I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 155 This is how the men of the Shenshan family fight!

"Huh?" Di Qi said in an exaggerated tone while maintaining his dressed posture: "You are like this now, do you want to fight me?"

"I'll let you use one hand."

"So, do you think that I am no match against the complete me?" Tiandao said without even thinking, "Or, you don't even dare to deal with me now?" ?”

"Tch, I'm afraid that after someone loses, he will say that I bullied him because he was seriously injured, and that I am too weak to win." Emperor Qi crossed his arms and looked at Tiandao calmly: "If someone says that for no reason, I Isn’t it very unfair?”

"Then you really just need to let me use one of my hands." A bright smile appeared on Tiandao's face: "If you still feel sorry for yourself, you can also let me take a move first?"

"Did you take all the opportunities? You guys are really good at using your own strengths to take advantage." Diqi snorted coldly, came to the door of the photo studio, opened the door and walked out. .

"Come on then, I don't want to get into a fight here and destroy the furniture."

"Rather than destroying the furniture, it's better to say that I don't want the miserable look of being defeated to fall in Miss Guang Xiahai's eyes." Tiandao leaned on crutches and followed the pace of the emperor without any fear: "Don't worry. , I will save this face for you.”

"Hey! Shit! What a fool!" Onodera was released from the Kuga posture and returned to his human appearance: "Mr. Tiandao's injury is so serious, how can you really agree to it?"

"And Mr. Tiandao, how can you do such a thing in your current state?" Onodera stopped in front of Tiandao: "It is still important to protect yourself!"

"Hmph, I didn't bring it up." Standing outside the gate, Diqi snorted coldly, "Someone has already said provocative words to that extent. Of course I have to fulfill his wish."

"But it doesn't matter, there is no knight more caring than me in this world." After saying that, the Imperial Cavalry knocked on the door frame: "So, you choose to retreat now..."

As soon as Di Qi finished speaking, Tiandao immediately spoke, not giving Di Qi a chance to speak further.

"Then how could I give up on this matter halfway and waste your expectations in vain?" Showing a nonchalant smile to Onodera, Tiandao passed by Onodera and stood in front of the emperor: "I But I can’t help it anymore and want to have a deeper communication with you.”

"Hey!" Di Qi tilted his head: "You bastard, from the first time I met you, I knew that you and I would definitely not get along."

"What a coincidence." Tiandao moved his neck: "I think so too."

"Hmph!" x2.

Looking at each other, the two people's eyes collided in an instant, and they both snorted coldly at the same time, turning away from each other.

Di Qi made way for the door that was blocked by him, and Tiandao walked out without hesitation.

The two stood outside the photo studio, facing each other, which made Onodera, who also rushed out of the room, tense up.

"Don't say that I bully you." After wiping the long sword in his hand, Emperor Qi snorted coldly and spoke again: "My promise to give you a move is still valid."

"So." Throwing the long sword in his hand to the ground, the Emperor Qi opened his hands and opened the door wide: "Come on."

"Show me what you're capable of."

"That's it~"

...Don't talk about the law of heaven, even Onodera, who was a bystander at this moment, felt that the imperial knight was unusually in need of a beating.

Obviously what he said was a normal thing, but his tone and attitude made people angry.

"Let me do a trick?" Tiandao laughed suddenly: "Okay!"

"I hope you won't regret this choice."

"I have nothing to regret." Emperor Qi put his hands on his hips and said with extreme arrogance, "The only people who really regret it are..."

Before he could finish his subsequent words, Emperor Qi was startled by a sudden howling sound. His whole body was shaking inexplicably. He immediately saw the Tiandao monster and screamed. Then he threw away his crutches and lay on the ground. A shocking howl.


The screams became louder and louder, and the screams became more and more miserable. Tiandao's actions made Di Qi confused, and he had no idea what he wanted to do.


Pushing the door open, Guang Natsumi stood in front of the door. At a glance, he saw Tiandao lying on the ground and howling loudly, and... Kadoya Shi standing opposite him in his transformed state.

Onodera stood there at a loss, as if he couldn't stop it.

This simple composition made Guang Xiahai immediately understand what was happening here.


Guang Xiahai's face darkened, and he hurriedly ran over to support Tiandao: "How could you do this?!"

"Ah?" Di Qi was confused. He didn't realize what happened: "Xia Migan, I didn't do anything! It's him!"

(The name Natsumikan is Kadoyaji’s personal nickname for Mitsumi Natsumi)

"You are still quibbling!" Guang Xiahai angrily interrupted Di Qi's words: "I saw everything! You bullied Mr. Tiandao, and even turned into this!"

"Onodera must be trying to stop you but can't!"

"Shi! How could you do such a thing?!"

"No, Xia Migan! It's really not me!" Di Qi felt that he had been wronged for no reason, "He fell to the ground and screamed by himself, it had nothing to do with me! "

"Onodera! Hurry up! Now only you can prove my innocence!" In his anxiety, Decade did not forget Onodera who was watching the whole process.

As a spectator, Onodera will definitely prove his innocence!

"Although I want to say it has nothing to do with Shi, but..." Onodera pondered for a moment and said in an uncertain tone: "Is it possible that Shi used the power of Kabuto or Faiz?"

"You!" Decade was anxious: "I didn't! To use that kind of power, you need to insert a card! I didn't even insert the card just now!"

"You dare to quibble here!" Guang Xiahai was too lazy to listen anymore. She came to Decade in two steps with three steps, raised her hand and poked Decade's neck with her thumb.

"The secret of the Guang family! Laughing point finger!"

After this finger, Decade couldn't stand and stepped back a few steps. At the same time, Decade covered his stomach and laughed desperately.

"I...hahaha I...really didn't...hahaha!"

In the midst of his wild laughter, he could no longer maintain his dress and posture, and the Decade armor disappeared. Kadoshi (let's call him Wang Xiaoming, after all, this name sounds so niceJPG) fell to the ground with his hands on his stomach and laughed, and it was difficult to get up for a while.

"Hmph, just confess your actions here." Guang Xiahai snorted coldly, and didn't care about Kadoshi, but went back to support Tendao, who was "seriously injured and unable to move", and took care of him carefully, and led him back to the room.

Onodera had no choice but to take a few steps forward to help Kadoshi up.

"I...that guy...hahaha! That guy! It was intentional!" While laughing, Kadoshi was also supported by Onodera into the photo studio.

"Shi, you admitted it yourself." Onodera shrugged helplessly: "You can't deny it even if you want to."

"Me?" He laughed a little breathlessly, but Kadoshi still successfully landed on the sofa and sat next to Tendao.

"Yeah." While Guang Xia Hai was looking for the medical box again, Tian Dao also spoke.

"Didn't you let me have one move?"


"Oh, you said you would let me have one move, so of course I would only use one move." Tian Dao spread his hands and put on a helpless expression: "But I didn't expect you to be so weak that you couldn't even take my one move."

"You!!" Kazushi's forehead was throbbing with veins. Even though he was still laughing wildly, he still turned over and pressed on Tian Dao's body, lifting his collar with his hand.

"Haha... that counts as... one move?!"

Tian Dao didn't speak, but rolled his eyes and "fainted".

Kazushi was stunned, and immediately felt the terrifying murderous aura coming from behind him.

Turning his head stiffly, Kazushi saw Guang Xia Hai standing behind him with a medical box, calmly watching him.

Onodera on the side showed a helpless expression, but under this helplessness, Onodera also showed an interested look.

Obviously, he still likes to watch this fun.


That day, Guang Xiahai's roar almost shook the entire Guang Photo Studio and even the clouds in the sky were scattered by the terrifying sound waves.

Along with it, there was also a voice that always wanted to explain something, but it was covered by screams.

The screams were as tragic as Tom Cat's.

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