I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 160 Guang Xiahai: I can tell from Tiandao’s temper that he doesn’t have a girlfriend (Tianda

Chapter 160 Guang Xia Hai: I know Tian Dao has no girlfriend by his temper (Tian Dao: You keep scolding me!)

PS: The last update, I finally paid it back.

Wuhu took off.


"Because I... Because..." Facing this question, Kadokaya Saya muttered to herself for a while, not knowing what to say.

Tian Dao had no intention of letting him go. He leaned against the window with his arms folded across his chest. Under the gloomy sky outside, his figure with a cane was embarrassed, but it inexplicably cast a shadow, which looked quite scary.

After all, he is now playing such a villain-like role.

No matter who sees it.

"Even if Xiao Ye goes out to look for him, she won't be able to find him. After all, Shidu is no longer in this world." Guang Xia Hai stood up. She couldn't bear it anymore and could only glare at Tian Dao implicitly, and then gently excused Xiao Ye.

"And Xiaoye is not yet an adult. If she goes out alone, it will be too dangerous."

"Yes, yes, there is nothing we can do about it." Onodera also responded.

The two of them sang in unison, and Tiandao could only roll his eyes, turn his head away, and shut his mouth.

"Now, Shi has returned to his home and found his sister. Isn't this something to be happy about?" Onodera clapped his hands and was very happy: "The journey has finally found its destination."

As he said, Onodera put his hands on his hips and was very relieved: "This is really great."

Kadashi Xiaoye did not speak, but kept his eyes on Kadashi Shi.

The brother and sister have been dependent on each other since childhood, but now, the way they look at each other is so strange.

"Master Shi?" At this moment, the door of the room on the side was opened. A middle-aged man wearing a decent butler's uniform and a big back hair looked at Kadashi Shi in surprise after pushing the door open.

The stubble on his face had some traces of paleness. The middle-aged butler was not young, and his slightly hunched back seemed to bear the pressure of life, which forced his straight spine to bend.

At the moment he pushed the door, there was some confusion on his face, as if he had not obtained something, but after he pushed the door open, he looked at the people present and was surprised.

In addition to being surprised, he was immediately excited after confirming Kado Shi's identity.

"Master Shi! You are back?!"

His appearance attracted everyone's attention and also made Tiandao lock all his perceptions on him.

Compared with the faint demonic aura that permeated the entire house, the aura on this guy was stronger.

"Master Shi, it's great that you can come back." On the balcony, the butler put his hands behind his back and stared at the sky in the distance: "Miss Xiaoye has missed you a lot in the past few years."

Kado Shi was still silent, and it was obvious that the processor in his brain had not turned in time.

"Do you know how lonely Miss Xiaoye was after you left?" Turning around, the middle-aged butler continued: "Although I was with her, compared to me, you are her brother after all."

"Shi..." Onodera was about to say something, but Kadoya Shi raised his hand to interrupt Onodera's words.

"Anyway, it's all my fault." Kadoya Shi took a deep breath: "I lost my memory for unknown reasons, which made...my sister, alone."

"No matter how much you try to excuse it, it's my fault."

"Miss Xiaoye said that Master Shi once told her to learn to come back soon." The middle-aged butler spoke again: "She has been looking forward to this day."

"Today, you are finally back."

Although neither Kadoya Xiaoye nor the butler said anything to blame Kadoya Shi, but their silence made Kadoya Shi feel even more guilty.

"What kind of person was I before?"

"Why did I leave here?"

This question belongs to the present self. He has no memory of the past. He looks up at the clear sky and has no answer at all.

"If you come back, Master Shi, you should have found a solution to the crisis of the world's demise." The middle-aged housekeeper smiled and said, "Miss Xiaoye, you left for this reason. If you come back now..."

"The crisis of the world's demise?" Kadoya Shi was drawn back to his attention by the key words: "This world is also in this crisis?!"

As soon as the words fell, a tall building not far away turned into dust in an instant, and the whole turned into scattered light spots, which disappeared in an instant and completely ceased to exist.

Such a scene fell in front of everyone. Guang Xiahai and Onodera had seen it many times, but Tiandao was really surprised because it was the first time he saw it.

"Yes." The middle-aged butler continued: "Every world has the same existence. For example, I am standing in front of you in this world, but I am not like that in another world."

"The building just now is a tall building here, but in other worlds, it is a barren mountain."

"The world is merging with the world, and all conflicting existences will collide and eventually be completely destroyed."

"Just like the worlds we have visited before." Guang Xia Hai murmured: "Shi's world... will also..."

"Is there no way to stop it?" Onodera stood beside Kadoya Shi in excitement and asked the butler together.

"You said that I left to find a solution to the destruction of the world." Kadoya looked up and looked at the butler with a sharp gaze: "What is that solution?"

The butler's mouth curled up a smile, which was very hidden and not caught by anyone.

"Knight War." With his hands behind his back, the butler said: "Only by deciding the strongest knight can the destruction of the world be stopped."

"The strongest knight?" Kadoya frowned: "What does this have to do with the destruction of the world?"

"There are different knights in different worlds, and their existence represents the only one in this world."

"But when the only one comes into contact with the only one, the collision of the world will naturally not bring about fusion, but destruction."

The butler paced back and forth and continued: "Only by deciding the strongest knight, defeating all other knights, and eliminating this uniqueness, can the world and the world complete fusion, rather than collision and destruction."

"The strongest knight is the only one in the new world after fusion."

"Determining who is the strongest knight can save the world before it collapses."

The butler's statement shocked everyone, but this did not include the way of heaven.

The main reason was that Tiandao didn't understand what was going on. As the only outsider present, he didn't understand it at all and was confused.

As Guang Xiahai and the other two had traveled to many worlds, they knew what the butler meant.

"That is to say... we have to defeat all the knights we have seen before who fought side by side with each other?" Onodera murmured, "Does this include me?"

"Master Shi, there is not enough time." The butler continued, "This is the plan you made at the beginning, and it is also the way to salvation you have found."

"The way to salvation I have found?" Squinting his eyes slightly, Kadoya Shi raised his head and stared at the empty sky. Some of the past hidden deep in his mind, those lost memories, were recalled one by one by him as the butler told him.

When this plan was presented to Kadoya Shi again, his memory gradually recovered, and finally... locked on the last scene before he lost his memory.

That was the scene where he defeated eight knights in the battle against all the Heisei knights, and finally died together with Ultimate Kuuga in the duel with Kamen Rider Kuuga, the beginning of the Heisei era.

This picture is enough to prove that what the butler said is true.

He is indeed fighting with all the knights, and he wants to decide the strongest knight.

Past memories came like a tide, making the confusion in Kadoya's eyes fade away, and his eyes gradually became firm and full of faith.

"Yuekei." Kadoya suddenly lowered his head and called out the butler's name: "Go and gather all the knights here."

"I want to decide who is the strongest knight!"

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