I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 150 King of Creation: My tower is as solid as a rock. Not even a fly can fly in.

In the world filled with red mist, the black-eyed Sora was frantically slaughtering everything in front of him. After destroying all the creatures in his sight, the one who finally stood in front of him was the Flame Dragon.

The picture shown on the four strokes was now clearly revealed in front of his eyes, and it was reflected from the super ancient times to this moment, turning into reality.

In the darkness, the flashing red light spots gradually became brighter and brighter, dyeing the black mist on the water surface bright red.

The pool water recovered from the original waves to the current calm, as if a pair of invisible big hands brushed across the water surface, forcibly suppressing all the ripples.

The scene in the mural was realized at this moment.

"Has the super ancient scene been reproduced at this moment?" From holding one to carrying one, the Flame Dragon took a few steps back, avoiding Sora's fist, and came to the edge of the stone platform.

"But!" The moment Kuuga's fist hit him again, Yanlong jumped up with both feet, stepped on Kuuga's shoulders, and landed behind him: "Is it in this form?"

Although it was short and only a momentary picture, Yanlong was sure that what he saw with his own eyes was the real mastermind who occupied Kuuga's mind at the moment.

"Tiandao, put me down, otherwise you can't free your hands." On his back, Ichijo knew that the only way to wake up the Five Generations was to defeat the Five Generations.

But with such a burden on his back, Tiandao would definitely not be able to exert his full strength.

"Don't even think about it." Yanlong directly rejected Ichijo: "I don't know what effect the black fog on this stone platform will have if you touch it."

"Also, Ichijo, look at the lake."

Ichijo looked in the direction of the voice, but saw that the originally dark lake surface began to glow red unconsciously, and it was connected into one piece.

The bright red light that penetrated from the underwater to the surface of the water not only turned the entire lake surface into bright red, but also brought an ominous blood-red light.

The originally burning flames suddenly went out, but the light remaining in the darkness did not decrease but increased.

Under the illumination of these red lights, Yanlong and Yitiao clearly saw the patterns engraved on the walls of this underground world.

In the circular underground world, they stepped on a circular stone plate, surrounded by bright red lake water.

On the rock wall, a circle of murals painted with white paint surrounded them, showing different postures.

Some embraced the sky with their hands, as if to welcome something.

Some kept kneeling, as if to welcome something.

Some just stood there, doing nothing, but lacking the embellishment of their eyes.

After a circle, the various appearances of the people were imprinted in the eyes of Yitiao and Tiandao.

"This is!" A word that accurately describes this place suddenly emerged in Yitiao's mind.

"The cultists..."

Before he finished speaking, the red lines on the dome, the highest point in the underground world, gradually filled up and entered the core like blood vessels.

Therefore, the originally dark dome showed a brighter red.

The red light gradually formed from nothing, and finally, in front of Yitiao and Yanlong, it outlined the shape of a... heart.

The next moment, the terrifying will descended from the sky, carrying the terrifying thoughts that could not be disobeyed, unstoppable, and rejected, and instantly invaded Yitiao's mind.

Even Yanlong, his will was instantly destroyed before facing such a terrifying and huge will. The huge thoughts invaded his mind and cut off everything.

Damn black rx, damn Yingyue!

Obviously using the power of the Emperor Stone, why? Why don't you admit your identity?

Becoming the King of Creation, why refuse?

The King of Creation could not describe the shock of that scene. After all, the power of a planet was too much for him to bear. Even Black and Shadow Moon, two beings who were qualified to become the King of Creation, were not taken seriously by him.

You should know that even if the two of them refused to become the King of Creation, the King of Creation could still perish with the planet with only his heart left.

Even without a body, his huge will was almost equal to the planet, or even surpassed it.

Whether it was Shadow Moon or Black RX, they refused to become the King of Creation. Not only that, they even destroyed their remaining hearts, leaving only their wandering will.

This kind of thing was a blow to the King of Creation.

The King of Creation, who only had a heart left, needed a body, that is, Black, who used the power of the Emperor Stone to fight, or Shadow Moon. After merging with each other, the King of Creation could be reborn.

At that time, he only needed to take back another Emperor Stone for fusion, and then the King of Creation could be resurrected and become the existence that dominated the universe.

Now... the place where the will of the Creator King remains, the heart has been destroyed, but the will of the Creator King is still there.

After wandering between heaven and earth for a long time, the Creator King came to this place, Jiulang Yueshan.

Here, he discovered the ancient ruins, those murals, and even the ancient stories, which were known to him little by little.

These things reminded him of a long time ago, when this world was still in the ancient times, he encountered a guy called the Fire Angel.

At that time, the Creator King had just come to Earth, and humans were still in a state of being born. The Creator King originally wanted to develop vigorously here, but... the Fire Angel appeared.

At that time, the Creator King was a perfect descendant, and he still had a body. He fought with the Fire Angel who defended the safety of mankind and the peace of this planet.

In the end, he defeated the Fire Angel.

But defeating the Fire Angel was useless, because behind the Fire Angel, there was a more terrifying existence.

Therefore, the Creator King only had one heart left.

Not only that, knowing that the angels were still watching this world, he could only hide in the dark and develop quietly, and did not dare to show his head at all.

Until the appearance of Kamen Rider No. 1 and the existence of Shocker, the story of Kamen Rider began to develop, but the angels were indifferent to it, which aroused the speculation of the Creator King.

Therefore, the Creator King wanted to try and see if the angels were still there.

As a result...

He didn't know whether the angels were there, but it was true that his only remaining heart was gone.

…Somewhat difficult to collapse, the Creator King stopped thinking about those fucked things and turned his attention to the present.

You should know that after his will drifted here, with the help of the ancient relics, the Creator King transformed this place into an altar.

A special place that will cause the altar to operate as long as it meets certain conditions.

The murals engraved around it are the servants who served it in the past, the stone platform in the middle is the center of the altar, and the lake is to create a scene of isolation and helplessness.

And the Creator King exists on the dome of this underground world.

It is waiting, waiting for Black and Shadow Moon to chase it here and set foot here.

It created this trap here, just to let those two guys come here, and then be led by the misty mental power, fall into a situation of killing each other, and then wait for them to lose both, and the Creator King can be resurrected perfectly without any effort.

It believes that those two guys will definitely come back, especially after knowing the news that it still exists.

Therefore, before falling into a deep sleep, the King of Creation gave a special order to the awakening device. Only when these conditions are met can it be activated and awakened.

That also means that Black and Shadow Moon came here and fell into a trap.

One: When two or more beings come here.

Two: Both of them are carrying strange stones and can transform.

Three: They must be connected to each other by aura and have blood connections.

It can be said that the only two people in the world who can meet the three standards set by the King of Creation are the brothers Nan Kotaro and his brother.

So, when the King of Creation was awakened, he looked at it happily, and a question mark suddenly appeared.

No, who are you two?

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