I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 275 Rose Girl Am I now a human being as you think?

Maybe no one knows what the quantum sea looks like at this moment, but I have seen the scene of the huge waves formed by the ocean composed of molecules, wandering and overturning in the atmosphere of the planet, the Ultimate Sora.

What can the Ultimate do?

Even now, even though I have become the Ultimate, I still don’t know how much I can do.

He just groped and wanted to make everyone change back, so that everyone could return to their original appearance, so he did it with this goal.

He didn’t know if he could do it, but just because he wanted to, he tried to do it, and then he really did it, that’s all.

The ocean composed of molecules spread to the entire planet, and the overturned tide surged in the sky. Everything was reconstructed under the will of the life form called the Ultimate.

The body of the new life form changed, the molecules that constituted the entity began to be reconstructed, and the essence of life also began to be reconstructed at this moment, disintegrating its original abominable posture and making a brand new change in the reorganization.

The green skin of the new life form faded a little bit, and the protruding golden horns of the new life form also dissipated, and the sturdy figure gradually returned to its original appearance in the change.

The city of Tokyo is welcoming a new life. Those people who ran in the streets and alleys and turned into monsters knelt on the ground, covering their bodies while howling, and started a new round of changes.

How did they become monsters, and how will they return to their original appearance at this moment.

The hideous face returned to the human appearance, the sharp claws that broke through the skin also faded a little bit, and the wide eyes returned to their original appearance...

Everyone, at this moment, returned to their original appearance.

The evil thoughts that existed in the mind, the implanted belief of a certain sincerity, also quietly shattered at this moment. Everyone found their own consciousness at this moment and restored their own cognition.

The figure lying on the ground was naked, and it returned to the human appearance from the alien appearance of the new life form.

Although naked, it finally changed from a monster to a human appearance.

Everything that happened around the world was returning to normal in the midst of change, returning from other continents and gradually returning to Kuga's body.

The vast ocean of molecules fell from the sky, like an infinite wave of waves that had broken apart from the sky, suddenly descending, straight down.


The wave of molecules surged, turning the headquarter director, Officer Sugita, and other people who had been alienated by the power of the Wolf King back to their original form, little by little from monsters, back to human form.

It happened right in front of everyone, right under the Wolf King's gaze.

"In a moment..."

Although he still had the greatest imagination of the ultimate power, at this point, the Wolf King still felt that his imagination was too insufficient and still underestimated the ultimate power.

"All the infected bodies on the entire planet have been...changed back..."

The wolf king stared at all this in a daze: "I have been working hard for so long, and it took a lot of time to build everything..."

"How long did it take you to destroy it?"

"Three seconds? Or thirty seconds?!"

The wolf king opened his hands. He could no longer sense the existence of the pathogens scattered around the world, and he could no longer sense any of the new life forms that were induced and corrupted by his infection ability.

Between heaven and earth, under the universe, he could only feel one thing.


Absurdity that could be called a joke.

"Is this... the ultimate?!"

The efforts he had made were completely overturned at this moment, and his actions had not lasted even a minute. The wolf king felt the absurdity, the inexplicability of this world, and even a torture that was like a joke.

What is this? Is everything I have a joke in front of the ultimate? !

Slightly lowering his arms, the black and gold figure flowing through his body gradually faded away. This supreme and noble color disappeared from Kuuga's body, replaced by white armor and the golden young horns that returned to their original state and became weak.

The Ultimate Kuuga, who was the pinnacle of life, had disappeared. What appeared here at this moment was the newborn Kuuga who had returned to his newborn state and faded to white.

However, compared with the previous newborn Kuuga, the newborn Kuuga who retreated from the Ultimate this time had an extra golden glow on his biological armor.

That was different from the newborn, an extra strength.

His knees softened, half-knelt on the ground, and Kuuga supported the ground with his hands.

The earth-shaking in the microscopic world gradually returned to calm with the passing of the Ultimate Kuuga. The flowing molecules no longer maintained their super high activity, but gradually stabilized, returning to their original motionless and stable posture bit by bit, and also gradually stabilized the surging waves on the third planet of the solar system.

But everything has changed greatly compared to before.


Panting heavily, Hsin-sheng Kuuga raised his hand and looked at the familiar faces of those who were still lying unconscious on the ground not far away.

That was the face of them... humans.

"It's... so good."

Mumbling with deep relief, Hsin-sheng Kuuga lay on his back and laughed out loud.


"Don't think you succeeded!"

The wolf king raised his head, and his green eyes flashed with a cold light.

It stood up slowly, still feeling that it still had a chance.

"Kuuga! You are indeed amazing. You also showed me your ultimate power!"

The Wolf King stood up again with high fighting spirit: "The ultimate power will be my lifelong pursuit from now on!"

"I will get that power sooner or later!"

The Wolf King shook hands fiercely.

"But that has nothing to do with you!"

Kuuga exhausted his power and became weak again, which was a great blessing for the Wolf King.

"Your biggest mistake was that you didn't kill me just now!"

The Wolf King raised his hands, wanting to raise his infection ability again and cover the entire field again.

"Repent for your kindness!"

Mobilizing the power of his whole body, the Wolf King attempted to recreate the changes it had caused before.

But this time, the power it had always been proud of did not respond to its expectations. The Wolf King's bent hands were empty, without any power attached.

It just raised its hands, just like that, nothing happened, no change at all.

Wolf King:?

Looking at his ordinary hands and the cracks in his armor, the Wolf King was shocked and involuntarily reached out and grabbed his chest.

Lifting the biological armor, feeling the touch of separation between the armor and the skin, the Wolf King looked at his new, human skin, and cast an unbelievable gaze on Kuuga's body.

"This rain is not over yet."

Kuuga propped himself up and spoke slowly.

"From now on, there will be no more Gurungi in this world."

Wolf King:? ?

"You!!" With a slap on the ground, the sharp claws of the Wolf King shattered. The creature's armor was as fragile as a piece of porcelain. The hand that used to be able to tear out sharp claw marks on the ground now collapsed at the touch of it.

Among the broken creature armor and shattered claws, the Wolf King saw his own snow-white, new skin.

The appearance of this completely human hand caught the Wolf King's eyes, making him so horrified that he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Just by taking a few steps back, the biological armor on his lower body and feet was shattered. Under the old shell that faded away, there was a completely new, perfect human body.

"I mean... from now on, there will be no more Grunge."

Kuuga watched the rain of light falling. The radiance of those luminous particles fell from the sky, and a purifying feast floated across the entire planet.


Covering your face, you feel the familiar appearance falling off bit by bit, feeling the touch of the intertwined down on your cheeks falling off, feeling your face gradually turning into a human appearance...

The Wolf King couldn't accept it. He covered his face and half-knelt on the ground, letting out a sad and angry roar.

"Empty me!!!"

Stretching out her hand and feeling the particles floating down with her fingertips, Rose Girl stared at this grand rain of light.

She was also exposed to this rain of light, and was also bathed in it.

There was no change like the Wolf King's in her body.

Something about her was disappearing as well.

The green barrier energy turned into a wailing grimace and dispersed from her body.


Rose Girl stretched out her hand and caught the rain.

"I finally became a human..."

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