I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 252 Fire Angel You can say I'm dead, but you can't say I'm completely hairles

Such a huge change occurred on the entire earth, and the shock felt by all life when the Ultimate was born. All of this not only shocked many lives, but also made the angels and heaven on the Pamir Plateau at this moment. This change is deeply felt.

The rolling black clouds are like rolling scrolls, covering the sky of the plateau where they are located little by little, blocking the day and swallowing up the sunlight.

The indescribable vibration that resounded among all living beings made the Wind Angel and Thunder Angel somewhat familiar, as if they had felt the same mood a long time ago.

But because the two of them were still asleep at that time, they only felt a hint of this feeling while sleeping, but they didn't wake up, so they didn't know what it was.

As an earth angel who has always been awake and paying attention to the movement of heaven and earth, the history of human development and the changes of the planet, he understands this familiar pressure best.


Earth Angel's face became extremely shocked: "This kind of darkness... I have felt it before!"


Tiandao was stunned, then immediately asked: "You mean, someone has become the ultimate?"

"Da Cuba, it should be Da Cuba." Such deep darkness is not mixed with any other incidental dark abilities, but is killing, blood and madness.

You must know that the power of darkness is by no means only killing and devouring, nor is it despair. These are just some of the characteristics of darkness and do not represent darkness.

True darkness is naturally like the Black God, embracing all things, even light blooms in the dark world.

Even if the world is created, it only takes a moment.

The Black God is a great creator, and it is impossible to praise this creator too much in any words.

However, in Daguaba... in this ultimate darkness, there is only bloody killing, only killing again and again, fighting to the death, until the end of life.

In the final analysis, the ultimate power is not qualified to represent darkness itself. At best, it is just the sublimation of one's life essence.

"Quick! Start the transmission ceremony immediately!"

But Daguaba transformed into the Ultimate, which was definitely not good news for the angels.

With Da Guba's indulgence towards the Wolf King, if he wants to defeat the Wolf King, he must face Da Guba!


Ever since we met, Earth Angel has never been as panicked as it is now. Even when it faced a two-on-one decisive battle before, it remained stable and never panicked at all.

But now, Yanlong saw a hint of panic in its eyes.

"Don't look at it! Even if you gather our strength now, I don't know if you can defeat Daguaba!" The Earth Angel said angrily: "Where is the water? Why hasn't it come yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a stream of water rushed out from the floor tiles in front of the temple. It seemed that it was caused by the trek through mountains and rivers. The amplitude of this stream of water was not large, just a little high.

However, this is enough, after all, the water flows downwards.

But this current flows in the opposite direction.

Emerging from the mist, the dry and cold air made Water Angel frown, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over his body.

"Do you have to design your temple here?" Water Angel relaxed his voice: "I didn't put my base in the sea either."

"The angels of the earth didn't put it in the heart of the earth either."

"Okay, just say a few words." The situation was urgent. Feeling the fear caused by the gradually increasing darkness in the sky, the Earth Angel spoke directly: "Shui, you have to join us to inject the power of the four angels into the sacred mountain and heaven! "

Water Angel:?

As if hearing some big joke, Water Angel pointed at himself and then looked at Yanlong beside him. Suddenly, he felt that the world was extremely ridiculous.

"We angels? Give our own power to a human being??" Water Angel laughed angrily: "Earth, I respectfully call you boss, but don't take yourself seriously."

"What you want to do is your own problem. You can give your authority and strength to whoever you want." After saying that, Water Angel pointed at Yanlong and said confidently.

"But you want me to give my power to a human?!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

"Dream your dream!"

"Are you going to ignore the world created by my god?" The earth angel was too lazy to say anything to the water angel: "Even if you vote or choose, all personal wishes must be placed on protecting the world of my god. Under these conditions!”

"Water, I know you hate humans, but even if you hate humans, we must join forces with humans to fight against them!"

If we just talk about angels, Water Angel has countless arguments to refute Earth Angel.

But the earth angel came up and carried out the black god, and the water angel had nothing to say about it.

Even though they hate humans so much, water angels respect and worship the Black God no less than earth angels.

"This is a disaster for mankind." Water Angel made his final resistance.

"But this world is the world of my god." Earth Angel took a step forward without giving in.

Water Angel:…

"Okay." Water Angel nodded slightly and admitted: "Since you really ask for it, I will not refuse."

"O venerable man on earth, I hope you will not regret your actions today." Water Angel said silently: "One day, you will understand how stupid everything you did today was."

"We'll talk about what happens next." The Earth Angel certainly understood what the Water Angel meant, but even so, it had no intention of giving up now.

"I will take all the responsibility. Even if my god revives and holds me accountable in the future, I will take it all."


The Water Angel was waiting for this sentence. No one knew the characteristics of human time bombs better than it.

Even if it helped humans defeat the Wolf King and Daguba now, they still had the possibility of awakening the power of light.

And when that kind of thing becomes a reality, the monsters created now will stand in front of them for humans at that time!

The bitter fruit will eventually be tasted by the angels themselves.

But the Earth Angel insisted on doing so, and the Water Angel waited for the day when it would suffer the consequences.

The Earth Angel took the lead and led the Wind and Water to the temple.

The Thunder Angel, who was still doubting his life, was pulled up by the Flame Dragon and supported into the temple.

After entering, in addition to the statues placed there, there were only seven stone slabs left on the ground.

"In the past, the seven angels sat here together..." Looking at the seven stone slabs and the murals engraved on their backs, the wind angel was slightly silent.

"Why do you still miss so much? The seven seats will never be filled!" The water angel's tone was full of resentment.

"Come on! Yanlong!"

Yanlong had no objection and stepped forward a few steps to stand in the center of the temple.

He looked up at the statue, but could not see any similarity with the wind angel.

"The so-called mountain god is nothing more than the imagination of humans who see my figure, or the people who were saved by me and were about to die." The wind angel seemed to know Yanlong's doubts, and continued to speak while standing on the green stone slab.

"Although it's just a fantasy, I'm really good."

"Humph, don't you get along well with humans?" Yanlong shook his head: "Where is Kuroda Hikaru? Where is she?"

"I put her in the room behind the temple." Wind Angel said, and asked gossipingly: "Your taste is really unique, you actually like this."

"I just treat her as a friend." Yanlong shook his head: "I don't plan to develop anything."

"Really?" Wind Angel slightly shook his head, and said nothing more.

"Get ready!"

The four angels took their positions, and the earth angel opened his five fingers. In an instant, the stone slab under their feet suddenly expanded, from a stone slab to a stone chair, and from a stone chair to a towering stone pillar connected to the dome of the temple.

The earth yellow element is heavy and vast.

The water blue element is stable and manic.

The emerald green element is lively and erratic.

The bright yellow element is broad and fierce.

Four stone pillars stand behind the four angels, symbolizing their identities and their power.

This is a common symbol of power and strength.

Only four of the seven stone tablets were unfolded, and the remaining three were dim and unopened because they lost their owners.

It should be like this.


The blazing fire element suddenly intervened, and as the fifth element, the stone tablet belonging to the fire angel came to the feet of the flame dragon after several changes, and then suddenly expanded, changed its posture, and turned into a fiery red stone pillar, standing behind the flame dragon to protect it.


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