I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 129: I don’t know why, I feel a little redundant and a little sad

"The way of heaven!"

Ichijo dropped the gun in his hand and ran over to help Tiandao, and quickly asked him about his current situation: "How are you? Are you feeling well? Tiandao!"

"It hurts..." Holding his chest, Tiandao gasped several times in succession. After the battle, the sequelae caused by excessive consumption of mental energy began to show up, making Tiandao dizzy at the moment and unable to distinguish which pair was currently in the battle. where.

Even if there is one, there are five or six in his eyes at the moment, and they are all like seaweed, swaying all the time.

"I'll take you to the hospital right away!" Although the number of visits to the hospital became more and more during this period, there was really nothing I could do.

As the strength of unconfirmed life forms increases, both Tiandao and Fifth Generation are in a state of frequent injuries. In contrast, the number of trips to the hospital is naturally increasing.

"No, let's go see Godai first." Tiandao rejected Ichijo's suggestion: "Godai was involved in the explosion, let's go see him first!"

Pushing Ichito Fenli away from him, Tiandao's eyes stared directly at the world covered in smoke and dust not far away, staring at it without even blinking for a moment. But he was stubborn and wanted to see the fifth generation come out of the smoke with his own eyes.

There is nothing that can be done. The sudden heat wave over there is still intense, and it is still unbearable for humans.

Ichijou could only stand on the outside, anxious and helpless.

But as if he was reluctant to live up to the expectations of Heaven, a black shadow gradually emerged from the smoke and dust that distorted the burning air, approaching here little by little.

The blurry figure became clearer and clearer, until he completely walked out of the smoke. He was no longer the almighty Kuuga, but returned to his original white color. That is, the young Kuuga covered his chest and limped away. out.

"Fifdai..." Staring at this white figure, the anxiety in Ichiko's eyes turned into joy and joy.

Being able to see the fifth generation reappear is more important than anything else.

"Ichijo-san..." His voice was filled with unconcealable fatigue. Godai raised his hand and gave a thumbs up to Ichijou.

"Ah..." Ichijo understood and gave a thumbs up.

Although he didn't speak, everything was silent and clearly expressed in this gesture.

However, when such a scene fell in Tiandao's eyes, it inexplicably reminded him of everything on that mural.

The white newborn empty self, with the broken ruins behind it, stood in the high-temperature environment, glowing with a faint red light.

Just like...the red mist filling the mural.

"The Fifth Generation... we... are not enemies, right..." Seeing Kuuga's appearance, Tiandao felt very pleased at first, but then turned into complicated emotions.

We cooperate so well, we shouldn't be enemies, right?

Our methods of fighting side by side are so consistent with each other, we should be partners, right?

His cheek touched the ground, and his godless eyes stared at Ichijo's back over there. As his eyes gradually became dimmed, they gradually returned to darkness.

At the end of his sight, the white Kuuga crossed over Ichijo's back and rushed towards him.

Five generations…

Are you going to kill me, or... are you going to save me?

Everything on the mural is clearly visible, and the memory of fighting side by side cannot be faked.

Before the answer is found, the more tacit understanding the cooperation becomes, the harder it will be for Tiandao... to let it go.

The commotion caused by the appearance of Mantis Girl in a huge form is huge. You must know that before this, even if unconfirmed life forms appeared frequently, they were generally about the same size as humans. It can also be explained by humanoid creatures. .

But...the huge mantis monster, while waving its double swords, fought with No. 4 and No. 1, demolishing half of Chengnan University in a very short period of time. Others may not know how powerful this kind of destructive power is. But the president of Seongnam University definitely has a say in this.

Looking at the man-made lake that was mostly dismantled, the campus building turned into a ruined building, and the plaque of Chengnan University was broken into eight pieces... The president of Chengnan University was saddened by this, but he still had to put on a big show in front of the media reporters. The appearance of degree.

After experiencing something like this, the principal felt that nothing in his life could hit him anymore.

After Godai and Tiandao fell into coma at the same time, luckily Ichijo was there, so he could take the two of them away in time after the dust settled. Otherwise, if the subsequent media reporters came to take pictures, it would be a lot of fun.

However, after both of them were sent to the hospital at the same time, Chun Shuichi helped them stay in the same room so that they could rely on each other as patients.

After that, the two of them looked at a worried Sakurako sitting in front of Godai's hospital bed, and a Kuroda Hikaru sitting in front of Tiandao's hospital bed who was also grabbing her clothes. The two looked at each other, and they actually read the meaning in each other's eyes. The fact that each of them is somewhat redundant.

"Obviously I was always with Tiandao in the past." The two closed the door to the ward. At the gate, Ichijo let out such an easily misunderstood sigh: "I didn't expect that you don't need me now."

"Can you still stay with him for the rest of your life?" Chun Xiuyi tugged at the corners of his lips, and patted Ichichi's shoulder helplessly: "Tiandao and Godai are both enlightened, what about you? When will you bring a girlfriend over to show me?"

"Let's talk about it." Ichijo did not respond directly: "First resolve the incident of unconfirmed life forms, and then I will consider that."

Tsubaki Hideichi rolled his eyes and said nothing more.

After the incident of the unconfirmed life form is officially over, you will probably find a new excuse to evade me.

Tsubaki Hideichi knows too much about Ichijo.

This guy has always been the type to procrastinate as much as possible, but in fact, Tsubaki Hideichi always feels that he is not the kind of person who is good at dating.

If he really met a woman who pestered him, his expression would be very rich.

"Are they both okay?"

"Nothing." Tsubaki Hideichi waved his hand indifferently: "Compared to the dying look before, they are just a little exhausted today. It's enough to rest for a while."

Ichijo was relieved when he heard this.

"By the way, what happened to that unidentified life form? How big did it get?"

"We are also investigating this matter, but we can't give an answer for the time being." Ichijo's eyes showed deep worry: "If all the unidentified life forms that appear in the future are like this, then..."

"Then this world will be much more interesting." Tsubaki Hideichi crossed his arms: "So, while that era has not yet arrived, we should enjoy life while we can."

Ichijo glanced at Tsubaki Hideichi beside him and said nothing.

This playboy, who can change four girlfriends in a week, really fits his style of enjoying life while we can.

In the ward, while Sakurako was worried about Goshiro, she couldn't help but focus part of her eyes on Kuroda Hikaru over there.

In the past, it was Ichijo who sat next to Tendao and waited for him to get up. After Sakurako met Tendao, such scenes were staged countless times.

And today, Ichijo's figure finally disappeared, replaced by a talented musician who became famous.

Although Sakurako was very curious about why Tiandao could meet such a girl without anyone noticing, she was also happy for Tiandao when she saw him find his other half.

Mainly because of Professor Xia Mu's daughter last time, after Shika had met Tiandao, she always felt that Tiandao should be the kind of person who had children, that is, a middle-aged man who was married and had children.

But in fact, Tiandao not only did not get married and have children, but he was only 26 years old and had no girlfriend.

But as long as she thought of the Tiandao in Shika's cognition and the real Tiandao in real life, Sakurako inexplicably felt that Tiandao's life seemed very tragic.

"Ms. Sakurako." But just when Sakurako was thinking about something, Kuroda Hikaru spoke first.

"Do you mind going out with me?"

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