I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 222: Kamiyama Ichijin (Part 2) [At that time, I was still called Taiyi]

Chapter 222 Kamiyama Isshin (Part 2) [At the time of Kamiyama Taier, I was still called Taiyi...]

"Are you the newly selected Yanlong of this generation?"

When they met for the first time, she showed her cheeks stained red with blood, as if she had a beard painted on her face, which made her look particularly special.

Miaoman's figure showed the beauty of a human being, rather than being abominable like a monster, so much so that when he saw her for the first time, Yizhen couldn't tell who she really was.

But the madness and killing imprinted in those golden eyes still gave the two people who met for the first time a clear understanding of each other.

There is no possibility of reconciliation between generations of hatred.

One is a terrifying existence under one person on the Gurungi side.

One is the newly arrived Flame Dragon who will protect the common people.

The first time the two sides met, a war was about to break out.

"Witch!" Yizhen shouted angrily, adhering to the grudges between the two enemies.

"The revenge of the previous generation of Yanlong! I'm coming to find you!"

"If you can do it, give it a try! The Flame Dragon of this generation!" With a sneer, one hand turned into a spreading vine, and instantly touched the ground. The crisscrossing vines spread underground, heading towards the Flame Dragon. Go to your location.

"Witch! I want you to show your true colors!"

With his whole body burning with flames, Isshin strode toward the opponent.

That was the first collision between them. Just like an ordinary story, good and evil, good and evil, the two sides meet, without any reason, they will definitely fall into a deadly fight.

There is no reason to fight, because one is Gurungi and the other is Flame Dragon. They have been feuding for generations and it is natural to kill each other.

"Well done!" Patting Isshin on the shoulder, the village chief said with a smile: "But it's not enough! You just repelled the opponent this time, not killed him!"

"Just fighting back is not enough, you have to make sure you can kill her! You must kill her!"

"Isshin! You have to do better!"

"Yes!" He echoed loudly, not daring to show his satisfaction with his performance. Instead, he humbly accepted the warning from the village chief, determined to become stronger, and try to kill the opponent next time!

"If you can kill the Flame Dragon once, you can kill it a second time!" In Gulangi's station, with Daguaba absent as usual, other Gulangi from the same level, namely the La Group, faced Rose Girl. said.

"He's just a guy who was hastily selected by the Fire Village! How could you not be able to deal with him?!"

"Kill him! You have to kill him!"


After a vine whipped the opponent into the air and forced the opponent's mouth to close, Rose Girl had a cold expression on her face.

"You don't need to talk." She said coldly: "Next time we meet, I will definitely kill him!"

No one knows how many times the battle went on after that. The battle between Rose Girl and Kamiyama Kazuma, from the first meeting, to the daily battle, to the continuous grievances between them. The entanglement has become completely inseparable.

"It's still not enough, Yizhen. It seems that in my lifetime... I won't be able to see you... defeat..."

"Rose Girl, why did you come back empty-handed? You failed again!"

"Yizhen! Why are you still empty-handed! Do you think she is everything to Gurungi? No! She is not important! The king of Gurungi is important!"

"If you can't defeat her, how are you going to defeat the King of Gurungi?!"

"Rose, our ultimate goal is to break through the Fire Village and destroy the entire village, and the Flame Dragon is the target that must be destroyed."

"Aren't you known as the strongest under Daguaba? Why can't you win this time?"

"If it were Daguaba, the winner would be decided in no time~"

"Isshin...I am no longer...important...now you are Yanlong!!"

"Protect the village...protect...everyone...protect..."

"Pegasus! Pegasus!!"

"Very good! Kill the Kamiyama Pegasus. If you kill Kamiyama Isshin again, the Fire Village will..."

"Rose?! Wait! What are you going to do?! You!!"

The fists he waved were bound by shackles, and his desire to kill was no longer pure.

The grudge vs. fire village feud?

That's not important anymore, what's important is...how long will this battle, the battle between two people, the battle between two races, last?


That was the first question that the two sides asked after the first meeting, apart from a simple fight, without any active words.

"Why are you fighting?"

If it were the beginning, whether it was Yizhen or Rose Girl, they would have only one answer to this question.

The hatred lasts for generations and will never end.

However, now, when Yizhen asked this question in a confused tone, he was no longer the original Rose Girl and did not give that answer.

"For Gurungi."

She said as she brought down the vines, causing a series of explosions.

"What about you? And for what?"

The flames all over his body were condensed into his fists and smashed to the ground. The raging flames filled the surrounding area, creating a wild riot.

"For responsibility."

After a few simple conversations, the two sides once again engaged in fighting, as always.

But the two people in the battle already had a slight understanding of each other.

For Gurungi, but not for myself.

For the sake of responsibility, it is not what I want in my heart.

The hatred of generations, the two people were pushed to the stage under the general trend, and their personal will was as small as ants in the accumulated hatred of this generation.

Therefore, although the battle is still going on, the hearts of the two have reached a resonance at this moment.

Yizhen/Rose Girl: When will this war end?

How long will this feud last?

Could it be that... personal will really doesn't matter at all under this kind of generational hatred?

"So, you just think too much."

The young man holding a piece of grass in his mouth and leaning happily on the thatch said: "Where was your cheerfulness before? Now you have a miserable face all day long, and you can't even laugh."

"Hey, I told you a long time ago not to go to that selection meeting. You can stay as far away from the temple as you want, but you just didn't listen."

Jumping up from the thatch pile, the man patted Yizhen on the shoulder: "Look at you, before, we brothers were still mocking the previous generation Yanlong for having a straight face all day long, and he was very sad every day. As a result, Aren’t you like this now?”

"... Yanlong should be a Pegasus." Yizhen squirmed and said this: "I can't defeat that woman. I let everyone in the village down."

"Taiyi, do you think I am..."

"Bullshit!" The man named Shenshan Taiyi waved his hand arrogantly: "The decision to choose you is the Divine Stone. Isn't this more suitable than those guys who were selected by Zong Zheng and the clan leader to inherit Yanlong?"

"Why, the previous generation of Yanlong was killed by that woman, but you are able to fight her until now. Isn't this too much force?"

"Who dares to accuse you?! The village chief? Zong Zheng? Or those elders?"

"They know nothing about Yanlong!"

Kamiyama Taichi patted Yizhen on the shoulder: "So don't expect too much, you have done well enough."

"..." Yizhen remained silent and did not give an answer.

"Taiyi." After a long silence, Yizhen finally spoke: "I regret that I didn't listen to what you said."

Kailash Taiyi:?

"Becoming a Yanlong means abandoning oneself, abandoning personal emotions, abandoning all fetters, becoming a fighting tool, and fighting for the sake of justice." Yizhen closed his eyes.

"Is this the Flame Dragon..."

"The...Guardian of the Fire Village?"

"The reason why I didn't listen to your advice and not participate in the selection was because I still harbored the illusion of becoming a Yanlong."

"And when your fantasy comes true, you will be happy, right?" Taichi Kamiyama looked at his haggard friend in front of him: "So, what about now?"

After a while of silence.


Closing his eyes, Yizhen said softly: "If you go to participate in that selection, the person who will become Yanlong must be you."


He paused.

"I will leave my life to you to free it."

"Do you regret it?" Shenshan Taiyi said.

"I don't want to become Yanlong." Yizhen suddenly opened his eyes.

"I want to be myself."

"I am Kamizan Isshin, not Flame Dragon."


He suddenly woke up from his dream, with a frightened expression and abnormally panicked eyes. He seemed to be unable to realize what the situation was, and looked at the wall in front of him in vain.

The ticking sound of the clock brought back his sense little by little.

"Dream..." He murmured softly, and his chest that was gasping for breath gradually calmed down.

He was covering his head, still a little confused for a moment.

"Kamiyama Isshin..."


"Who is it?"

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