I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 140 The Four Archangels: The Four Symbols Formation, activated! (bushi)

The four great angels are by no means weak.

When the Black God created the world, all living things in the world were created, and humans were born as a result, but humans with the appearance of God did not have the power of God.

Those who inherited the power of God are angels, that is, a group of Venerables.

There are many Venerables, such as Leopard Venerable and Cat Venerable.

But these Venerables are just small categories in a certain category.

Above these ordinary Venerables are the Supreme God Venerables, who stand above all Venerables.

This is the incarnation of a certain power of this world that was given authority by the Black God when the world was opened up.

Except for the Fire Angel who turned into thousands of light powers and spread into the bodies of all human beings, and the Day Angel and Night Angel who were killed by the Fire Angel and deprived of the authority to give the world the rotation of day and night, the remaining four angels can be said to have lived from the beginning of the world to the present.

The disaster of the annihilation of the world in the past, the disaster of the extinction of mankind jointly launched by the four angels, was recorded in all major civilizations at that time. That was the famous flood event.

Whether it was Noah's Ark or Atlantis, civilizations all over the world have recorded that huge annihilation of the world.

Now, the four angels are out again, the four of them are united, and the power they jointly launch commands the surging elements in this world.

The earth angel is the lord of the earth, with the power to dominate the creatures on the earth, and the movement of the earth, whether on the ground or underground, is determined by him.

This kind of power is also his capital as the leader of the four angels.

Compared with the other three, the authority of the earth angel can only be compared with the dead fire angel.

And below him is the wind angel who controls the flow of wind, the movement of the atmosphere above the sky, and flaps his wings in the sky to overlook the earth.

There are few living things above the sky, but the changes in the celestial phenomena and the changes in the world's atmosphere are absolutely important to the lives living in this world.

In scientific terms, the wind angel controls the earth's atmosphere, which can change at will.

The thunder angel is comparable to this power.

But the thunder angel was not ranked among the supreme gods at the beginning. It was only after the death of the fire angel that the supreme gods lacked the power of destruction, so their respective powers could not be released, so the thunder angel appeared.

Although the pure thunder only has the way of destruction, the thunder angel itself is also in charge of destruction and fighting. It is not as powerful as the fire angel, but it is enough to balance the power between angels.

The last one is the water angel.

In terms of strength, the water angel is slightly lacking. Although to some extent, the fire angel is strong, the water angel should also be very strong, but this is not the case.

The power of the water angel seems incomplete. It cannot cause a huge tsunami. It cannot drive the oceans on the earth at all. Its positioning is equivalent to the Dragon King in Journey to the West. Its biggest function is to bring rain.

However, the launch of the world-destroying flood was mainly driven by its power.

And now…

What Daguba is facing now is earth, water, wind, and thunder, not earth, water, wind, and fire.

To some extent, it can be said that Daguba is very lucky.

After all, if this book is a novel about cultivating immortals or prehistoric times, it is estimated that the four angels would shout in unison the moment they start fighting.

Four Angels: Four Symbols Formation! Start!

The protruding rocks turned into hideous ground spikes, surging on the earth and rushing towards Daguba.

The best response is of course to jump up, as long as you jump up, you can avoid the spikes on the ground.

But Daguba, who was boiling with fighting spirit, was driven by the fighting instinct and chose to break through directly.

His legs swung repeatedly, his hands swung freely, and his body tore all obstacles apart while moving forward at a high speed. Daguba rushed out of the whole body, no longer restrained, and the moment his fists collided in front of his chest, he was smashed to the ground with a roar.

The tremor that was not caused by the Earth Angel suddenly rose, and the Earth Angel took a step back. Daguba shook the earth with pure power. The shock caused at that moment almost made it lose control of the earth.

"Good tricks!"

Daguba is worthy of being the king of Gulongji, and the power from the spirit stone is obviously no worse than that of their angels.

"But it's not enough!"

The Earth Angel used his arms to forcefully lift up a complete piece of land and held it high above his head.

At a glance, the hundred-meter-sized land was changing rapidly under the power of the Earth Angel, and after a moment it condensed into a huge rock sphere.

"Ha! Venerable Earth, so you use the power of the earth?" Daguba grinned, and also inserted his hands under the ground, exerting force with his arms to lift up the entire ground in front of him.

"But unfortunately, I can do it too!"

The power of the driving element also transformed the soil into rock. During the rotation of the rock ball, the terrifying wind was entangled and the rain was also contaminated, unable to be freed, making this high-speed rotating rock ball even more terrifying.

"You want to fight against the authority I have been given with the power of the driving element alone?" The earth angel sneered and said, "You are really overestimating yourself, the King of Gurongi!"

The thunder from the sky descended and hit the rock ball above the earth angel's head.

If Daguba's power carries the power of earth, wind and water, then the power of the Earth Angel is the power of thunder added to the three elements.

The two looked at each other, and there was no hesitation between them. While running fast, they threw the spheres in their hands at the same time, blasting out like a cannonball, and suddenly collided.


The violent explosion caused by the collision swept everything around.

The earth cracked, and the howling wind tore everywhere.

Rain splashed, and the thunder in the sky stopped.

The dark clouds in the sky were almost broken, but fortunately the Thunder Angel in the clouds pulled with all his strength, so it did not collapse.

The gravel flew, like a bullet attacking the surroundings indiscriminately. Fortunately, this is the Jiulangyue area, which is rarely visited by people. Otherwise, if they fought in the city, the damage caused would be unimaginable.


With their hands held together and their arms intertwined, the Earth Angel and Daguba collided with each other, and the two sides started a dispute again. The air waves raised at the moment of the collision rolled up the clear ground around them again.

Although it was still raining in the sky, there was not even a trace of moisture on the ground around Daguba and the Earth Angel.

Obviously, the previous strong collision made even the water molecules unable to stay here and were completely repelled, which caused the scene that it was raining but very dry here.

"You are much stronger than that trash!" The Water Angel could not survive more than three moves in front of him, and that kind of trash was not enough for Daguba to worry about.

But the Earth Venerable in front of him made Daguba feel satisfied.

"The power of the Water Angel is not in fighting." At the first collision, the Earth Angel felt the power of Daguba, and even won compared to him.

This is already a very terrifying thing.

You must know that among the angels, only the Fire Angel can suppress him, but now the King of Gurongi also suppresses him.

"Really?" Daguba laughed wantonly: "Then let me feel all the power of you angels!"

"With your power, it's not enough! It's not strong enough!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure hovering in the sky suddenly slashed down, and shot three arrows in succession, falling on Daguba's head.

But the sudden lightning broke out from the side, hitting the three arrows, blowing them away, and falling down powerlessly.

The figure hovering in the sky suddenly paused, obviously not expecting such a thing.

"Don't think that only you can manipulate the power of elements." Daguba grinned: "Compared to you who only have one power, I can use all of them!"

"Don't underestimate the ultimate power!"

With his arms raised, Daguba took the upper hand, pushing the body of the earth angel and plowing the ground.

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