I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 224 The three archangels can do whatever they want on the Kuuga Studios, except this one (Ra

Ordinarily, the general would not appear here.

Compared to the other Gurongis who are eager to participate in the game and become stronger, the general is really not in a hurry.

After all, even if the ranking is based on the order of participation in the game, the general should be the last.

In the Ge Group, the general is the undisputed strongest.

This kind of strength is a crushing superiority over other Gurongis of the same evaluation, and no one can match it.

It should have been like this.

But... after those guys that it looked down on reappeared with a greatly changed appearance, and after feeling the aura of the other party that was originally like an ant and became a little tricky for it, the general faced the increase brought by this power.

Originally, it was thinking about the changes in Kuuga.

For Gurongi, Kuuga's basic four forms are not a new thing. They have been shown in the super ancient times, so everyone is familiar with them.

But... the sublimated posture shown above the four basic forms is a posture that the Gurongis have never seen.

So how did this appearance appear? How did Kuuga get this power?

This became the truth that the general wanted to find out.

If Kuuga could make himself stronger with such power, then Gurongi... no, I should say, of course I can become stronger.

The general thought so and did so.

However, before finding out what Kuuga's power was, the power called Agito that was exposed to the Gurongi had already sublimated the Gurongi.

This power came from the gift of the Wolf King.

The general was still a little skeptical about whether to accept this power.

The power given by others was definitely not without a purpose. The general firmly believed that the Wolf King must have done something in it.

It thought so.

But when Gurongi took on this power and became stronger, those guys who were looked down upon by themselves and those who were not as good as themselves became stronger one by one, and even approached themselves one by one...

Everyone was making progress, but only he had no changes.

It was impossible to say that the general didn't care about this.

However, the wolf king seemed to know what the most taboo of the general, the Ge Group, was. It sent out the vulture and let the vulture personally convey its meaning to the general.

The vulture handed over a dial to the wolf king, which was a new dial that the wolf king had bred after absorbing the dial of Agito.

"This is the carrier of the power of Agito."

The vulture conveyed the words of the wolf king: "The power of Agito exists in every Gurongi's body. The difference lies in whether someone can awaken it."

The vulture stopped talking here. After delivering the Agito dial, its mission was completed, and naturally there was no need to stay here.

And facing something that the general could not understand, this small dial, after struggling in his heart for several times, the general finally chose to... accept it.


Therefore, the general who also awakened the power of Agito also looked very different from his past appearance.

The originally black body added a little golden lines, revealing a trace of noble extraordinary on the black body.

The big horns that appear after everyone receives the power of Agito did not appear on the general, but the original head shape remained.

This is not because it did not receive it perfectly, but because it accepted this power, but used it to strengthen itself, instead of being dominated by this power and losing itself.

Perhaps the only difference is that the iron hoop on the general's head has turned dark gold.

It is like a golden hoop, put on the general's head.

In front of the golden hoop, that is, on the general's forehead, two small horns slightly bent upwards set off the general's original horn.

The biggest change is the general's belt.

The silver leather belt, which is both the skirt and the belt, is infused with the power of Agito, making the general's belt much thicker.

Even on the square belt, there are left and right hooks, one up and one down, with the spiked tail facing the left and right sides respectively.

This is very similar to Agito's belt, the only difference is that there is no core of Agito's belt, and it cannot stimulate light to become a high-beam dog.

(PS: High-beam dog: refers to the belt that emits a very bright light when Agito transforms, just like turning on the high beam at night.

Blind your dog eyes: JPG)

The original black leather buckle was also dotted with gold at this moment, and compared with the original plainness, it has a touch of luxury.

The best of Gurongji, the general of the Ge Group, which is second only to the En Group (Royal Family) and the La Group, is the strongest in the Ge Group.

After obtaining the Agito dial given by the Wolf King himself, no one knows what the general's current power has reached.

But the Water Angel and the Thunder Angel, the two sides joined forces to fight the general, but they could only get a stalemate.

Even if the flowing water mist turned into a torrential rain and fell, it would be difficult to cause much damage to the general.

And every golden bolt of thunder from the Thunder Angel enveloped the general and made him more energetic.

Those scattered thunderbolts were not wasted at all, and were completely swallowed up by the general.

Even the general's body became a little strange under Thunder's indoctrination.

"Is it my imagination?" Thunder Angel inserted his trident into the ground. He had just used it to hit the general's head with five consecutive lightning bolts. He was still out of breath at this moment.

Without the cooperation of the Wind Angel, and due to the lack of authority of the Water Angel, the Thunder Angel almost ended up in the predicament of thundering on dry land.

It even has to wait for the water angel to summon the clouds and rain to form a match with it.

"I always feel like the more I strike, the more powerful it becomes?" Looking at someone who was unharmed in the thunder, Thunder Angel said with some confusion: "Can it actually ignore the power of thunder and lightning and the authority of destruction?"

"Why are you talking so much?" Water Angel raised his hands, and with great effort, he raised a waterspout from behind that connected heaven and earth.

Due to lack of authority, doing this on flat land that was not the sea almost took away the power of the water angel, but fortunately, he still managed to resist with difficulty.

"No matter what, anyone who touches this power should die!"

It is no secret that Gurungi is a mutated human being, and Water Angel certainly understands it.

Therefore, its attitude toward Gurungi is the same as its attitude towards humans. It is best to die as soon as possible.

"Then try again!"

Thunder Angel was not sure whether it had thought wrong. Raising its trident, it summoned the thunderclouds in the sky again. In the rolling clouds and rain, the roaring flash accumulated power, waiting for Thunder Angel's order. Drop a flash of light that destroys everything, destroying everything.

Under the thunderous punishment that was about to destroy everything, the general looked calm.

Raising its head slightly, it stared at the terrifying power gathering in the sky, and also felt the gradual emergence of... a power equal to the golden power of Kongga within its body.

"I see...Kūga...is this your new power?" The general seemed to understand where Kuuga's new power came from, if he realized something, "This is a power that has always existed, and has always existed in the sky! "

"It's just that for Gurungi, the thunder falling from the sky is too terrifying and he can't bear it at all."

The general actually also understood that if it hadn't combined the power of Yajituo to make itself stronger, the Thunder Angel's destructive lightning would never have been able to withstand it before.

But now, it not only resisted, but even felt a brand new power from the thunder angel's moving arc.

This is another opportunity to become stronger.

When he thought of this, the general couldn't suppress his inner joy.

Standing motionless, it prepared its defense, waiting for the moment the thunderbolt fell on its head.

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