I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 192 When V3 arrived at the battlefield, everyone immediately became civilized: JPG

Daxiu Ka, who was still fighting with Haidong and the others, was instantly enveloped by the dimensional wall, and came behind Shadow Moon in an instant, facing the knights of these generations with him.

"Kamen Rider One! Two!"

After the hell ambassador was transferred, he saw two old acquaintances at a glance, the two men who had been transformed by their card repair, but in the end they beat them to the point where they could do nothing.

"Ambassador of Hell, we meet again." Number 1 and Number 2 stood side by side, looking at the Ambassador of Hell, sighing and feeling helpless at the same time: "To this day, have you Daxiuka still not given up your ambition?"

"Shut up!" The Hell Ambassador raised his hand and pointed the whip in his hand at the two old enemies: "As long as Kamen Rider exists for one day, Shuka! It will exist forever! It will never die!"

"Where's V3! Get out of here!"

After meeting Kamen Rider No. 1 and No. 2, the guy who beat them the hardest back then must be there too.

The Hell Ambassador believes that that guy must be there at this time.

"Ambassador of Hell! Are you looking for me?" V3 stood up, his emerald body shining with a different light under the sunlight: "Damn it! It's so unlucky to see you after so many years."

"Damn you!" I don't know why, but when he saw V3, the Hell Ambassador couldn't help but want to curse.

"You are not dead. No matter how many times we, Xiuka, are defeated, we will be reborn from the ashes and come back again!"

"Is the ghost still there?" V3 muttered: "Then let's settle the grudge between the knight and Xiuka here!"

"It's just what I want!" The Hell Ambassador was in a state of excitement. He didn't want to see his three old rivals again. He only wanted to lead Xiuka to defeat these three guys and repay the fate they had been entangled with for so many years.

"Overhaul card! Come with me! Let's start a war against the knights again!"



The card repair soldiers shouted in agreement, and the elite weirdos also made various roars to express their attitudes.

Under the leadership of the Hell Ambassador, the Overhaul Cards all set off and rushed towards the direction of the knights.

On the knight's side, No. 1 and others also rushed forward, but compared to them sprinting on the ground, a certain guy flying in the sky took the lead and started the group first!

The fiery red mechanical dragon swims down from the sky, and the blazing dragon flame knight rides on the dragon, spitting out flames in the sway.

In the blazing flames brought by the dragon's breath, he took the lead in smashing into the battle formation with his knight kick, opening a broad road in Overhaulka's camp.

This is the start of the Dragon Cavalry group!

Spanning several years, the war between the knights and Oshuka started again, just like how Minami Kotaro received help from his seniors when he faced the Chrysis Empire.

Shadow Moon did not participate in the battle, but used substantial mental power to suppress the few knights he saw who were the greatest threat.

Kato, Denou, Yueqi.

Even if these three are unable to transform into their final form, the power they possess is extremely annoying, and they are opponents that must be restricted.

However, in this way, the mental pressure exerted on Tiandao was inevitably weakened.

And such a weakness gave Tiandao a chance to breathe.

Whether it is the Emperor Stone or the Heavenly Dao itself, they are not the kind of people who will accept their fate after being forced to have their heads crushed. On the contrary, the more they are oppressed, the more they want to hold their heads high and would rather die than surrender.

The Imperial Stone is like an engine that continuously provides energy, and the substantial mental pressure also causes the will of Tiandao to rebel, causing Tiandao's own will to begin to rise.

Under high-intensity pressure, even if Tiandao did not suffer too strong stimulation, the fire of will still showed signs of burning in his eyes.

Eventually, the energy of the Imperial Stone spread throughout the body, and Tiandao's will climbed to a level where he could move freely. With the blessing of the two forces, Tiandao jumped up from the ground.

Ignoring the mental pressure placed on him, he stepped on the ground with rapid strides, leaving footprints one after another. He ran hard against the high pressure, pulled out his spinning staff, and stabbed Shadow Moon.

"You!" Unexpectedly, she was just distracted for a moment, but gave Tiandao a chance to counterattack. Shadow Moon couldn't imagine it.

Do we have to devote all our attention to suppressing him?

But in that case, he wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye to the interference from the other knights.

"What, can't you think of it?!" Even though the Satan Sword was in front of him, Tiandao still suppressed the sword and successfully confronted Shadow Moon.

The two sides' eyes met, allowing each other's eyes to reflect each other's faces.

".I have to admit that if it is BLACK RX, even if he is standing in front of me, he will not be able to defeat me." Shadow Moon's eyes finally left out the traces of BLACK RX, but revealed the straightforward The appearance of heaven.

"But you. It's like you were born to defeat me!"

Shadow Moon's gloomy voice was filled with unconcealable resentment: "Why! Why do you exist like this! No matter which kind of power I have, you have the capital to resist me and the power to resist me!"

"Everything is just right, everything is opposite to me!"

"Who are you! Where did you come from!"

Under the resentful belief, Yingyue's power was three points stronger, suppressing Tiandao's power, roaring and pushing his body, making Tiandao unable to stop retreating.

"I don't know anything, even my coming to this world was an accident, that's all!" Tiandao said in a deep voice: "Yingyue, although you may not remember, but when you devoured the King of Creation, I was there!"

Yingyue was stunned, but then he remembered that there was an emperor stone in Tiandao's body, and it was normal for him to appear in front of the King of Creation.

"At that time, I was fighting with the King of Creation, and you suddenly appeared, defeated the King of Creation and devoured it." Tiandao told the true past of his coming to this world.

"At that time, the dimensional wall you opened swallowed me in, which led to my coming to this world."

"You brought me here!"

Yingyue: ? ? ?

In other words, the failure of my current plan and the appearance of you, a disgusting guy, are ultimately due to my own reasons?

Did I bring you to this world, and then oppose me here, and even destroy my plan?

Everything is my own fault?

"Impossible, impossible!!!"

When thinking of this possibility, Yingyue's mentality suddenly exploded, and the whole person's breath became erratic: "My plan is perfect, my wisdom is invincible! My means. My means are the highest in the universe!"

"How could such a thing happen to me, who will become the supreme king in the future!"

"Tiandao! You are lying to me! In fact, you are the protection mechanism for my world that is generated by the entanglement of multiple worlds! Is that right!"

The Satan Sword exerted force and shook Tiandao out. After abandoning the sword skills that he was proud of, Yingyue wielded the sword and attacked Tiandao.

"As long as you defeat me, you will disappear, right!"

"It's this world! It's this world."

Tiandao did not give any answer, but moved left and right to avoid all the attacks. He stood in place and raised the long sword in his hand with a blue glow, dispersing the helmet of BLACK RX.

After returning to human form, Tiandao stared at Yingyue and looked at him calmly.

"What kind of look is that!" Yingyue was furious: "What kind of look is that?!"

"Can you convince yourself?" Tiandao finally spoke: "If such an argument can convince you, then you should take it as the truth."

"At least in this way, you won't show too much ugliness."

With every word, the more Tiandao spoke, the uglier Yingyue's face became.

"I don't want you to be hysterical in my memory."

"As an opponent, it's really ugly."

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