I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 290: Comprehend life and death, understand life and death, and transcend life and death.

What does death feel like?

I believe that anyone who has thought about it will feel both afraid and curious about death.

The fear is that death represents the end of everything, the dissipation of life, the final arrival of all things, the silence of consciousness, and everything that cannot be predicted by oneself.

Humans may have always claimed to be the masters of the world, but only death treats every life equally.

This is the cycle of nature. From the moment of birth, life has entered the countdown to death, and no life can be exempted.

As long as you are in this ecosystem, as long as you are in nature, you must undergo this cycle.

No life will not fear death.

Therefore, how to escape death and transcend death has become the ultimate answer that life can explore.

In order to transcend death, some lives can even simplify themselves to the extreme and become just a transparent existence.

Maybe it will die as long as it suffers some external blows, or maybe it is so fragile that it is unimaginable, but in any case, everything about it is a specialization made to escape death.

Maybe it is very weak, maybe it is very simple, but from another perspective, it also transcends death.

However, although natural death is transcended, it does not mean that it will not be given death.

This is still an unavoidable problem.

Therefore, transcending the ultimate of life, transcending the limit of nature, and the ultimate existence has become the end that every life desires.

That is the real existence that transcends life and death, transcends nature, and transcends the ecosystem.

That is the pursuit of all life, and the evolution of all life is to become such an existence, to move further towards such a realm.

However, when transcending death and facing death, life will think about what death will feel like?

For animals, perhaps death is the dissipation of their own life.

But for humans, is death an end or a new life?

In the civilization created by humans, there are countless fantasies about death.

Maybe it will be another world, where there are demons and sinners, there is a hell full of sulfur, and a yellow world full of little ghosts.

Maybe it will be the sentence of the eighteen levels of hell, the past and present lives walked on the Naihe Bridge, and a brand new life started again after drinking a bowl of Mengpo soup.

Humans have never lacked imaginations about death.

Fear, fear, and curiosity.

This is the imagination of intelligent life about death. Even if it is afraid, it is still imagining such a world.

Because the living have no way of knowing what it is like after death, and there has never been a dead person suddenly jumping out of the coffin to tell the living what it feels like to die.

Or, the death imagined by humans has always been just imagination.

Or, it is not an imagination, but a fact.

But no matter what kind of feeling death is, it has nothing to do with the way of heaven. At the moment when the pale yellow knife light that split the earth arrived in front of him, when the consciousness of the way of heaven was restored again, what he saw was no longer the top of the sacred mountain, and there was no longer the heart of the sacred mountain in front of him.

It was a consciousness that suddenly awakened in the silent darkness. In this inexplicable world, it sensed its own identity and existence.

After the Earth-Splitting Slash hit him, until his consciousness was restored here, what he experienced during the period of "death" was unknown to Tiandao.

His consciousness fell into silence, and of course he had no way of knowing what happened at that time. Only now that his consciousness was restored, could he sense the changes in this world and see such a deep darkness.

"Am I dead?"

In the dark world, the consciousness named Shenshan Tiandao said to himself: "But. If I die, my consciousness doesn't know what happened. In that case, how can I understand death?"

But when a person is unconscious, he certainly has no way of sensing everything in the outside world, and the same is true for Tiandao.

Perceiving death...

How can I perceive it when I am dead?

It is impossible that I close my eyes and open them again, and after waking up, I find myself on a moving train, and then there is a pretentious man next to me who sneers and says, "Very good, you are the best among this group of newcomers." This is called perceiving death, right?

How can this be death? Isn't this being captured by the Lord God as a serf? !

But thinking this way, when the consciousness named Tiandao looked at the darkness in front of him again, he found that he could sense waves of sound coming from the darkness.

Not only that, in the darkness in the distance, it seemed that something was gradually eroding the darkness itself.

Under the gaze of the consciousness named Tiandao, a whistling train rumbled towards him along the continuously laid rails. Wherever it passed, the darkness was completely dissipated, and a new world was formed, which infected the darkness itself and dyed it with other colors.

Bricks, pillars, rails, tunnels.

The train had no intention of slowing down, whistling, carrying a new world to completely disperse the darkness, and then hit the consciousness named Tiandao.

The incandescent light of the train made this consciousness subconsciously close its "eyes". Then, he felt waves of coldness and shaking.

"Very good, you are the one with the best quality among this group of newcomers."

The consciousness named Tiandao slowly opened his eyes, staring at the iron sheet above, feeling the trajectory of the leaps and the whistling sound of the rails around him, and fell into silence for a while.

What is this?

The big light ball of the Lord God is indeed very bright, but Tiandao always feels that after cutting it open, there must be a black-hearted person inside the big light ball.

The man named Zheng Zha is exactly the same as in his memory.

Everything that the Zhongzhou team experienced is also the same as in his memory.

The only difference is that in this Zhongzhou team, there appeared a person who should not exist, that is, himself.

This should have been a story that had nothing to do with him, but because of his existence, it changed.

So much so that Tiandao couldn't figure out whether he was really dead or just traveling through time.

But isn't traveling through time also divided into traveling through the flesh and traveling through the soul? In a sense, isn't traveling through the soul also death?

Does every traveler know exactly how he traveled through time?

Being killed by a dump truck is the cause, and arriving in another world is the result.

But what about the process?

Does the traveler really know the process of cause and effect?

Tiandao couldn't tell whether he had traveled through time or died, or whether he had traveled through time after death. He just experienced other people's stories in other people's stories, and then engraved his own words in this world.

When everything was finally over, Tiandao suddenly got tired of such a life one day, so after returning to the main god space after completing a mission of the Zhongzhou team, Tiandao hugged the main god and exploded with it.

Just like a person who should not have appeared was finally discovered by the writer of this story, and then used an absurd method to hastily deal with the accident that should not have occurred, Tiandao, who exploded with the big ball of light of the main god, returned to the dark and silent world again.

Exploding with the main god was the cause, and realizing that he was in such a world again was the result.

But how he came to this world, Tiandao didn't know.

Everything seemed to have returned to the starting point.

Tiandao couldn't figure out the concept of death, because no one would tell him what death was, so he had no idea whether people would experience the same things as he was experiencing now after they died.

He didn't know, just as he didn't know what death was.

Will everyone be the same as him after they die?

Or is he the only one like this?

Can anyone tell him the answer? Can a dead person tell him?

Thinking this way, Tiandao raised his head and looked at this dark world.

Suddenly, a chain and a pair of shackles came from behind and locked Tiandao.

Then, a bull-headed man and a horse-faced man appeared in front of Tiandao.

"It's time to get going, kid."

The bull-headed man pulled the chain in his hand, and with its appearance, this dark world turned into a gray space in an instant.

Wearing shackles and shackles, Tiandao raised his head and looked at the tall gate that suddenly stood in front of him.

"Wrongly Dead City?"

He recited the name of the city word by word.

"You still have a long life ahead of you, so spend the rest of your life here, and then the King of Hell will judge your good and evil deeds." The horse-faced man said.

"The world after death is different from your world of the living."

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