I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 28 Would I have said before that wolves would consider sheep as companions? But now, I won’t

It was night, in the ward of Nagano Prefectural Hospital.

Lying on the hospital bed, Daguaba, also known as Ling, put his hands on the back of his head and looked at the incandescent light on the ceiling. After staring for a long time with his eyes wide open, he slowly raised his head and pointed his palms at the light. Slowly tighten your grip.

As the palms of the hands were clenched, the light weakened for a moment, but then returned to the normal brightness, still the same without any change.

Zero was not discouraged. After putting down his arms, he spoke again.

"It's much weaker than before."

If it were in the past, let alone raising his hand to hold it empty like this, even if he had this thought, Daguba would be able to cut off the power of the entire hospital with his own thought.

But now, not only does it need to be stimulated, but it even needs to mobilize the power within the body.

From passive to active.

Rose Girl, who was guarding the hospital bed, did not speak, and even her expression remained very calm, but she still looked at Zero from time to time with some resentment in her eyes.

"I can't reveal my identity." Zero seemed to know Rose Girl's current mood: "I'm very curious about Yanlong's growth, or what his peak is like."

"At that time, I didn't have such an opportunity, but now, any opposition no longer exists, and he will completely fall into my eyes." Zero turned his head and looked at the Rose Girl beside him: "So, Gulangji Zhong It’s up to you to decide.”

"The game must also start at the same time."

The game that Daguba is talking about is a big competition handed down from the Gurungi ethnic group. The Gurungi participating in this game will be divided into corresponding strength standards and participate in the corresponding games. The strengths are different. Grungi who are confident in themselves, or those who are very confident in themselves, can choose the content of the game.

The game has only one content, and that is killing.

How to kill, what kind of people to kill, and how many people to kill are the three major factors that Grunge needs to define in this game.

Depending on the level of Gurungi's own strength, you can choose different game rules, but if you are very confident in your own strength, you can also choose to have them all.

In Gurangjiri, different strengths are divided into different groups, namely: the Bei Group, which is basically equivalent to miscellaneous soldiers.

It's equivalent to a strange breeding group.

It is almost equal to the charm group of elite monsters and small bosses.

There is also the Ge Group, which is equivalent to the boss monster and lord BOSS.

There is also a group that is so powerful that they basically don’t fight and only act as game referees.

And the last and only royal family, the Eun Group, is limited to one person... Daguaba.

Probably equivalent to the bottom BOSS.

The previous bats and spiders were just members of the Zi Group, and their strength was not considered strong among the Zi Group.

But even so, they are not something humans can defeat.

After completing the victory in this game, you will be rewarded by the Rose Girl who acts as the referee, and you can upgrade your belt to other groups.

The Gurungi's belt, like Kuuga's belt, can make the Gurungi stronger by upgrading it.

The belt is originally made of spirit stone fragments, and the abilities possessed by the Adam spirit stone can also be found in the Gurungi belt.

And if those who participate in the game continue to win, then they will have the opportunity to challenge Daguaba in the end.

In other words, a chance to challenge the royal family.

If he wins, he will naturally become the new king.

With such an opportunity in front of us, every Gurungi participating in this game will not quit easily.

"As a whetstone, it must be somewhat useful."

Yes, for Zero, those Gurungi are experience packs used to force Kuuga and Enryu to grow.

To him, these Gurungi only had this existence value.

What? You mean the same race?

Have you ever seen a tiger hooking up with a rabbit and talking about the same species?

"Kikilu Game." Rose Girl raised her hand. The green fang ring inlaid on her fingertips was like a sharp claw, but it was also the key that could upgrade Gurungi's belt.

What's more...the qualifications as a referee and the means to start the game.

"Go." Zero said with a smile: "Also, please remember, if Heaven knows my identity..."

Taking the initiative to activate the energy in his body, Daguaba's aura is compelling. Compared to him before, he is now more terrifying when he is erupting without concealment.

"There is no need for the La Group and this game to exist."

"Yes." Rose Girl nodded in agreement.

If the referee's group is completely wiped out, then the game will not continue.

The game can't go on anymore, so what's the point of Gulungi?

With just one sentence, Zero had already hung up the lives of all the Gurungi except him with a rope.

Hanging in the air, precariously.

Without looking at the direction Rose was leaving, Zero raised one hand and covered half of his face.

In the shadow covered under the palm, the inhuman side was revealed, showing the true appearance of Daguaba at this moment.

"What kind of surprise will you give me?"


Shenshan's house, late at night.

"Ah~ drink~ come and drink!"

The messy wine bottles and empty cans were saying something silently. Tiandao and Ichijo were lying on the sofa, while Wudai was sitting cross-legged on the ground, piling up the empty bottles around him, as if he wanted to make some shape.

"Tiandao-san... I... thank you for trusting me so much." It was really questionable whether Wudai was drunk or not. After all, he was now integrated with the Adamu Spirit Stone. From a biological point of view, he had gradually become inhuman.

No one knew whether he would get drunk again.

"Idiots like you are rare." Tiandao said directly: "You tell others your identity directly without any scheming. You look really stupid."

"But..." Tiandao muttered: "I like idiots like you."

"What about you?" Ichijo was in a much better situation than Tiandao. At least his face was not too rosy.

"Tiandao, what is your reason for fighting?"

"Just fight, why do you have to find a reason?" Tiandao waved his hand and answered nonchalantly: "Does everything in this world require a reason to proceed?"

"Isn't it?" Yitiao looked at Tiandao with a squint.

"Really?" Tiandao also looked at Yitiao.

The two looked at each other in the gaze, and saw their own appearance reflected in each other's eyes clearly.

At the same time, they couldn't help but have a question in their hearts.

At this time, what exactly am I in his eyes?

It's not that they have met each other for the first time. The two of them who worked together under the Nagano Prefectural Police Department, the first meeting that year, but it started with a provocation and a coldness.

"Tiandao-san, Yitiao-san." Just when the atmosphere was getting a little anxious, Tiandao was about to turn into Ah Wei, and Yitiao was about to turn into Brother Jie, Binbin, who was the third person at this time... I mean Wudai, suddenly spoke.

"I want to know what the price of trusting me is." Wudai asked seriously.

"I know that it is impossible for Kuuga to gain everyone's trust with his attitude. I..."

"What do you mean by impossible?" Tiandao interrupted Wudai's subsequent words: "Haven't you convinced Ichijo, Sugita, and me?"

Ichijo didn't say anything, but silently raised his thumb.

This is Wudai's favorite way of expression.

Wudai was stunned, then smiled and raised his thumb.

They didn't say a word to each other, but it seemed that they said everything.



Tokyo at night is still full of lights and wine, like a city that never sleeps, but that was before.

At this time, in the darkness of Tokyo, the most deadly killer is also hidden.

"Cheetah is dead."

The sound that sounds like the whimpering of a beast to outsiders is the language of conversation between Gurongi.

Except for the bat that survived the disaster and the killed Cheetah and Spider, there are not many Gurongi left in Gurongi's Zi Group.

In terms of ranking, it should be the strongest rhino, that is, the one with the strongest body under the human appearance at this moment.

Then, there is the chameleon, with hair like a shower and a distorted expression on his face.

Finally, there is the locust, with superb jumping ability, but there is nothing else to say.

In the end, this is just a group that is higher than the miscellaneous soldiers in Gurongi, and its strength is not too exaggerated.

The three of them are dressed in an unusual way, and they all have black patterns on their bodies.

Although they are different, these signs are the basic characteristics of Gurongi mimicking humans.

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