I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 238 Porcupine I will choose a more straightforward way to die than the original TV version!

After a round of firepower covered it, apart from the bumpy ground, there were only five remaining new life forms.

Although all of them are injured, and each of them is holding their arms or covering their waist and abdomen, it is obvious that they are in bad condition, but even so, these five new life forms are definitely not something that ordinary humans can deal with.

Yanlong released the light and shadow horse in the air. Although he was still in mid-air, he did not hesitate at all and unfolded the [Fire] copybook directly in front of him.

The fiery red figure passed through the killing post, and used the flame fist to pull out a diagonally downward meteor, which directly hit the ground in the center of the five new life forms.


The flame dragon landed on the ground. Not to mention the cracks on the surrounding ground, the rolling flames turned into a fire storm rising from the ground and rising into the sky.

The blazing flames turned into a rolling storm, encompassing everything around them and swallowing them up, leaving no gaps.

Not even a trace of wailing appeared. In the flames that bloomed to the fullest, all evil was purified and all demons were burned clean.

The roaring wind and heat wave blew up a series of ash, which fell everywhere and ceased to exist.

After the blazing fire dissipated, the remaining flames on the ground were still swaying, and the unpleasant smell of the surrounding high-temperature burning ground was still spreading.

In the hot air, the air was also distorted.

Yanlong stood at the center of the explosion. He stood up slowly from a half-crouched position.

Feeling the comfortable environment around him and the new life forms that had been eliminated, Yanlong breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the damage caused was a bit large, it was necessary to eliminate seven new life forms in the shortest possible time.

If he hadn't used all his strength to kill them instantly, once he was dragged into a protracted battle, Yanlong wouldn't know how much time it would take to eliminate these seven guys.

But now, what he lacks most is time.

After the battle, the light of the pale yellow crystal on Yanlong's chest also dimmed several times. It was obvious that the wear and tear of the long-term battle had made the Yanlong armor, which was famous for its resilience, somewhat unable to withstand it.

Looking at the horizon for a moment, looking at the dome of the night sky that was gradually turning white, Yan Long knew that daylight would come soon, but even then, it would only be a clear presentation of everything that happened tonight in front of everyone's eyes.

Neither the Gurungi nor the new life forms are afraid of the existence of daylight.

The sky is about to dawn and the night is about to go. However, as the light of day approaches, the terror from the darkness becomes more profound.

What's more, this is a disaster that will not fall even after dawn, but a doomsday scene that will get worse and worse and will not die out.


The energy reserves of the Flame Dragon Armor have begun to sound the alarm, but what about the Fifth Generation?

Can he hold on?

What about that other side? He also…

At the same time, one of the trio was there.

Although there is no chance to transform into a flame dragon again, Ichijo is by no means the kind of being who will shrink back after losing the ability to transform.

He remains as stable as ever, fighting on the front line.

However, human beings are too weak. Even the newly developed special bullets targeting unconfirmed life forms do not have much effect when facing these new life forms.

Obviously, new life forms and unconfirmed life forms are not the same type of existence. Bullets aimed at unconfirmed life forms will have little effect against these new life forms.

Therefore, the battle in the Metropolitan Police Department seemed extremely difficult. Even with the constant help of Enryu and Kuuga, the distribution was too wide, and the two of them would eventually be unable to survive alone.

Do your best.


Watching Godai riding away on his motorcycle, Yi Yi covered his arms and let out a rare sigh of relief with his back leaning against the police car.

However, the mess around him and the remaining scenes caused by the death of new life forms still made him feel a little nauseous.

The abandoned police car, accompanied by a few rising black smoke and the smell of blood, is enough to show what kind of battle this place has gone through.

Even Godai rushed over to help, but failed to say a few words to him and left in a hurry.

Obviously, the power of the fifth generation is more needed elsewhere.

"New life forms discovered! The number is five! Requesting support! Requesting support! Ahhh!!"

"Report to the headquarters, unconfirmed life forms have been found! The number is one, we are currently in Shi..."

"Someone come to save us! Someone come quickly!"

"Please answer from the headquarters! We are leading the crowd to retreat now, and the new life forms are chasing us! Please protect us! Repeat! Please... uh!"

Various sounds came from the dilapidated police car, and despair and wailing became the theme of the night.

Listening to this harsh sound in his ears, Ichijo's heart dropped infinitely, like a bottomless pit, full of fear.

"A comprehensive attack?"

Leaning against the broken police car, Ichijo raised his head and stared at the dawning sky.

Is the future of mankind going to enter darkness from this moment on?

"call out!"

The moment a whistle was so slight that it was almost inaudible, it was immediately followed by severe pain in the calf.

Gurgling blood fell down, dyeing the ground bright red in just an instant.

By the time he realized it, it was too late. The intense pain made him cover his calf involuntarily. Feeling this piercing pain, he could only lie on the ground in cold sweat, but he didn't scream.

"Really tough." The figure walked over on tiptoe and stepped on the ground, and came to Ichi.

Although it was a human, the killer Matt dress and yellow hair silently explained its identity to Ichi.

"Unconfirmed life and body?!"

Although he was sweating, Ichi still opened his eyes and stared at the man: "You and the new. New life! What!"

"I didn't find it before, now look at your face again." The unknown unconfirmed life raised his foot and stepped on Ichi's chest. The huge difference in power between the two made Ichi seem a little breathless just by bearing this pressure.

"Isn't this Kazuma Kamiyama?"

Simply a sentence, although just an explanation, but it made a flash of thunder in Ichijo's mind.

"Kazuma Kamiyama?!"

The figure he saw in his dream at that time appeared involuntarily in his mind, the man called Kazuma Kamiyama.

Ichijo was still curious about who he was at that time, but now

"Kazuma Kamiyama should have died, and even if he was still alive at that time, he is now just a dried bone!" The unconfirmed life form exerted a little force, and the pain caused by the pressure of the sole of the foot forced Ichijo to return to reality from his memories.

"You said I was Shenshan"

"I'm not." It said, "But this face, you two are exactly the same."

"How annoying."

"Remember, my name is Ge. Galaji. Da." As he said that, the porcupine bent down slightly and took a thin thorn from his necklace: "But don't worry, I won't let you die so easily."

"Blame your face."

The porcupine, looking down from above, was like a victorious general, aiming the thorn in his hand at Yitiao's head.

With a happy smile, it shot the thorn into Yitiao's head.

The thorn was so fine that Yitiao didn't even feel the pain.

If he hadn't seen the porcupine do this with his own eyes, Yitiao wouldn't have dared to be sure that he was attacked.

"In the next few days, you will slowly taste the taste of death." The porcupine put down his paw and took a few steps back: "Cherish your life in these few days, I will watch you enter the countdown of death with my own eyes."

As he said that, the porcupine pointed to his head and turned away with a smug smile.

"Remember, the one who killed you was not me, but Shenshan Yizhen."

Watching the porcupine leave, Yitiao's vision gradually became blurred, and he finally couldn't hold on and passed out.

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