I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 204 Melina Shenshan Taier, who are you? (Taier, you look familiar)

"Can you please stop looking at me like that?"

Sitting cross-legged in front of the table, at a glance, most of the people who are familiar with Tiandao are here.

Regardless of whether it was Godai or Ichijo, even Kuroda Hikaru and Godai's sister, Godai Minoru, also came here.

So at a glance, Taiji, Rei, Godai Yusuke, Ichijo Kaoru, Sawado Sakurako, Godai Minoru and Kuroda Hikaru were all gathered in the main hall of the Kamiyama family, waiting for the words of heaven.

But...Zero sat opposite Tiandao, looking at Tiandao with his fiery eyes. The emotion that was about to escape from his eyes was not concealed at all, but burst out directly, all over his eyes.

But this kind of look made Tiandao feel on pins and needles, making him feel uneasy all over.

"It's just that I haven't seen Mr. Tiandao for a long time, so I feel a little happy." Zero shook his head, with a smile on his lips: "Of course it is worth being happy that Mr. Tiandao appears again."

"Okay." Taiji Kamiyama, who was sitting in the top seat, spoke immediately and steered the matter on the right track: "Tian Dao, please tell me where you have been during this time."

"If you can't tell me why, our Shenshan family's family methods are merciless." Taier Shenshan squinted his eyes and turned his head slightly to look at Tiandao.

"The most taboo thing in our Shenshan family is disrespecting the elderly and caring for the young!"

"If you don't buy food for you, you won't respect the old and love the young, right?" Tiandao complained just right: "How come I haven't heard of it since I was a kid? Our Shenshan family still has such a rule?"

"I just added it half a month ago." Taier snorted coldly: "What, you are not convinced?"

"I am the head of the Shenshan family!"

Tiandao rolled his eyes and was too lazy to say anything to Tai Er, a bad old man. Instead, he took out a photo from his pocket and took it on the table.

Suddenly, everyone was attracted by the photos on the table, and kept sticking their heads out to look at them carefully.

"So many people?"

Godai put his hands on the table. Although he didn't know the other people in the photo, he could feel the contagiousness when he looked at everyone's smiles.

Obviously, the people in the photo were happy when they took this photo.

"I don't know anyone except Tiandao." As she said that, Sakurako stretched out her hand and pointed at the two staring guys in the photo: "The two of them look very similar to Tiandao and Ichijo."

"How do they look alike?!" The two said in unison. After the double questions rang out, they both spoke at the same time.

"Don't always imitate me!"

Listening to the repeated words of the two people, everyone couldn't help laughing for a while.

Although the two of them had no feelings for themselves, in the eyes of outsiders, they were typical examples of duplicity.

"I have to say that Mr. Tiandao is still very lucky." Godai smiled happily. Although she did not have any romantic feelings for Tiandao, she was still very interested in this brother's friend.

Neither party is the kind of person who would stalk each other. Since neither of them has that kind of interest, they will naturally not try to develop in that direction, but will openly become friends.

Pointing to a woman in the photo who had one hand hooked on Kado Yaji and one hand hooked on Kado Yaji, Godai Minoru continued: "It seems that she should have the best relationship with Mr. Tiandao and this gentleman, right?" ?”

"The relationship between me and that guy is not good." Tiandao crossed his arms and said nonchalantly: "To put it bluntly, my relationship with that woman is not bad."

"Woman?" The photo spread out on the table was taken over by an old arm. Taier ignored the astonishment of others. Holding the photo in both hands, he looked at everyone on it carefully.

And these people are not strangers to him.

"These guys are the people you met after you disappeared?" Taier asked, and then his eyes were fixed on the woman beside Tiandao, whose hood was lifted by him.

In this photo, her temperament stands out the most.

Moreover, the surprise in her originally out-of-place demeanor at that moment after her hood was taken off gave her a sense of harmony.

But that face always gave Taier a familiar feeling.

"This woman...why does she look so familiar to me?" Taier murmured, his eyes locked on Melina without blinking.

"I always feel like I've seen it somewhere..."

When Tiandao heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes.

"When you see a beautiful woman, just say you have seen her, right?" Tiandao snatched the photo back and complained: "Come on, come on, tell me, how did you meet her?"

"I just have this feeling." Taier stroked his beard and said again: "Give me the photo and I will take a look."

But Tiandao was not such an easy person to get along with. He raised his hand upwards, with no intention of handing it over to Tai Er again.

"Okay, grandpa, you already have enough acquaintances." Tiandao continued.

"Let me go quickly!"

Taier did not speak, but muttered something, and then fell into deep thought, as if he really wanted to find her existence in his memory.

"This one is called Kado Yaji. He is also called Kamen Rider-Emperor among them." Tiandao pointed to the person in the photo who was glaring at Kaito Daiki: "The one who doesn't want to deal with him is called Kaito Daiki. Itsuki is also Kamen Rider - Final Knight."

"Are they all special warriors like Flame Dragon and Kuuga?" Ichijo raised his head and looked at the sky and asked: "Could it be that they also have people like Gurungi..."

"Yes, those are a group of guys who are no less troublesome than the Gulungi." Tiandao nodded: "But it took me a lot of effort to save the world with them."

"This is Mitsumi Natsumi, from Kado Yashi..." As he spoke, Tiandao winked. Although he didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that he understood what he wanted to express.

Everyone understands.

"What about this one?" Yingzi pointed to a corner of the photo: "It feels like he is all alone. He looks so pitiful."

"As expected of Sakurako! He recognized Kuuga at a glance!" Tiandao clapped his hands and was very happy: "His name is Onodera Yusuke, and he is another Kuuga."

"Another...Kuaga?" Godai asked in surprise: "Does there be another Kuga?"

"It's normal. After all, isn't Yanlong also replaced?" Tiandao shrugged, still not planning to tell him that he had traveled across the world.

"That's right." Wudai nodded. He fully trusted Tiandao and did not have any doubts about Tiandao's words. Instead, he believed it directly.

"But... Kadoya Shi..." Godai frowned: "I always feel like I have seen his face before."

"It's a bit familiar..."

Although he looked familiar, Godai thought that he had never met Kadoya Shi, and he had no impression of his existence in his memory.

But this familiar feeling at a glance...

Fifth Generation pondered, following in Tai Er's footsteps, he also began to meditate silently.

"What about this one?" Zero pointed at the last person in the photo, with excitement on his face: "I feel like she looks very strong!"

Even though nothing could be seen through a photo, Zero's superb instincts still allowed him to detect the aura of a strong man.

This woman... feels like a being who can fight with him!

"As for this... I'm not very familiar with it." Tiandao shook his head: "Her name is Melina, and I don't know what she does."

"You don't know?" Kuroda Hikaru finally spoke: "You don't know, why are you holding her hand?"

When Tiandao heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes.

"Please, was it me who held her hand and wouldn't let go? It was her who held my hand and wouldn't let go!"

Kuroda Hikaru:?

A group of melon-eating people:?

"Melina?" After hearing this name, Tai Er shouted loudly as if he remembered something.

"I remembered!" Tai Er stood up from the chair and shouted, "I know who she is!"

After the excitement, what appeared on Tai Er's face was deep confusion.

"That's wrong...she shouldn't appear in this world..."

"Melina...she should be dead."

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