." The Earth Angel thought for a moment: "So, to be on the safe side, let me be your experimental subject."

"It just so happens that I was also seriously injured before, and my strength was exhausted." The Earth Angel said word by word: "And my tolerance is higher than that of the Water Angel."

"If you really have the power of creation, then I will give it a try."

"If I fail, I can also bear it. If you succeed, let the Water Angel come."

"Count me in." The Wind Angel raised his hand and said: "If there is an accident, I can share some of the burden."

"Big brother! Second brother!" The Thunder Angel looked at the two angels with emotion: "Please rest assured, brothers, the fourth brother will definitely live up to your expectations."

"I will definitely let the two brothers return to the peak!"

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