I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 273 271 Then Tiandao appeared and tricked the big move and fell to the ground, and finally l

"Is this your so-called sense of justice and the sense of sacrifice you want to protect?"

Lying on the hilt of the sword, he was in the clouds, only hearing the voice but not seeing the person. The voice of the Wolf King was full of gloating mockery above the ruins. He knew why Gang Dou had fallen to this point.

"Even if they are no longer the people you are familiar with, even if they are now... fighting for me!" The sudden drop in pressure forced the ground. Gang Dou blocked in front of him with his hand, covering the smoke and dust while watching the more and more new life forms gathered around him.

"I am only glad that they were not killed before and are still alive." Gang Dou stood up from the ground with his chest covered. Although he could only see a giant sword that reached the clouds, the annoying voice of the Wolf King continued to echo in his ears.

"Hmph, what a ridiculous idea. In order to protect oneself, even one's own kind can be abandoned." The wolf king snorted coldly: "It's ridiculous that you are bound by such emotions."

"You protected them, so who will protect you now?"

As soon as the words fell, the former of the twins took a deep breath on his high chest, and the sharp blade of his arm was ejected, bringing a handful of cold sword light as he swung.

The moment the blade cut down, it passed the edge of Gangdou's mask, and it was just a little bit away from touching Gangdou's bright red eyes.

He pulled back, but there was still a desperate situation behind him with no way to retreat.

Unlike the flexible new life form that popped out two swords while jumping, the new life form that moved on the ground, that is, the other one of the twins, although there was no weapon in his hand, but the shape of the lower body buried deep in the soil still made it walk on the ground as if it were flat ground. The position of the body changed several times in a short moment, which was dazzling and difficult to distinguish.

The figure walking on the ground suddenly dropped and sank into the earth. Although the surrounding ground was calm, it was just the chaos that had just started, and it was just the calm before the rage.

The speed of the two swords attacking from the front was fast enough to oppress the people breathless, and the other one hidden underground was also involved in the mind, making people have to wonder where the other party would suddenly appear and come hard.

Gangdou held the sword with one hand, and tried his best to resist, which was already a little embarrassing.

With only a single sword in hand, he could not find a gap to free up his hands to use the acceleration ability.

The initiative of the battle was not in his hands. Advance or retreat, stop or go, all depended on the opponent's choice.


But the attack from underground was not what he got for being alert, but the severe pain of a spear thrown from afar.

A moment of error, a moment of change in body shape, and the moment when the two swords passed by each other, Gangdou's chest armor was forced to burst into countless sparks, and he kept retreating, finally half-kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath.

A thin figure suddenly arrived, leaping from a tall building in the distance to here. Gangdou couldn't help but think about who this thin and short new life form was.

But he could see a circle of broken clothes wrapped around its waist.

It was the remaining pieces of suit embedded in the flesh and blood, becoming the remnants of a part of the body, and the fact that the new life form was once a human being.


The next second, a huge black shadow fell from the sky, covering the position where Gangdou was. The huge shadow fell with the whistling sound of broken air, and fell towards Gangdou's head.

It was a piece of steel, a broken piece of the wreckage of Tokyo Tower, thrown by an unknown existence, and fell from the sky across a distance of dozens of meters.

Looking at the increasingly heavy shadow, Gangdou lowered his body, ready to escape at the last moment.


The figure that emerged from the ground grabbed Gangdou's ankle, and the figure that sank into the ground suddenly went down, bringing Gangdou's lower body into the soil, causing half of Gangdou's body to be trapped underground.

The figure that originally planned to leave at this point had to stagnate at this moment.

The threat coming from above was clearly visible, but he was in such a dilemma at this time. Gangdou knew that he had to leave here first before the dust settled, otherwise there would be no need to talk about the follow-up.

The shadow underground who grabbed the ankle had no intention of letting go. At the critical moment, a red sword light flew from a distance, turning into a swift red meteor and piercing straight into the steel.

The red sword body was flowing with strange energy, igniting the entire piece of steel at the critical moment, burning it into red-hot molten iron, dripping down and spilling all over the ground.

The red glowing long sword fell to the ground, and at the moment it was about to touch the ground, it was manipulated by invisible tentacles to fly up to the sky. The sword light that rose from the ground meandered upward along the giant sword and sank into the clouds.

The next second, large pieces of red energy exploded in the sky, dyeing a piece of cloud layer bright red.

The leaping figure fell from the sky, standing in front of Gang Dou, blocking everything in front of him.

"I told you when you can come."

Gangdou breathed a sigh of relief: "You can't make it before this moment?"

"I'm not trying to show off, I just arrived." Tiandao stared ahead, the unpleasant smell of the burning molten iron spread all over the ground made him frown involuntarily: "I just turned back halfway."

"Where's Wudai?" Ichijo asked back.

"He will definitely come." Raising his hand, the lightsaber that flew down from the red clouds flew back and returned to Tiandao's hand, and was grabbed by him.

"Shenshan! Tiandao!"

A roar suddenly appeared above the clouds, and the red clouds were torn apart. The wolf king howled to the sky, jumped down from the hilt, and the sharp claws rubbed against the giant sword to produce violent sparks, and fell to the ground in the overflowing electric light.

The rubbing red claws were swung by the wolf king, and three red claws flashed in the air, and came towards Tiandao and Gangdou together.

The red lightsaber blocked in front of him. Although the sword body resisted this move, Tiandao himself could not bear this force and was knocked out.

The figure that crossed over passed through the air, and finally hit the wall and slid down softly.

"I am very grateful that you can help me stop Kuuga, so..." The other claw pressed on the ground, the wolf king suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly lifted the earth, forcing the floor to shatter. The sudden red light also rose from the ground and hit Tiandao.

"Please die here for me!"

Tiandao was still in severe pain all over his body. Facing the two consecutive attacks of the wolf king, there was absolutely no possibility of resistance at this moment.

Facing the red sharp blades that were forcing him, he had only one end, that was death.

However, even death existed in someone's will at this moment.

If he didn't want it, then even death would be a luxury.

The red claw marks disappeared silently, disintegrating into countless red light particles scattered everywhere. The floating light particles were like a dream, revealing a different scene here.

The figure walking leisurely appeared in front of the wolf king little by little, and the crisp sound of his feet stepping on the ground was imprinted in the wolf king's heart, making the wolf king's mind tremble.


Watching the figure of the amazing all-powerful Kuuga approaching, the wolf king subconsciously shuddered all over, and the whole person unconsciously took a few steps back, obviously with a huge shadow in his heart.

"It's time to end."

The amazing all-powerful Kuuga stood still, his eyes swept around, and looked at those new life forms one by one.

Others may not recognize them, but the amazing all-powerful Kuuga can accurately recognize the appearance of each of their figures.

In the eyes of the amazing all-powerful Kuuga, they are not only new life forms, but also...

"Officer Sugita...Officer Sakurai."

"Ms. Enokida Hikaru, Mr. Gene..."

Accurately recognizing the identity of each new life form, Kuuga put his hands on the belt.

"I'll... let you come back."

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