I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 235 Although he had no parents since childhood, some people got anxious when they saw the na

The scorching heat of the fire swept around, and the restless flames lit up most of the darkness in the middle of the night, revealing it in front of Rose Girl.

Such a scorching temperature lit up the surrounding environment brilliantly, and the blazing fire made Rose Girl feel a long-lost sense of familiarity.

Compared with the previous heart, she looked at the transformation of Yanlong as just an ordinary person at that time.

And now, seeing Yanlong transform again, Rose Girl's mentality has changed completely.

The transformed figure is the same as before, the diamonds on Yanlong's body, any weapons, and every aspect are exactly the same as before, without any difference.

Yanlong is still the Yanlong, but the person who becomes Yanlong is not the one Rose Girl is familiar with.

The clenched fist caused the nails to pierce into the palm of the hand. If Rose Girl's physical strength is also unique in Gurongji, then her nails are naturally the strongest weapons that can break through her own defense.

"A very bright fire." Feeling the remaining sparks in the air and a trace of ashes floating in front of her, Rose sighed slightly.

"But I just don't know whether it is the hope of igniting darkness or the afterglow of sinking into the dark world."

"Don't talk to me about those things!" Yanlong roared: "Come and fight if you want to fight! I'm tired of your attitude of relying on your seniority!"

"Even if you don't want to listen, it's your fate." Facing Yanlong now, Rose is still very calm, and has no intention of releasing her weird posture at all.

"You can't escape."

"Don't show your weird posture?" Yanlong stretched out his hand and pointed at Rose from a distance: "Or do you think you..."

"No need." Rose said quietly: "I don't have the posture of a weirdo. Now I am like this, and I will hide my complete appearance in front of you."


Do you think I look like a fool who is easily fooled?

Gurongi has his own true face, and now you say you don't have it?

Why don't you have it?

Aren't you Gurongji?

"A long time ago, my appearance disappeared." Rose girl didn't know what she was thinking, she told Tiandao these things that she had never revealed before: "I gave up my appearance and got the appearance of a real human."

"Human...appearance?" Yanlong was unsure of Rose girl's plan: "But the power you have is obviously..."

"I once made a promise with a man that I would become a real human, and he would get rid of the shackles on his body, and we would become the freest people in the world." Rose girl continued to speak.

"Shenshan Tiandao, you are experiencing what I have experienced with a man."

"Huh?" Yanlong was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

"I am looking forward to your performance." After saying this, Rose girl bowed slightly, turned around without hesitation, and left her back to Yanlong.

Yanlong thought for a moment, chose to take out the flaming dart, threw it out and passed by Rose girl, leaving a scar on her arm.

Yanlong raised his hand and caught the flaming dart.

Rose stopped, and the wound on her arm was healed by her self-healing ability in a short time, and it was restored to its original state.

Yanlong spread his palm and questioned Rose.

"Nothing is more convincing than this, right? Rose!"

She lowered her head and looked at her arm, feeling the pain at that moment and the calmness after healing. Although she lowered her head, Rose's eyes showed unspeakable sadness.

"So I stand here, standing in front of you." She said so.

Yanlong: ...

He is not a fool, and naturally understands the meaning of Rose's words.

Having said this, Rose turned and left again, and this time Yanlong had no intention of stopping her. He watched her leave with the azure goggles. Just looking at her back, he could feel her sadness and pain.

Staring at her figure gradually sinking into the darkness, Yanlong couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

Is the identity of Gurongi a shackle for her?

As she said just now, it is precisely because she is not a real human that she will stand in front of the Flame Dragon again, become the referee of this game, and become one of the many rampant Gurongi.

Real human...

That promise?

It was night, at the Kamiyama family.

Although he was forced to go out to fight and kill during the day, after Daguba came back, he continued to study under the light.

In terms of hard work, Daguba has put a lot of effort.

"The bat found my fragments, but did not return them, but chose to hide themselves?" Pushing his glasses, Daguba dressed like a gentleman: "Do you want to use my power to become an existence that controls the fragments of the ultimate power?"

"Well, there are still many exciting things now." Daguba nodded slightly, but his superb five senses still let it feel the breath of the brand new Gurongi that gradually appeared in Tokyo, belonging to the lineage of the Wolf King.

This means that the Wolf King is no longer hiding, but has begun to send his warriors here and launch a general attack on the human world.

The King of Gurongi is going to formally declare war between the two races and compete for dominance on earth.


However, this is equivalent to a war between two races. To Daguaba, it is still like a joke and not worth mentioning.


"Come here as you come. Come to me. This is too much." Feeling the breath of the large number of new Gurungi rushing towards Nagano Prefecture, Daguba knew who they were coming for. of.

Taking off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Daguba rubbed the corners of his eyes, feeling quite helpless.

I originally retired from the world and stopped killing, but the turmoil continued and it didn't work out what I wanted.

For the sake of the gate of the Shenshan family, it is inevitable that today, there will be blood.

At this time, a certain old man who was supposed to live in Shenshan's house now appeared outside the city and in a forest.

In the dim and lightless forest, only the sound of Kamiyama Taiji stepping on the fallen leaves step by step echoed endlessly as he progressed.

The progress did not stop until Shenshan Taier came to a cemetery and walked in.

Although the leaves are falling endlessly, the door that is repaired from time to time still shows a hint of vicissitudes of life.

After stepping into it, the desolate and desolate atmosphere filled the air, as if there were many people sleeping here, but they were still watching the world silently.

Shenshan Taier kept walking, moving all the way from the direction full of fallen leaves. After passing by a boundary with obviously more gravel, he stopped in front of two newer stone tablets.

Looking at the words engraved on the tombstone, Kamiyama Taiji's mood surged several times, but in the end it turned into a long sigh, integrating all the emotions in his heart and releasing them.

"When you were young, I wanted you to live an ordinary life, and I didn't want you to know my identity at all." Touching the writing on the stone tablet, Taier said: "I didn't expect that such concealment would actually happen. Let you be..."

"Fix the card..."

Those stories belonging to the past are still echoing in the mind of Shenshan Taier. The rubble along the way used to be standing stone monuments, but they were completely destroyed in that battle.

"I thought that starting with you, the Shenshan family would be able to return to normal and not have to live with anything burdened."

Taier's eyes were full of longing.

"But your child still went down this road."

"Your son, he will take over the responsibility of this generation."

Touching the name of his son on the stone tablet, Taier felt sad, and his voice was mixed with pain.

"Yuan, I hope you and Keiko can tell the ancestors of the Shenshan family..."

Brushing over the four words "Origin of the Holy Mountain" and the name of "Kamiyama Keiko" on the tombstone, Taier murmured to himself.

"Yanlong, there is a successor."

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