I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 218 The Flame Dragon defeating the Undead Beast made me feel like I was back home. (Sword Ri

The leaping electric light lingered on the black sword, dyeing the sword edge azure blue. In the constantly accumulating power, it raised its strength and prepared to output power to the maximum extent.

On the side of Yanlong, for some reason, the [Slash] character wrapped around the flaming knife was more active than ever before.

Tiandao had released the Demon Sealing Slash many times, but never felt like today.

It was as if... the Demon Sealing Slash couldn't wait to be released and kill the opponent.

There was no reason for this change. Although Tiandao was temporarily puzzled, as long as he continued and released his power, he would know the answer.


Dragging the black sword, the galloping figure was like a swift blue stream of light, flashing in everyone's eyes.

The violent electric light brought a handful of afterimages, and the agitated earth and rocks rushed forward along the charred traces, heading towards Yanlong.

The blade was deflected, and a ray of light flashed on the azure goggles. The Flame Dragon roared, and the Flame Knife slashed from top to bottom. The blazing red knife light flew out from the Flame Knife, tearing the earth and igniting the air.

The smell of burning accompanied by the crackling explosion sound was endless.

Facing the light of the Flame Knife, the Long-Horned Giant Beetle did not dodge, but raised the black sword in his hand and slashed down. The blue arc of light drew a semicircular arc and collided with the Demon Sealing Slash.


There was no earth-shaking explosion, no movement that destroyed the surroundings. The venerables and leaders of the major tribes who were ready to welcome the impact were surprised to find that the collision of the two must-kill weapons did not produce any violent explosions. Instead, they were both deadlocked together, forming a confrontation.

The strange aura emitted by the Demon Sealing Slash continued to spread to the surroundings, causing many undead beasts who had not yet emerged, or other tribes, to show some strange expressions.

"This power!"

But as a person who experienced it firsthand, the Hercules Beetle felt more clearly when facing the Demon Sealing Slash: "You are!!"

Before the words were finished, the Demon Sealing Slash passed over the sword edge, and the red blade energy passed through the body of the Hercules Beetle.

Although the blade energy passed, a faint red circle remaining on the body of the Hercules Beetle was clearly revealed.

Not only that, in this red circle covering the whole body of the Hercules Beetle, there is also a strange "s"-shaped symbol, which divides the entire circle into two parts.

That is the seal left by the Demon Sealing Slash when it killed the demons. This symbol only appears on the bodies of those demons that can be sealed.

This is the Demon Sealing Slash. When encountering a being that can be sealed, it will trigger this seal mark.

For those that cannot be sealed, the Demon Sealing Slash is the most fierce ultimate move.

Slay the evil and eliminate the monsters, without mercy.

However... this kind of seal mark is also the first time that Tiandao has encountered it.

But the instinct deep in his blood, or in other words, on this armor, makes him know what to do naturally after seeing the seal mark appear.

Lowering his body, the Flame Dragon soared into the air. While still in mid-air, another ultimate move appeared in front of the Flame Dragon with the inscribed [Fire] character.

[Flame Fist]

The voice of the armor suddenly sounded, announcing the name of this ultimate move.

The red body of the Flame Dragon passed over the [Fire] character and penetrated through it. The red phantom fell diagonally from the sky, and the blazing fist carrying the scorching flames fell on the body of the Halberd beetle.

The Flame Dragon passed over the seal and passed over the Spear Beetle. The Flame Dragon, who was half-crouching behind the opponent, slowly stood up and felt the first real sealing ceremony performed by this armor in this world.

"How could you... possibly... have..."

The Spear Beetle seemed to want to turn around, but at the moment when the seal mark was detonated by the Flame Fist, the body of the Spear Beetle had been completely destroyed by the power of the Demon Sealing Slash and the Flame Fist, and it was destroyed.

But feeling the destruction in the body, the most unbelievable thing for the Spear Beetle was Tiandao.

"You and the Fire Village... you!!"

Before the subsequent words were finished, the Spear Beetle's body suddenly exploded. The violent explosion that should have occurred under the collision of the two forces was constrained in a small red light circle.

No matter how many explosions there were, no matter how much terrifying power was compressed back, so that it was immediately restrained after the expansion of the explosion. In front of a group of different races, the Spear Beetle became a card.

A card that was suspended in the air and quietly rotating.

The appearance of this card caused some exclamations from the many races watching, which seemed to be amazement, panic, and disbelief.


The one who made the biggest noise was the Water Angel who had originally calmed down on the high platform.

Even in the face of the accusations and suspicions of the Earth Angel, the Water Angel could maintain a calm attitude on the surface.

But after the appearance of this card, its face changed and it looked extremely unbelievable.

"Why, can't you understand?" However, the shock of the Water Angel was already expected by the Earth Angel.

"At the beginning, the stone tablet transformed into an undead beast, and it completed its mission because of this, so I ordered the life on earth to destroy the stone tablet."

"Even the undead beast transformed by it also waved the butcher knife at it."

"But the undead beast is immortal." Water Angel looked gloomy, and then added: "The stone tablet was destroyed, but as time passed, the conflict between the undead beast and many races became more and more intense. environment, more and more conflicts have broken out.”

"That's not what we should talk about now." Earth Angel interrupted Water Angel's long speech and chose to speak briefly.

"You probably haven't forgotten how the undead beast was sealed, right?"

Water Angel:…

"The Village of Fire used the fragments of the stone tablet to create a sealed instrument, ending the legend of the undead beast." Although the Water Angel was silent, the Thunder Angel was the one to answer the question and told the fate of the undead beast.

"And Yanlong... was a legend spread in the Village of Fire at that time."

"The Flame Dragon of the Fire Village has sealed the undead beast that was sealed by the Fire Village. Is there any problem?" Tu Qiong saw that Earth Angel's words finally let Water Angel know why Earth Angel must kill me. He Yanlong came over.

It turns out that the purpose is not to find a representative for humans, but to scare the undead beasts.

To warn me?

"This is the second time." Earth Angel's plain words sounded at the right time.

"Hand over all the seal cards in your hand."

The earthly angel opened his hands.

"Remember, that's all."

Water Angel:…

Staring down in front of him, he put it in his hand and put it on his belt. He turned the card into light particles and absorbed it into the belt Flame Dragon. The water angel felt as if all his strength had been drained away.

"Are my every move under your surveillance?"

Facing Water Angel's dazed inquiry, Earth Angel sneered and didn't care about the question.

"You were once an archangel who had all the authority over water. At that time, wouldn't you know everything that was happening in all the underground water, lakes, and oceans in the world?"

Earth Angel's words were heart-wrenching, especially the sentence: I had it before. It even stabbed Water Angel's heart forcefully.

"Yeah... I can't hide anything that happens on the ground from you." Water Angel laughed at himself: "No more, all the seal cards, the seal cards in my hand, have been released by me!"

"The extreme battle ten thousand years ago... No, it should be said that the war of hundreds of tribes is about to start again! So how can the contestants still be sealed?!" Now that Earth Angel already knows, Water Angel no longer hides it.

"I've released them all!"

"The remaining seal cards, even me..."

Before the next words were finished, Earth Angel intervened forcefully.

"So, I invited Yanlong to come over."

Earth Angel said word for word.

"Seal the undead beast again."

PS: Undead Beast: The fifth Heisei game, a sword-riding monster.

Halberdaceae: The Ace of Spades in the seal card. Never appeared in the original work.

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