I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 241 Brother Tazi's Ultimate Life Form is Really Strong (Makoto)

"Do you... know something we don't know?"

Tsubaki Hideichi had never heard of the term "ultimate life form" before, and now only Tiandao told him so.

What kind of life form can be called ultimate?

And what kind of existence is the ultimate?

Tsubaki Hideichi didn't know, but he looked at Tiandao, waiting for his answer.

Facing Tsubaki Hideichi's expectations, Tiandao was silent for a moment, and finally chose to speak briefly.

"It is beyond any known species on Earth, whether extinct or alive." Tiandao said: "Even in the mass extinction, it cannot be destroyed."

Tsubaki Hideichi: ...

"Mass extinction of organisms, right?" Tsubaki Hideichi squeezed his eyebrows, with a look of sudden realization: "A devastating catastrophe that can exterminate nearly 97% of species on Earth, the so-called ultimate life form, does it ignore this kind?"

The number of destroying 97% of species does not mean the sum of all species, but... after each species and each group is broken down, it is 97% for this species alone.

In other words, this is not a general number, but a catastrophe that affects every species and every race.

Those who survived were just barely surviving, while more of them were completely overthrown and exterminated in this catastrophe.

In the past, there were many biological overlords on Earth, just like humans today.

But under the mass extinction, all living things are equal.

"Excuse me, I can't imagine what that kind of life form looks like." Chun Xiuyi said bluntly.

"I can't think of it either!" Tiandao replied unhappily: "But even if I can't think of it, that guy doesn't exist!"

"When I think of such a guy as an opponent, I..." Tiandao carefully thought about the wording: "Do you understand? Just like humans need to spend huge manpower, material resources and financial resources to go into space, to build such a large rocket, to need space suits, and to carefully select among humans..."

"But He doesn't need it, the ultimate life form doesn't need it." Tiandao laughed and shook his head: "As long as He wants, he can rush out of the earth and the atmosphere by stomping his feet. He doesn't need any protection and just stands in the universe..."

"Such an existence..."

Although Tiandao is not incapable of doing such a thing in the armor combination state, there is a huge difference between the two in essence.

"...Okay, stop talking." Chun Xiuyi shook his head and looked at Kuroda Guang.

Kuroda Guang understood the meaning of Chun Xiu's look, and immediately leaned down, grabbed Tiandao's arm, and clasped his palms with his, giving him strength.

Although this cold little hand has no temperature at all.

"Don't think too much, that kind of enemy, let's talk about it after it appears." Chun Xiuyi hung an IV on Tiandao: "Thinking about these things now will only add to your troubles."

"You should have a good rest first. This high-intensity battle should be unbearable for you." Chun Xiuyi tried his best to put on a relaxed look. Although he was worried in his heart, he still had to comfort Tiandao on the surface.

This is a skill that a doctor must have.

Tokyo fell into chaos, and Miss Sakurako was not in Tokyo at the moment, but appeared in Nagano Prefecture.

Sakurako, who was invited, came to investigate the super-ancient stone tablets that were moved out of the Jiulangyue ruins. In the museum, the curator gave a hall and regarded it as the place where the Jiulangyue ruins reappeared.

Those stone tablets and sarcophagi were placed as in the ruins.

Although Sakurako has copied many ancient texts for analysis, what is copied and what is actually seen are two different things.

She already knows about the chaos in Tokyo. While she is glad that she is not in Tokyo for the time being, Sakurako also opens the various documents she brought with her, and prepares various tools with the help of the museum assistant.

Searching for the real secrets on these ancient stone tablets, Sakurako wants to unravel the last paragraph, that is, what the prophecy of the ancient text means.

[When the sacred spring dries up, the shrill warrior will appear like thunder. The sun will be buried by darkness. ]

In the ancient texts, there is no such thing as "warrior". This is something Sakurako only understood after interpreting the broken historical records of the Kamiyama family.

Even if the ancient Kuuga defeated the Gurongi, he did not kill them, but sealed them up, and even he himself was sealed.

The ancient text of warrior does not belong to the ancient people, but... the text of Gurongi.

This is the answer after the rubbing of the text is interpreted, but on the stone tablet, through the red ultraviolet light, Sakurako saw the truth hidden under the surface.

The word representing "Warrior" is not the two corners shown on the surface, but on the character belonging to "Kuga", there are two other sharp corners hidden.

In other words, the warrior... that is, Kuga, does not have two corners, but four corners.

The prophecy said that the shrill warrior will appear like thunder, and this warrior refers to the Kuga with four corners, not the Kuga with two corners now.

So... why did Kuga become a shrill warrior with four corners?

The answer is... the sacred spring.

When the sacred spring dries up, the four corners of the sky will appear. He will bury the sun, bury hope, and bring darkness.

This is the true solution to the prophecy, and it is the real answer that cannot be obtained by copying the text.

"At present, both No. 4 and No. 1 have disappeared, and the Metropolitan Police Department has suffered heavy losses. Our reporter here appeals to everyone to avoid going out, stay at home and protect yourself."

"Officer Sugita, what is the situation now?"

"Get out of the way! Don't get in our way! Hurry up! Where is the ambulance!"

"Hold on, Yamamoto, your wife and children are waiting for you at home! Hold on! You can't die!"

"Why are there so many unconfirmed life forms! Can they be killed? Why are there still!!!"

"Where is No. 4? Where is No. 1? Why don't they come to save my child! Where are they!"

"What is the role of the Metropolitan Police Department? What has been gained from the resistance and opposition?"

"Surrendered? Have peace talks? It's time to face the reality! Humans... are no match for unconfirmed life forms!"

Everything played on the TV was deeply reflected in the eyes of someone on the bed. Five generations held the remote control, and his eyes clearly saw everything on TV.

Reluctance, resentment, questioning, blaming.

Grief, death, crying, howling.

The grief of death echoed in the ears, and the whole city was filled with undispellable sadness.

The protection he had been doing all along had become Kuuga's future struggle. Until now, until the scenes in front of him appeared, Wudai suddenly felt that everything he had done during this period of time was completely useless.

The people he had protected during this period of time died several times in just one night.

Didn't Kuuga's fight become a joke?

All the efforts he had made all along were now...

"Don't think too much."

A cold voice came from his ears, with a hint of fatigue, pulling Wudai's attention back.

Pushing open the door of the ward, a woman with a white dress stained with blood, but strangely without any scars on her body, walked in and stood by the bed of Ichijo who was still in a coma.

"It's you!"

Godai knew Rose, of course. He just didn't expect this woman to show up so openly, and...

Although he heard Godai's exclamation, Rose's eyes were all on Ichijo's sleeping face.

Even in a coma, he still frowned and couldn't relax.

Rose leaned down and stretched out her hand to smooth out Ichijo's frown.

"What are you going to do?!"

Godai, who didn't know what Rose wanted to do, suddenly became anxious.

"Leave Ichijo-san!"

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