I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 177 176: Anyway, I'll give more chapters to a guy called Zhixia. He has given me nearly

Chapter 177 176: In short, I will give an extra update to a big guy who knows Xia. The total reward of the big guy is almost 1.5 million.

"These are the two powerful Kamen Riders you were talking about?"

Looking at the two guys in front of him who didn't look like good people, Tiandao leaned into Haidong Dashu's ear and whispered: "Are you very strong?"

"Kamen Rider King Snake, and this Kamen Rider KickHopper." Daiki Kaito revealed the identities of these two people.

"Ha! Did you come here at this time? You don't want us to participate in some knight battle, right?"

The head shape is like a cobra opening its neck, showing a state of alert and attack. The purple body reveals a unique temperament, and the narrow eyes are as cold and ruthless as snakes, revealing a cruel and murderous look. smell.

The silver lines on the shoulders spread downwards and touched the chest, where they met with the golden grooves to form a unique pattern.

Kamen Rider - King Snake, from the third Heisei work - Ryuki, is a powerful Kamen Rider.

But for Wang She, he had participated in the so-called Knight War when he was on Dragon Knight TV.

After all, Dragon Knight's TV is essentially a battle royale type knight battle.

The belt he wears around his waist is different from any knight Tiandao has ever seen. It must be a brand new transformation tool.

From Tiandao's point of view, regardless of whether it is the fifth generation or Kado Yashi, the transformation item is the belt.

Although the styles are different, the essence remains the same.

"We are not going to participate in that ridiculous war." The other knight looked a little thin compared to King Snake.

The emerald-colored sharp corners shoot straight to the sky, revealing his unruly temperament. The similarly sharp decorations on his shoulders make him look less sleek.

The earphone-like decorations with his ears pointing back make him look like his whole body is made up of spikes.

A pair of red eyes are large and bright. As a member of the armor series, it is naturally impossible for him to reveal any biological fluctuations in his eyes.

The pattern on the chest looks like two parallel ㄑㄑs, facing each other.

The white pattern separates the green, forming two non-interactive upper and lower worlds.

Kamen Rider KickHopper, also known as Kick Hopper, is one of the knights in the seventh game of Heisei, Kamen Rider Kabuto, and is a knight in the pretend series.

The two people Kaitou Dashu came to find with Tiandao and Mitsumi were obviously not protagonist knights like Kuuga, but supporting knights.

But now, with all the main knights defeated, all they can find are these inferior knights.

Although the strength cannot be guaranteed, at least he has the power to fight.

"The crisis of the world is right in front of us. As Kamen Riders, are you going to remain indifferent?" Tiandao said in a deep voice: "In the world under the rule of Dashuka, there is no such thing as a knight."

"That's right." Haidong Dashu also spoke: "Although your power is insignificant, you can still play some role at this time, right?"

"All those knights who overpowered you are gone." Haidong Dashu sat astride a table: "So take advantage of this moment to show off your strength."

"Fish Knights."

"Hey!" Guang Xiahai pulled Haidong Dashu back: "Are you here for help, or are you recruiting for Overhaul Card?"

Haidong Dashu shrugged helplessly, saying that he was just telling the truth and had nothing to hide.

"Ha! A bastard knight?" King Snake sneered and said, "Guys like Dragon Rider have failed. Sure enough, with such a weak heart, he can't do anything at all."

"Da Xiu Ka... It would be nice if I could see with my own eyes the world under Da Xiu Ka's rule." Ki Locust put down his hands. It was obvious that his mood became unhappy after Haidong Dashu said this.

"Does it not matter even if your knight's power is also taken away?" Looking helplessly at Haidong Dashu, Tiandao took a step forward and shouldered the communication problem on himself.

"For Overhaul Card, the existence of any knight is a counter-scale that arouses their nerves. They have been defeated by many knights and are full of malice towards the knights."

The glorious history of Overka was what Narutaki told him that night. If it hadn't been for Narutaki, Tiandao would have never known that Overka had entangled with so many Kamen Riders.

"So in the world they rule, knights should not exist." Tiandao pointed at the two of them: "In other words, your power will also be taken away."

"I'm not here to ask you for help, but I'm here to seek cooperation." Tiandao took a step forward: "For your own future, fight for yourselves."

"Under the world ruled by Overka, there is no place for knights."

Although Tiandao doesn't know if Overhaulka really hates knights that much, it doesn't matter. In his mouth, Overhaulka just hates knights that much.

King Snake:…

Kicking Locusts:…

"In that case, the world ruled by Daxiuka will not be beautiful." Kicking Locust murmured: "I have lost everything, will the only remaining identity be taken away from me?"

"It's really unbearable."

Ki Locust covered his head and said in a bitter voice: "Can't you keep the last thing that belongs to me?"

Tian Dao's eyes flickered for a moment, and looking at Kicking Locust, he obviously knew that this guy had a story in his past.

But he had no wine in his hand, and there was not enough time, so he could not be an audience.

"That's not bad." But compared to Kicking Locust, Wang She spread his hands and didn't care: "This power is not important to me, even if I give up the hanging, it doesn't matter."

"The world under the rule of Dai Shocker should be very interesting." Wang She said slowly: "I don't have to suppress myself and control myself, right?"

"A madman born for war?" Tian Dao spoke again: "Do you think that joining Dai Shocker will allow you to kill as much as you want?"

"Yes! That's it!" Wang She's voice suddenly increased a little: "You really understand me! Boy!"

"Joining Dai Shocker to start a party , you will definitely encounter many, many battles, right?" King Snake raised his scepter, which was a purple cobra-shaped cane: "Those guys who come to protect the world must be very interesting!"

"Is that so." Tiandao understood: "I thought Kamen Riders were a group of people who were brave enough to protect the world for justice."

"Huh?" King Snake was stunned, then laughed: "Hahahaha!! "

"Boy, don't be so funny!"

King Snake knocked the scepter in his hand on the table: "Who told you that Kamen Rider must be that kind of person? Are you living in a heroic fantasy world?"

"Don't take it too seriously. Kamen Rider is thinking too high!"

"Indeed." Tiandao nodded and admitted Wangshe's statement: "Indeed, I thought too high."

"But Wangshe, the battle you want, Dai Shocker can't give you." Tiandao still maintained that smile: "Don't forget, all the main riders have been defeated by Decade, Dai Shocker's road to conquest is unimpeded, and there will be no opponents!"

"Really?" Wangshe was stunned, but then reacted: "What about you? Aren't you recruiting knights who want to save the world?"

"We don't know how many knights we can recruit, or Maybe many knights will make the same choice as you. "Tian Dao spread his hands: "Isn't this what you just told me?"

"Not all Kamen Riders are good people."

Wangshe: ...

"If you join Dai Shocker, you won't be able to enjoy the battle you want." Tian Dao continued: "But on the other hand, isn't Dai Shocker a good opponent?"

"Oh?" Wangshe's tone rose slightly: "Provoke me?"

"It's not provocation, but telling the truth." Tian Dao returned all the darts that Wangshe shot to Wangshe: "Dai Shocker can't give you what you want, but Dai Shocker can satisfy you."

Tian Dao took a step forward.

"Wangshe, the weak can't give you a pleasant battle. "

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