I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 267 Now that things have come to this, let’s beat up Shenshan Tiandao first (I don’t care ab

After inexplicably waking up, Ichijo not only knew how to use the Steel Fighting Insect, he even knew how to use the power of this body after transforming.

It's as if something is automatically known after wearing the belt, so you only need to use it one by one after the transformation. It's that simple.

So whether it was the shoulder cannons on his shoulders or the current explosive armor posture, although it was his first time to use it, it was not completely unfamiliar.

Time particles spread all over his body, and the world slowed down in his eyes. The accelerated time particles filled his body, causing everything around him to fall into a state of near stagnation, and everything slowed down.

The factory that would have exploded at the critical moment also extended that critical moment to an almost infinite time at this moment.

And he is the only one who lives in such a world.

There is only him, the King of Steel.

From this, Ichijo finally understood why at that time, when Tiandao was fighting the steel bucket transformed by Shiratori, Tiandao was beaten for a period of time.

With such an ability to make fouls, Tiandao was able to find a way to break the game and defeat Shiratori, which seemed so extraordinary.

The bison, with its hands spread wide and exuding intense heat all over its body, took on a different look in Gangdou's eyes. The armor of the Kaito series is very weak in terms of direct physical damage. The most important point is the collapse of atoms.

Direct physical attacks are weak because all damage is added to atom collapse. In other words, those who cannot withstand atom collapse will naturally be destroyed, while those who can withstand atom collapse will be destroyed. No matter how powerful the physical blow is, it cannot cause any harm to the opponent.

This is the advantage and disadvantage of the armor-fighting system.

The high temperature circulating throughout the body is gradually improving the bison's physical fitness, but this improvement is a gain brought about by weakening its internal organs in exchange for the explosion of its bones.

This is what Gang Dou discovered after entering this state and the flowing time particles gave him a unique sight.

Therefore, the bison's body is currently in a state of continuous heating. It would be fine if there is no external force to disturb it. However, once a strong enough external force is exerted on it, I am afraid that once its body temperature gets out of control, it will eventually be destroyed. It's itself.

Having made up his mind and found a suitable way to fight, Gang Dou took off the blue scimitar from his shoulder. With both swords in hand, he combined the two sharp blades to form a pair of blue scissors in his hand. .

【Rider Cutting! 】

When the sound effect is activated, a pulsating electric current appears on the scissors and runs through the whole body of the scissors, adding extra lethality to it and also attaching a new edge to the mouth of the scissors.

It is an attack power that is enough to cut the enemy's body and cause atoms to collapse. It is a special move that wraps around the scissors.

In a world where time particles accelerate, except for the steel bucket itself, nothing will have the feeling that time is experiencing two different flow rates, not even the enemy who is the victim of the attack.

Unless they are knights of the same series, or have the same ability.

Just like what a speedster said.

Only the fastest can deal with the fastest.

The King of Steel Fighter took a long stride and cut the scissors in his hand towards the waist and abdomen of the bison.

The sharp blades opened, and the moment they were about to touch the bison's waist, they suddenly came together. The spreading current swept through the surroundings, cutting off the accelerated time particles, forcing the King of Steel to free himself from the accelerated world, and restore everything around him to normal. normal.

The purpose of steel fighting is not to kill the enemy, but to destroy the balance of the bison's own temperature.

The attack he inflicted was essentially to break the bison's body and let it kill itself.

Gang Dou didn't know whether atomic collapse could kill bison, but he had to give it a try anyway.

"Get out of my way!"

I don't know why the bison were suddenly cut in the waist and abdomen by a pair of large scissors. The bison was in excruciating pain. It was different from the sealing energy applied to them when Kuuga dealt with them, and also different from the explosive power exerted by Yanlong when dealing with them. This The blue Linduo warrior gave him a feeling like a needle prick.

It was like the tip of a needle that penetrated every hole, worming its way into his body bit by bit.

Although it won't cause much harm, it will make it feel uncomfortable and want to go crazy.

Gangdou lowered his head and avoided the bison's sweep. At the same time, he stepped back and the scissors he held in his hands were split into sharp blades again.

As for the bison at this moment, the blue scars on both sides of his waist where he was hit by the scissors were particularly conspicuous. The incisions penetrated deep into the flesh, and green blood flowed down.

The healing ability belonging to the new life form is constantly healing the bison's wounds, but the atomic collapse ability possessed by the King of Steel is constantly destroying flesh and blood, and constantly creating new wounds, no matter what. There is no way this injury will heal.

The super high self-healing ability and the continuous destructive ability are in a stalemate. For the bison, this is tantamount to the greatest torture.

"Ahhhh!!" The bison wailed miserably, covering his waist.


Gang Dou raised his head and was about to stand up again with his two swords in hand, when a plain white hand was placed on his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

"It's time to die." Rose shook her head and pulled Gangdou's body back: "If you don't want to be buried here with it, leave."

Gangdou didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't refuse Rose. Instead, he put the two swords back on his shoulders, restarted the acceleration, turned the tables, grabbed Rose's wrist and disappeared in the factory.

With Gangdou's acceleration ability, he would disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye, and no one would be able to find him.

With injuries to his waist and abdomen, Bison could not move freely. The continuous damage of atomic collapse made Bison unable to control his body freely, and even taking a step seemed difficult.

"Shark... take me..."

The only hope for Bison now is probably the shark who is also fighting side by side with it.

But... from the moment Rose appeared just now, the shark has disappeared and has never appeared again, and it is naturally impossible to appear now.

Only Bison jumped out stupidly and carried everything on his own shoulders.

In the destruction of the burning fire, the factory exploded for the second time, the pipeline collapsed, and the terrifying energy was released. The violent explosion first crisscrossed inside, and the burning flames completely devoured the body of the bison.

In the outside world, with a loud bang, huge fireworks suddenly bloomed in the suburbs of Tokyo. The explosion lit up in the dark night turned into a mushroom blooming on the ground, rising slowly, adding a new round of scorching sun to the city.

Let Hiroshima and Nagasaki couldn't help but praise it.

This vibration made the people living in the shelter even more afraid, and made the already chaotic human world panic again.

Instantly appeared in an open space, Gangdou appeared first, and then appeared with him, and Rose Girl was pulled away by him.

From the moment they left the factory, both parties shuttled forward in the accelerated world, and they came here and stopped.


When he wanted to let go of the hand that was holding the rose girl, she grabbed him instead. Gangdou hadn't yet canceled the transformation, but the rose girl's voice had already come to his ears.

"You said before that you are not Kamiyama Kazuma."


After canceling the transformation and returning from the knight's posture to the human form, Ichijo turned around and raised the hands that were intertwined with each other.

"Why do you know this name?"

Ichijo questioned the rose girl.

"Are you... and Kamiyama Kazuma..."

"When I was active in the super ancient times, he was the Flame Dragon." The rose girl chose to tell the truth.

"He and I will never stop fighting..."


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