I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 169 General Jack: What? Someone has the last name Shenshan?

Chapter 169 General Jack: What? Someone's last name is Kamiyama? !

"Aren't you going out to lead everyone? Master Shi." Above the floor where Mitsumasa and the others were, Tsukikage and Kadoya stood side by side.

The two watched everything that happened below through the screen, especially the arrival of Mitsumasa's grandfather, Koei Jiro, and then transformed in front of everyone, revealing his true form, that is, Dr. Death.

The Ambassador of Hell and Dr. Death, unlike the generals of Cressis, are old cadres of Shocker, and their existence history can even be traced back to the time when Kamen Rider No. 1 and No. 2 were born.

He has unparalleled prestige among Shocker, and is also the soul figure who can still regroup after Shocker was defeated by the Kamen Riders of the Showa era several times.

But this has nothing to do with Kadoya and Tsukikage.

Kadoya is focused on the progress of the world fusion. He frowned and looked at the world that was still being attracted, and he was very puzzled.

Why haven't you stopped approaching? Hasn't the strongest knight been decided?

"No matter what, the world being attracted needs a process of stopping, and it won't stop in an instant." Yueying knew what Kadoya Shi was wondering about.

"Master Shi, you saved this world. After the world stops, it will no longer be a disordered collision, but will come to the world you are in and then merge into it."

"You are the savior!!"

"Savior..." Kadoya Shi murmured, "The savior who destroyed other worlds?"

"To them, I may be the devil."

As he said that, Kadoya Shi turned around and walked downstairs.

Yueying did not follow him down. With his hands behind his back, he watched Kadoya Shi appear on the big screen.

Wearing a racing driver's uniform, his yellow hair was dressed like a chicken coop (it really looked like a chicken coop in the original book...), the kind of hairstyle that would allow pigeons to come down and build nests when sleeping on a park chair.

Watching Kadoya Shi walk down the spiral stairs step by step.

Watching him pass by Mitsuru Natsumi and Onodera.

Watching him sitting on the top seat that only the king can sit on…

Yueying's body did not move, and her face under the projection of the light seemed obscure and difficult to understand.

"What? The truth of all this? In the empty environment, Yueying said: "Isn't this what you have always suspected and pursued?"

As Yueying spoke, a light suddenly lit up in the darkness, and on the cross that stood in the dark world, the figure of Tiandao, who was tied up, was hanging on it.

If the Ultra Brothers saw him hanging on the cross now, they would definitely want to communicate with Tiandao.

Exchange the experience of being tied to the cross and hanging in the sky.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot that you can't speak." Yueying seemed to remember something, and pressed the button on the console beside him, so that the mask covering the lower half of Tiandao's face was opened.

"Are you deceiving him, you guy? "Here, Tiandao can also see everything on the big screen, even the picture of the fusion of the world, he only needs to look up to see it.

"It's not a lie, but a fact." Yueying continued: "It's him who wants to save the world, and it's also him who wants to be the leader."

"It's him who wants us to bow down, and it's also him who orders us to find a way to save the world."

"It's also him who finally decided to implement the plan."

"Yueying turned around with a smile on his face that was about to burst: "Everything has nothing to do with us."

"Really?" Tiandao didn't believe Yueying's words: "Then why don't you kill me?"

"I should have no value to you."

"No, no, no, you are very valuable to me." Yueying shook his head: "But not now."

"But I can tell you about the future." Yueying pointed at Koei Jiro in the picture.

Now he should be called: Dr. Death God.

"I look forward to the day when you fight for us. "Yueying's figure gradually faded, disappearing bit by bit: "By the way, didn't you ask what our organization's name was last time?"

"Dai Shocker."

"This is where you will fight for and be loyal in the future."

After saying this, Yueying completely disappeared into the darkness without a sound.

Tiandao was not discouraged, but closed his eyes and felt his own willpower.

"Not enough... Not enough..." Tiandao murmured: "I want to launch a teleportation, but my willpower is not enough!"

"Damn it, if I can still transform! "

But without the Hokage Stone, Tendou, as a human, could not do more.

After telling the truth to Mitsuhiro and Onodera, Kazushi Kado announced that he was the leader of Shocker and expelled the two from the Shocker base.

Having recovered his past memories, Kazushi Kado now has only one goal in mind, which is to save the world.

For this, he does not need to explain anything to Mitsuhiro. He also believes that when this world is saved and all the worlds are successfully integrated, Mitsuhiro will naturally understand his painstaking efforts.

Although Shocker has always been the existence of Kamen Rider, it is undeniable that they are indeed very powerful.

With the addition of the Clesis Empire, it is even stronger.

Kazushi Kado also believes that Shocker cannot turn the tables with him around.

Because he is the strongest Kamen Rider!

"Those damn Kamen Riders are finally dead!" The Hell Ambassador seemed quite happy. As someone who had been fighting Kamen Rider for a long time, he hated Kamen Rider the most.

"I heard that the big leader left us a good thing." The big leader that Dr. Death mentioned was not Kadoya Kazuya, but someone else.

"Yes, it is said that he is from another world." General Jack didn't care. After all, strictly speaking, he himself was an alien.

"Just in front."

Tiandao, who closed his eyes and secretly accumulated his energy, sensed the person coming and pretended to be unconscious and motionless.

"This figure... is quite strong." Dr. Death walked around the cross several times, looked at Tiandao from front to back, and was very satisfied: "Well... It seems that he is a good seedling for transformation!"

It would have been better if Dr. Death didn't mention transformation. As soon as he mentioned transformation, the Hell Ambassador couldn't hold it on the spot.

"You're still transforming?!" The Hell Ambassador grabbed Dr. Death's collar and said the same words as Kamen Rider-V3: "Damn it! Do you think that No. 1 and No. 2 are not strong enough after your transformation?"

"You guy! Every transformation can give us a father! How dare you mention transformation!"


"Forget it... Hell Ambassador, calm down." General Jack dragged the Hell Ambassador away and comforted him: "Those were all accidents, accidents, who dares to say there are no accidents?"

"But don't worry, with the support of our Chrysis Empire, there will definitely be no problems with this transformation!"

General Jack still had to give face, and the Hell Ambassador snorted coldly and stopped his temper, but stood alone and sulked.

"Let me see..." Dr. Death turned on the computer and reviewed the message left by the real leader.

"Come from an unobservable world, have the ability to condense weapons with bare hands, suspected to be controlled by Kuuga's molecules."

"His name is... Shenshan Tiandao?"

"Our Cressis Empire's technology, cyborgs too... huh?!" General Jack, who was originally talking to the Hell Ambassador, was stunned on the spot. His eyes suddenly became straight and he turned his head and stared at Dr. Death.

"What's his name?"

"Shenshan Tiandao." Dr. Death repeated: "Isn't this a very common name?"

"Shenshan...Shenshan..." General Jack said in a daze, and the scene in his mind about a shameless guy hugging his thigh while he was fighting with Black RX, causing him to be stabbed to death by Black RX in time, was instantly recalled by him.



Pulling out his sword, General Jack roared and rushed towards Tiandao with the sword.

"I will wipe you out!"

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