I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 283 Kikyo It’s almost 2024, how come anyone still remembers me?

"Tsk, it's really boring."

Looking at the Rose Girl's nonchalant look, Daguba also lost interest in what she did.

Although he was not a person with bad tastes and he disdained to do such things, if the Rose Girl really had such an idea, he would not mind satisfying her wish.

Now it seems that becoming a human is indeed the Rose Girl's long-cherished wish and pursuit.

"Do you like that guy so much? Even if he is dead, do you still want to abide by the promise you made with him today?"

The Rose Girl's eyes flashed with the promise they made at that time, by the river, on the edge of the ramp.

"We are carrying the generations of hatred that will never die. Whether it is you or me, we are struggling in this hatred and cannot get rid of it at all."

"So..." Leaning her head on Kamiyama Kazuma's shoulder, through this ramp, the Rose Girl could see the white smoke rising slowly from the village in the distance.

Here, Gurongji watched the smoke rising from the fire village cooking for an unknown period of time.

From the royal family of Gurongi to the weakest Bei Group, they all looked at the smoke rising from the Fire Village.

Then, whether to destroy the smoke or remain indifferent, they would make a choice here.

She also looked at the Fire Village here, and finally met the previous generation of Flame Dragon and killed him here in seconds.

After that, it was the grudges between the new generation of Flame Dragon and her.

"So there is only one way." Holding the shoulders of the Rose Girl, Shenshan Yizhen said mistily: "Abandon everything, just you and me, leave here."

"I am no longer a Flame Dragon, I don't need to bear such responsibilities, I can be myself again."

"Then, we will leave here and go to a place where no one has ever known us and start our lives again."

Shenshan Yizhen is tired of the identity of Flame Dragon. Today, he finally understands that the so-called guardian is just a tool for fighting to the death.

If you lose, you will be criticized, and if you win, you will be taken for granted. Everything has become a shackle that does not need to be carried at all.

Kamiyama Kazuma is tired of living in shackles.

"No." Rose Girl shook her head: "My identity as Gurongi will never change. No matter where I go, Daguba can find me."

"Then don't be a Gurongi." Kamiyama Kazuma answered firmly: "Abandon the identity of Gurongi."

"Abandon, the identity of Gurongi?"

"Yes." Kamiyama Kazuma nodded: "I will take you back to the Fire Village to meet the sacred object of our village."

"The sacred stone has the ability to respond to the wishes of others. As long as you make a wish to the sacred stone sincerely, the sacred stone will definitely turn you into a human!"

"I... become a human?" Rose Girl pointed at herself and restored half of her arm to the appearance of Gurongi in front of Kazuma.

The blue skin and hard biological armor all proved that the Gurongi tribe was born to fight and kill.

"If you become a human, you won't be like this anymore." Reaching out his hand and touching the palm of the monster, Yizhen lowered his head and looked at the rose girl: "The question is, do you want to?"

"Want to become a human?"

"Yes!" Without a moment's hesitation, the rose girl answered decisively.

"If you become a human, there will be no more generations of hatred between us, and I don't need to bear the fate of fighting Gurongi anymore."

"I will no longer be the first under the king."

Holding hands with Yizhen, the monsterized palm gradually recovered and mimicked the human appearance again.

"I am just an ordinary woman."

The person immersed in memories finally came out of memories.

The promise made at that time, in the end, it took so long for her to fulfill this promise.

Yizhen had fulfilled his promise at that time, but he... fulfilled it now after a long absence.

So what's the point?

The rose girl clenched her fists, but then loosened them again.

"Let's go." Daguba said, "Tomorrow, I will become the ultimate existence."

"I hope that by then, I will not let you down."

Dagubba said this as he walked past the Rose Girl. When they passed each other, a black figure suddenly appeared from the corner and came to Daguba in a panic.

Kneeling on her knees, she offered her loyalty to Daguba.


Looking at this woman who was prostrating herself in front of him, Daguba stopped and looked at her with interest.

"It's you, the sea snake of the Ge Group."

"Is there anyone still alive in the Ge Group?"

Just as the Rose Girl said, all the Gurongi of the Ge Group have been put under the command of the Wolf King. Now that the Wolf King has been defeated, all the Gurongi of the Ge Group should no longer exist.

Sea snakes are surprising.

"My king! I have never surrendered to the Wolf King, nor have I ever betrayed you!" The black cheongsam perfectly sets off her leaning waist, but in Daguba's eyes, this is not important at all.

"Damn Kuuga, you turned me into Rindo!" The sea snake knocked its head heavily: "Please restore my identity!"

"I'm not Rindo! I'm Gurongi!"

The sea snake's voice was still lingering in her ears, but her request made Daguaba show a half-smiling expression.

"Isn't it good to be human?"

This sentence came from Daguaba, but when he said this, his eyes were always looking at Rose Girl.

"Becoming a human being, you can live peacefully, express your love to the person you love, and then... spend the rest of your life with him."

Daguaba leaned down and came close to the sea snake's ear: "Isn't this what you did before?"

"Show love to the Flame Dragon."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, it showed that Daguaba was not completely ignorant of what the sea snake did.

"That's not what I meant!"

The sea snake did not expect that her plan would be known to Daguaba. With her body trembling, she said loudly: "I approached Yanlong to gain his trust, and then control him and become my slave!"

"At that time, I will be able to obtain the sacred stone of the Fire Village! And kill him when he is defenseless!"

"But I definitely have no intention of betraying Gurungi!"

Although Sea Snake's idea at that time was to take down Yanlong and let Yanlong fight Daguaba, she would directly participate in the final stage of the game.

But that was said to be that time, and now is now. How can the plan at that time be compared with now?

"Good plan!" Daguaba clapped his hands: "But... after Rose Girl became a human, she didn't want to change back."

"Why do you still want to be a Gurungi?"

"She is a traitor, but I am not!" Sea Snake said loudly: "I have always been loyal to the king!"

"I am a Gurungi, not a weak Lindo without any power!"

"I don't want to be Lindo, I am Gurungi, I should have power!"

The sea serpent leaned heavily and expressed his heart to Daguaba: "Please, the king, listen to my wish, my loyalty!"

"For power, to become stronger?" Daguaba smiled brightly: "Very good, I like you like this."

"Then I will grant your wish."

Daguaba stretched out his hand and touched the sea snake's bent head.

At this moment, he is already heading towards the ultimate realm, but he is just rediscovering the power he had at his peak.

The ability of molecular reconstruction began to rearrange and restructure the sea snake's body, erasing the changes Kuuga had imposed on her, allowing her to return to her original appearance.

This is not difficult for Daguaba now.

"Since you swore your loyalty to me and I gave you power, you won't refuse my order, right?" Daguaba looked down at the sea snake.

"I have something I want you to do."

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