I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 194 Anyone holding the Satan Sword will eventually be stabbed to death by the Satan Sword (s

Although the wrist was caught and the sword could not be slashed, Tiandao was not without a way to deal with it.

Compared with the revolving staff that emits blue sword light, the new revolving staff constructed by Tiandao by understanding the structure of the revolving staff and using his will may not be as powerful as the original version for Tiandao, but it is definitely easier. Being manipulated by him.

The originally solid sword body instantly collapsed and turned into energy that floated away. The energy moved due to the will of Heaven and soon regrouped behind Shadow Moon and materialized again.

The red lightsaber blade was controlled by mind and stabbed Shadow Moon's back in the heart.

Sensing the changes behind him, Yingyue still made no move, neither dodging nor evading. Even though the shining red sword fell on him, it was blocked by the silver armor and could not enter his body or break through the surface. defense.


Shadow Moon snorted coldly, feeling the impact on his back, and said with considerable disdain: "I've already told you, Shadow Moon is no longer something you Kamen Riders can defeat!"

"Do you think Overhaul Card doesn't have any precautions against Black Rx?" Shadow Moon ignored the spinning staff behind him: "Don't forget! The ones who are most entangled with Black Rx and know him best are us!"

"Really?" Tiandao nodded slightly: "So I don't expect this move to cause any harm to you."

"But I transformed just to offset the difference in basic attributes between the two of us. If you really think that's all I have, then you are... wrong!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a different kind of flame appeared on the red swing staff. The raging fire suddenly ignited the entire sword body, making the swing staff, which was originally a lightsaber, look like a burning Just like a stick.

The fire of consciousness is burning brightly. Although this body is not a flame dragon, the power hidden in Tiandao's body will not change.

"This is it!" Shadow Moon can really ignore the whirling staff that is simply an imitation of the whirling staff with reduced power.

But when additional power that doesn't belong to Kamen Rider is added to this sword, Shadow Moon can no longer ignore it.

Even through the silver armor, Shadow Moon could feel the scorching power.

"It's this power again!" Shadow Moon felt resentful in her heart: "Is this power... completely unknown outside of our overhaul card?"

"No, you thought wrong." Tiandao said again: "You mistakenly thought that there are only these Kamen Riders you know, but you ignored the fact that there may be more Kamen Riders."

"There is no such thing as the power of all knights in this world." No. 1 leaped through the air and landed firmly beside Shadow Moon: "Although the history of the knights started with me, the future of the knights will not end one day. ”

"As long as the world is in danger of destruction, a new Kamen Rider will appear to save it!"

Number 1 stretched out his hand and shook it heavily in front of him: "There will be no full knight power! Because the history of the knights will never end!"

"Well said!" Shadow Moon shouted loudly. Shadow Moon's power exploded with itself, and terrifying mental shock waves rushed around indiscriminately, knocking away the heaven closest to her, and the dust raised also blew away Number one masking.

This terrifying shock wave did not stop, but spread throughout the entire place, covering all the Overhaulka and Kamen Riders who were still fighting. The terrifying explosion that shattered the entire terrain in an instant, drowned everything.

The smoke and dust could not dissipate, but through the gray smoke, one could see the sword rider lying on the ground, unable to get up for a while, and the armor half kneeling on the ground, with sparks exploding from his body.

The smoke became clearer and clearer, and the messy ruins and scattered knights all indicated how terrible the damage caused by that move.

"Don't you let go even of your own people?" No. 1 lay on the ground. The explosion of the Creation Shadow Moon not only knocked down the knights, but also the overhaul card, which was also destroyed and defeated.

"This guy... is really cruel." The only Kamen Riders who could still stand up were the Ascendant Ultimate Kuuga, Imperial Knight, and V3.

And looking at the mess in the whole place, I had to admit that Shadow Moon was ruthless.

"Isn't their dream to perish together with you hateful knights?" Shadow Moon suddenly raised her hand, raised the blade of her sword and brought up wind pressure, blowing away all the smoke and dust, revealing the defeated knights.

"I satisfy them."

"Enough!" In the smoke, blue and red streams of light rose up at the same time, crossing in front of them and flying out.

Two identical swords were stuck together at this moment, turning into spiral drill bits in high-speed rotation, pulling out red and blue tail wings, and flew away.

Shadow Moon did not dare to be careless, and aimed the edge of the Satan Sword at the landing point of the two spinning staffs. The swords faced each other, and the collision and friction of the two weapons caused violent sparks that splashed around.

"Such an attack alone cannot destroy me!" Resisting the attack with one hand, Shadow Moon seemed to be able to do it with ease: "Tiandao, is that all you have?"

The last trace of smoke and dust lingered in front of Yingyue and Tiandao. In the next moment, a flying red light came through the sky and approached Yingyue again.

Ying Yue snorted coldly, raised her hand and knocked it away without looking, not even feeling the slightest bit of being attacked.


The gusts of wind caused by raising his hand blew away the last bit of smoke and dust, and the blue and red spiral swords lost their power and fell down naturally with a clang, no longer having the strength to fight again.

But in Yingyue's eyes, Tiandao, who had reappeared, was no longer in the posture of transformation. He was no longer black rx, but had returned to the appearance of a human.

But at this moment, he had already fallen to the ground, and the blood flowing from his nose, mouth, and ears symbolized the price his head had paid.

But those eyes were still staring at Yingyue's location stubbornly, and even the hand in front of him did not loosen the sword fingers, but pointed at the sky in disobedience.

However, when Yingyue saw this scene, the smile on the corner of his mouth was almost stretched to the back of his ears.

"Tiandao!" Yingyue raised his sword slightly and spoke excitedly.

"You lost!"

Tiandao, whose head was dizzy and buzzing, could not respond to Yingyue's words.

But although Tiandao could not respond, naturally someone answered for him.


A heavy and steady voice sounded behind Yingyue. The red light that was slapped away by Yingyue revealed its scarlet sword body in the air. During the free fall, it was grabbed by a black hand.

"It's over, Yingyue."

The moment this too familiar voice rang in Yingyue's ears, he subconsciously turned around. However, the scarlet sword light that stabbed straight forward was not disturbed at all. It pierced through Yingyue's body from his belt, penetrated the emperor stone, and pierced Yingyue through.

Even Yingyue's armor could not resist the piercing of this scarlet long sword.

"Black RX!"

Staring at the man standing behind him who had given him a fatal blow, Yingyue raised his hand and grabbed the other's shoulder.

"Nan Kotaro!!"

"You did make special changes to the power of the knights." Black Rx turned the blade, letting the scarlet blade go in a third: "But what about your own power?"

"The Shadow Moon I knew eventually died as a Kamen Rider." Black Rx mourned his brother with a nostalgic tone: "But you are not."

"To defeat you who made special changes to the power of the knights, of course you have to use your power."

Yingyue lowered his head and saw the sword that pierced his abdomen and the Emperor Stone.

"Satan Sword!" Yingyue said hatefully: "Kamiyama Tiandao... Even this is reproduced?!"

"Too much targeting the power of others, and ultimately ignoring your own power." Black Rx continued: "And this is the reason for your failure!"

As soon as the words fell, another lightsaber emitting red light also pierced the wound torn by the Satan Sword, creating a second sword wound.

Yingyue was severely injured again, and the two swords penetrated his body at the same time. After the Emperor Stone was broken, the incredible power contained in it was also greatly weakened.

"I said, I will definitely settle the score between us." Emperor Knight appeared behind Yingyue, and he picked up the red sword that Tiandao had built and dropped on the ground, and then stabbed Yingyue's wound.

What a joke! Yingyue has the Emperor Stone!

What if he doesn't die if I don't stab him a few more times? !

"You two..." Yingyue looked around at the two for a moment, and finally set his sights on Tiandao who fell to the ground and fainted.

"Shenshan Tiandao!"

"Shenshan Family!"

This time, Yingyue finally felt why General Jack had such a huge hatred for Shenshan Family.

Who wouldn't hate this...

"So it was because he possessed Shenshan Tiandao that he avoided being absorbed and eventually deprived of the power of the knight?! Yingyue has also reacted, that is, Tiandao was not the one chosen by the Emperor Stone, but the one chosen by Nan Kotaro.

"That's right. "Nan Kotaro admitted frankly: "Tian Dao is your destined nemesis."

"And the power of black rx is destined to be entangled with Yingyue."

"He needs this power, I will give it to him."

Hearing Nan Kotaro's decisive tone and undisguised trust, Yingyue was even more angry, and even the spraying of blood became more intense.

Obviously, compared with the genuine Satan Sword, the Satan Sword constructed by Tiandao has lost many functions.

After all, it is a divine weapon. Just the part of constructing the Satan Sword has exhausted Tiandao's will and even fell into a coma.

"The Shenshan family is such an existence that can create miracles!" Nan Kotaro nodded heavily: "I trust it so much."

"Really?" Defeat is imminent, but Yingyue still has means.

"Then... regret your trust!"

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