I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 158 Xiao Ming: I killed everyone who attacked Xia Migan, including you, Tiandao? ?

Chapter 158 Xiao Ming: I killed all those who attacked Xia Migan, Tiandao, you too... huh? ?

After opening his eyes again, Tiandao's mind was still recalling the conversation with Shenshan Xinzhe on the top of Shenshan Mountain, and the long-lost training session later.

Let's not talk about the content of the previous conversation. In the later training session, Shenshan Xinzhe did not teach Tiandao anything new, but started from the most basic Southern Fist and reviewed all the moves with Tiandao bit by bit.

Those fighting skills taught to Tiandao and those mysteries taught to Tiandao were all used one by one in the second half, allowing Tiandao to have many new insights.

The so-called becoming stronger does not require one to rush forward with one mind, but also to strengthen one's foundation and strengthen one's bottom line in order to have higher development and a more distant future.

However, when Tiandao opened his eyes and found that it was Kadoya Shi standing in front of his bed, he suddenly woke up.

Although they had only met for two or three days, Tiandao was sure that Kadoshi would definitely think of tricking him whenever he had the chance, and he would do whatever he could to trick him.

This was just like what Tiandao had been doing since he met Kadoshi.

Both of them were unhappy with each other and tried every way to mess with each other.

It can be said that Kadoshi was not as hard-working as he was today even when he was beating up the monsters in his TV show.

"How did you get in?" Tiandao snorted coldly: "Breaking into a private house?"

"Humph, I was just called here by Xia Mikan and asked me to inform you to get up." Kadoshi crossed his arms: "As a result, I saw someone sleeping when I came in."

Kadoshi was amazed.

"That's really interesting."

"It's much better than a useless person who can't even take a single move." Tiandao didn't hesitate and immediately retorted sarcastically: "Little scholar, you are thoughtful, go down."

Kamen Rider:...

"I always feel that what you said just now is not a good thing." Kamen Rider muttered: "Also, don't call me little scholar, it's disgusting."

Tiandao shrugged, lifted the quilt, got out of bed, and began to wash.

"I remember you said that you lost your memory, so you have been traveling and want to find your own world, right?" Putting on clothes, Tiandao asked: "How long do you stay in each world?"

"When I want to leave." Kamen Rider put his hands in his pockets: "For me, that's it, as long as I want to leave, I will leave naturally."

"That's really a convenient ability." Tiandao exclaimed: "It's really enviable to be able to see the scenery of different worlds, meet different people, and appreciate the stories of different worlds."

"Do you need to say it?" Although he was still stubborn, Kamen Rider raised the corners of his mouth, obviously enjoying this kind of boasting.

"I don't know what's wrong with Xia Mikan today. She insisted that I go out with you." Kadoshi leaned against the door frame: "Hey, can you drive?"

It can be seen that Kadoshi is very dissatisfied with this matter, but no matter how dissatisfied he is, he dare not go against Guang Xiahai's will.

"Drive?" Tiandao was stunned, and then showed an excited smile: "I am the man known as the god of driving in Nagano Prefecture!"

"Then let's go later." Kadoshi didn't think there was anything wrong: "Let's go today..."

"Wait a minute!" But suddenly, Tiandao seemed to remember something. Looking at the bandages wrapped around his body and the numbness and itchiness brought by the ointment on his knees, Tiandao suddenly remembered his identity.

No! I'm a patient!

How could Guang Xiahai let me go out with Kadoshi!

"Kadoshi Kadoya!"

After thinking this through, Tiandao immediately turned his head, only to find that Kadoshi Kadoya in front of him had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a door that was still swinging back and forth, silently telling where Kadoshi Kadoya had gone.

Great! This kid really came here alone secretly, and he has no good intentions!

Tiandao laughed in anger, opened the door and rushed out. When he entered the hall, he saw Koei Jiro reading a newspaper and Mitsunami placing tableware at first sight.

As for Onodera and Kadoshi Kadoya, they were both gone.

"Where are the two of them?" Tiandao pulled out a chair and sat aside and asked: "So early in the morning, they disappeared?"

When saying the latter sentence, Tiandao was somewhat gritting his teeth.

"They said they wanted to find out what kind of world this is as soon as possible, so they left long ago." A question mark appeared on Guang Xia Hai's head: "It's rare, I rarely see them so active."

"That's true." Tiandao nodded approvingly, guessing that it was Kado Shi who pulled Onodera away because he was afraid of being caught up by him.

"Mr. Tiandao, try not to go out during this period, the outside world is very dangerous." Guang Xia Hai took off her apron: "There are also monsters in this world. Shi and his friends encountered such an existence yesterday, and then they had a big fight."

"Weird?" Tiandao's mind suddenly appeared the appearance of Gurongi: "This world... also has such an existence?"

"Right." Guang Xia Hai then remembered what kind of world Tiandao came from: "I remember that there are also Kuwo in Mr. Tiandao's world. They must have been used to the appearance of such monsters."

"That's not necessarily true. I'm still curious about your story." Tiandao said with a smile: "Miss Guang Xia Hai, if you don't mind, can you tell us?"

"In exchange, I also want to hear Mr. Tiandao tell your story, okay?" Guang Xiahai sat opposite Tiandao and responded with a smile.

Tiandao certainly would not refuse this.

"Okay, I will be the recorder and record your story as well?" Guang Rongjiro adjusted his glasses and took out a notebook from somewhere and spread it in front of him.

"It's my honor that the old man can record my story." Tiandao did not dare to refuse: "Then, where should I start..."

Guang Xiahai supported his head with one hand and pretended to listen.

And Guang Rongjiro also leaned forward, holding a pen in his hand and placed it on the notebook.

The warm sunshine fell in front of the three people, and the light of the morning sun enveloped them.

This beautiful picture, even if it is used as a painting, is perfect.

After working hard for a morning, Kadoya Shi and Onodera rushed back to the photo studio in a hurry.

Although they did not encounter monsters this time, Kadoya Shi suddenly reacted after stepping on a suspension bridge.

Not only the suspension bridge, but even coming down from the suspension bridge, the stylish three-story villa also gave Kadoya Shi a very familiar feeling.

Of course, along with this familiar feeling, there was also a kind of panic, a fear as if he was about to face something.

Kadoya Shi knew what this feeling was, it was the suffocating feeling of his lost memory rushing in and covering the present him.

He had already gotten used to the blankness of the past, and now he had to face himself, who was familiar and unfamiliar.

The real self.

Therefore, Kadoya Shi didn't dare to stay here any longer, and urged Onodera to go with him, and it can be said that he fled back to the photo studio in a panic.

He was so frightened that he even ignored the three people who were chatting at the table at the moment.

However, the movement of him pushing the door in still forced the three people who were originally talking happily to stop, and then came here together.


However, Guang Xiahai was not sure that the person sitting on the sofa was Kadoya Shi.

In her impression, Kadoya Shi had never shown such an uneasy expression.

Kado didn't answer, but quickly raised his head and glanced at Mitsunami, then quickly retracted his gaze.

"What's wrong with him?" Tendao stood beside Koeijiro, frowning at Kado's appearance: "He was full of energy in the morning to tease me, but he was like this when he came back in the afternoon?"

As he said that, Tendao leaned over and grabbed Kado's collar and forcibly pulled him up.

"What's the matter with this expression of a loved one suddenly dying?" Tendao approached Kado and questioned: "Or are you such a man who is afraid when he returns home?"

"What does it have to do with you?" He grabbed Tendao's hand, Kado's forehead was blue with veins, and he wrestled with Tendao head-on, breaking Tendao's palm open bit by bit.

"Go back to your own world as soon as possible!" Fiercely shaking off Tendō's hand, Kadoshi loosened his collar and said coldly: "Otherwise I'll just find a random world to throw you down!"

"Okay!" Tendō laughed out loud: "Then throw me to the place you went today, okay?"

"I want to see what can make you like this."

Kadoshi didn't say anything, but panted and glared at Tendō, and Tendō was not to be outdone and confronted him.

The eyes of the two collided one after another, and even Guang Xiahai and others beside them were secretly praying that the two of them would not fight.


But in the end, the two just snorted coldly, turned their heads away, and stopped looking at each other.

At least they didn't fight.

"Okay, okay, both of you calm down." Onodera pulled Tendō, and Guang Xiahai pulled Kadoshi, and calmed down the two angry guys. Onodera then found an opportunity to speak.

"We went to a place today, and the man felt it was very familiar, and then..."

"Not very familiar!" Kadoshi growled, and returned to his room under the gaze of everyone. After a moment, he put a key on the table.

Onodera understood, took out the photo of the villa he took, and put it next to the key.

"This key should be able to open that door." Kadoshi's voice trembled unconsciously: "I..."

Before he finished speaking, the key and the photo were grabbed by Tiandao.

"No matter how much we talk here, why not go over and take a look?" Tiandao puffed out his chest: "Whether it is true or not, we have to try it to know."

"Even if it is not, I will bear the responsibility of breaking into other people's houses." Tiandao sneered.

"Anyway, I am not from this world."

"I'm not afraid."

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