I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 16: In Nagano Prefecture, I learned from Nagano Hiroshi (Daiko) and it would be no problem t

"In view of the increasingly severe situation and to prevent the possible emergence of more unconfirmed life forms in the future, I asked my superiors to change the use of weapons."

The words of the headquarter finally made everyone look stunned, and everyone seemed to come alive.

The previous long speech was far less important than the new equipment that was about to be obtained.

"The current guns can no longer cause harm to unconfirmed life forms. In addition, there is a difference in the physique between humans and unconfirmed life forms. I specially applied for high-performance rifles, B23 automatic pistols, and MP5 submachine guns." The headquarter looked at his subordinates who were excited, and knew that everyone was under great pressure during this period.

"After sending these new equipment, please fight on the front line and be sure to protect the safety of civilians." The headquarter said loudly: "After that, it will be..."


But at this time, Ichitsu suddenly stood up and pulled the attention of everyone who was about to adjourn.

"No. 2 and No. 4 can eliminate the threat."

"Why do you say that?" The headquarter turned around and looked at Ichitsu.

This capable police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department never said anything nonsense.

"Because they saved me before, they are different from those unconfirmed life forms." Even though he knew that he was saved by an unconfirmed life form and that saying it would cause an uproar, Ichijo still said it without hesitation.

Five generations... That's Five generations... How could he watch his colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department regard Five generations as an enemy, or even...

Listening to everyone's whispering discussions in surprise at his revelations, Ichijo's face remained unchanged. He had already prepared to bear it, and now he just wanted to prove for Five generations.

"Then do you have any evidence?" The head of the headquarters spoke: "It can prove that they are different from others."

"Evidence that they saved you."

Ichijo was speechless. What evidence could he produce for such a thing?

In the battle with unconfirmed life forms, he was also the weaker party. How could there be any evidence left?

Ichijo's silence was exchanged for the head of the headquarters shaking his head helplessly.

"Maintain the plan."

These six short words seemed to have drained all of Ichijo's strength.

He couldn't say that No. 4 was actually a human being, no matter what.

He had to ensure that the identity of the fifth generation would not be known to more people.

So...what else could he do?

Ichijo gritted his teeth.

Before proving that No. 4 was safe, the fifth generation could only not transform and fight again, let alone appear in Tokyo.

You have to know that the true power of humans is only now being revealed.

At this time, Tiandao, who had not been able to catch up with the meeting at the Metropolitan Police Department, returned home urgently to collect information, and drove to the Metropolitan Police Department to report the information he had collected and the information his grandfather had told him, so that everyone could prepare a battle plan.

But halfway through the journey, a strange man suddenly rushed out from the side of the horse, which was completely beyond Tiandao's expectations.

The other party blatantly ignored the red light and rushed out, so Tiandao braked urgently and turned the steering wheel sharply, which avoided hurting the other party.

Tiandao was undoubtedly very angry when this happened. He got off the car and grabbed the other person's collar, ready to teach him a lesson. However, looking at the confused look on the face of this... unkempt and handsome man, his anger was temporarily suppressed.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I don't know who I am." Although the man looked unkempt, his face was extremely handsome. Even the tattered clothes on his body could not suppress the aura of this handsome boy.

Always maintaining an innocent and pure smile, the boy stared at the man in front of him with black eyes and asked in an expectant tone.

"Do you know my name?"


I thought I didn't bump into him, what's the matter with this amnesia plot?

What a TV drama plot…

“How do I know who you are?” Tiandao let go of the other person’s collar: “Look, that’s a red light. Today I’m just giving you a verbal lesson. If it happens again, I’ll arrest you!”

As he said that, Tiandao let go and stepped back a few steps. After pushing the other person away, he was ready to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, his sleeve was immediately grabbed by someone, and the voice of the ignorant boy rang out along with it.

“Are you going to abandon me?”

Tiandao’s forehead was bulging with blue veins.

“Don’t make it sound like I have a good relationship with you!” After grabbing the other person’s hand, Tiandao turned around again and said viciously: “If you do this again, I will arrest you for assaulting a police officer!”

“This is my right as a civil servant in a country where I live a good life!”

“Then arrest me.” The boy looked at Tiandao with expectant eyes, and didn’t seem to understand what it was like to be arrested.

“You want to go to the police station?” Tiandao raised his eyebrows.

Are there still people who are in a hurry to go in for dinner these days?

"What is a police station?" the boy asked.

Tiandao: ...

"It means they will lock you up in a room and only give you food and water, but you are not allowed to go anywhere."

"Okay!" The boy's eyes suddenly lit up: "I like being locked up by you."

"I like you very much, so even if you take me away, I am willing to do anything."

Tian Dao widened his eyes and looked at this person with horror.

This speech!

This tone!

This innocent look that is not in tune with the world!

"Luckily you didn't go to the church." Tian Dao pulled the corner of his mouth: "Otherwise, you would have been honest with me when we first met."

"Hehe." The boy still kept smiling, as if smiling like this was enough.

"Where are your family members?"

"I don't remember."

"Do you have any friends?"

"Maybe I did."

"Then is there anyone who knows you?"


"...I mean, is there anyone who knows your name and is familiar with you!"

"Then it seems that there is no one~"

The boy's eyebrows are like a crescent moon, full of smiles, but it doesn't give people the feeling that he is mocking.

But in his smiling eyes, the shadow of Tiandao was always reflected. Even though Tiandao was scratching his head and face by his series of answers, he still did not look away.

"...Okay, come with me." Tiandao was quite helpless about the other party's attitude of not knowing anything, but it would not work if he was really left on the street.

So Tiandao thought for a moment and decided to take him back to the Metropolitan Police Department to see if he could find out where he lived.

"Yeah!" The boy nodded heavily, looking happy and excited.

"I say, you don't remember anything, why are you so happy?"

The car started slowly and once again merged into the endless sea of ​​cars, but the road that was originally alone became lively at this moment.

"Because I'm happy to see you."

"Stop saying such cheesy things! I'm telling you, I like women! I like gentle, cute, and broad-breasted women!"


"Don't use such a questioning tone! Come on! Say you like women too! Come on!"

"But, I have zero memories, zero relationships, and zero past. To be honest, I'm not sure whether I like women~"


Resisting the urge to kick this dead man who seemed to be 0, Tiandao shouted like a self-destructive Kitazawa.

"If everything about you is zero, you might as well just call yourself Zero!"

"Okay." The boy nodded and agreed.

"Then I...will be Zero."

Listening to Tiandao's mumbling, who seemed to be extremely scared because he admitted this name, Zero opened his eyes slightly, and the smile on his face with his squinting eyes faded a little, revealing his pupils that had been covered up all along.

In Zero's eyes, although Tendou is a human, he is not an ordinary human.

He is an existence with... the same possibilities as him.

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