I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 13 Let’s Celebrate

Chapter 13 Celebrate!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

Even if you are extremely careful, the reaction speed of humans is still far behind that of Gurongi.

No matter how alert Yichi was, he didn't even have the chance to turn the gun because the bat's speed was beyond his reaction limit. He was caught by the bat and then knocked to the ground with great force.

The bat is not very powerful among Gurongi, but it is more than enough to crush a human like Yichi.

After Yichi was disarmed and knocked to the ground, severe pain swept through his body, and the bones of his arms were overwhelmed and difficult to maintain.

"I will suck your blood!"

The words spoken in the language of Gurongi that only the bat himself could understand, this language fell into Yichi's ears, but it was just the roar and whimper of a beast.

The candlestick knocked to the ground by a falling body ignited the curtains of the church. In the fiercely rising fire, the devil's figure appeared in the holy place of God, wanton and arrogant.

Where the gods are, the devil also lives.

The raging fire is like the flames of hell, burning everything in the twisted heat wave.

This is the synonym of destruction.

This desperate scene should have given endless despair to those who were in it, but the person who suddenly broke the door and roared on a motorcycle seemed to have issued a human roar to the devil in the world.

Shouting, let the devil get out of the world.

The fifth generation overturned the motorcycle and hit the ground in front of the bat.

But the bat could not be hit by such a speed attack. He jumped high with both hands and avoided the attack.

But the fifth generation's calculation was better.

The motorcycle on the ground caused damage to the fuel tank, causing the motorcycle to explode at a distance. The bat on top was caught off guard and was engulfed by the sudden fire, and his body was submerged in the explosion.

Wu Dai rolled his body, and finally stood up and came to Yi Tiao. He took off his coat and slapped Yi Tiao's burning coat.

"Officer Yi Tiao!"

"What are you doing again!"

But facing Wu Dai who suddenly broke in, Yi Tiao was obviously very angry, and he grabbed Wu Dai's collar and asked him.

"I have found it! I found the reason why I want to fight!" Looking at Yi Tiao seriously, Wu Dai's expression was particularly focused: "Yi Tiao, I don't want to see you being killed!"

Yi Tiao was stunned, and he didn't expect Wu Dai to say such a thing.

"You protect us, if this is your duty, then I..." Wu Dai pushed Yi Tiao's hand away and protected Yi Tiao behind him: "I don't want to see your sacrifice even more!"

"Just think of it as me protecting you."

Wu Dai slightly turned sideways.


"We can't do that because of this guy!"

Looking at the bat rushing out of the flames, Wu Dai stepped forward, avoided the bat's fist, and pushed the bat's waist.

"I don't want to see anyone cry anymore!"

The bat jumped up, and his extraordinary jumping ability made him turn his body in the air, so that Wu Dai, who was rushing over, lost his target and lost his balance.

The bat fell from the sky and kicked Wu Dai in the back, knocking him down, and collided with Ichijo again.

"I want to put a smile on everyone's face."

That was what I saw before coming here, because of the sad tears caused by these monsters.

Killing innocent people wantonly, just because of this, brought pain to people.

The final creator of the tearful appearance was these monsters.

"So, please watch."

If you fight to stop such behavior, to protect such people, to guard everyone's smiles, so that everyone will not show that kind of expression because of loss, so that the root of people's pain will no longer exist...

Then I was chosen to be such a warrior, and perhaps at this moment, every time I danced my fists in the battle, what exactly is contained in it, Wu Dai can understand.

"My... transformation!"

That is the meaning of fighting, the reason awakened by my own beliefs, and the concept built by my own ideas.

A fist without beliefs cannot cause damage.

With a confused heart, I don't know what I am fighting for.

Now I... can do it!

Lowering his body, with the blazing fire as the background, Wu Dai looked resolute, and the materialized Adam spirit stone belt on his waist suddenly appeared. In the rhythm of the heart, Wu Dai posed in the posture before the transformation and waited attentively.

Waving his fists and hitting the bat's body, Kuuga's armor covered his limbs and bones with shouts, and finally changed the face of Godai.

No longer the newborn white Kuuga, but a warrior with a strong will and control of fire.


The golden young horns on his forehead fully unfolded and turned into golden big horns. His flaming posture made him look more sturdy and strong, and compared with the white newborn posture, he looked more complete.

Because this is the real fighting posture of Kuuga.


The last punch flipped the bat in the air, and Godai gasped and reproduced the appearance of Kuuga a thousand years ago in his memory.

This legendary scene, perhaps as an audience, there are not only the five generations who are at the scene and the bats who are the enemy, but also many more, countless people watching this scene.


"The knight who controls the flames, transforms into a fighting posture in the sacred land."

"Kamen Rider-Kuga, his light pierces the darkness."

"At this moment, the prelude of the stagnant Kamen Rider Chronicle is opened, and a new history continues the past and brings the glory of the future!"

"The glory of the Heisei Knight shines at this moment!"

Closing the Oma Advent Calendar, Woz opened his hands and closed his eyes. He seemed to be really feeling this moment, intoxicated and completely immersed in it.

"Here it comes again..."

The boy in white, an extremely ordinary high school student, Tokiwa Sougo, is also the legendary "Heisei Strongest" Kamen Rider!

Tokiwa Sougo is also Kamen Rider-Zi-O Oma.

Surpass Oma Zi-O and enjoy the only, true time king.

Possessing the power to transcend the times, travel through time and space, change dimensions, and all kinds of incredible powers.

"Kuga's history is not allowed to have any problems. No matter who it is, there is absolutely no way to surpass me."

Tokiwa Sougo looked serious. As the beginning of the Heisei Knight, Kuga's first appearance, or the scene where he first showed his fighting posture, this scene is particularly important.

Not only can he see it, but I think many people will also watch this scene.

"My demon king, Kuga's history is crucial, but..." Woz bowed slightly: "The history of another warrior, how should we choose?"

"In the eyes of Swartz, he..."

"That is bound to happen." Tokiwa Sougo shook his head: "Isn't it interesting?"

"Each time has different possibilities. Even we can't know what the future of this predecessor will be like."

"That kind of uncertain future is what people look forward to."


"The beginning of the Heisei Knight... Humph!" As an observer of history, someone who saw this scene snorted coldly, particularly dissatisfied.

His appearance cannot be observed specifically. In the outside world, he is just a human, but this human is sometimes a teenager in black and sometimes a middle-aged man in a purple coat.

In the constantly changing image, it is impossible to determine what kind of person he is.

"That true king... Even if I send more time robbers over, I can't interfere with that history..."

In front of the Kamen Rider Zi-O Oma, the power of the time robbers is as small as an ant.

Even he himself is still very small.

To touch that power, you must first have the power of Oma Zi-O.

And before you have the power of Oma Zi-O, you must first get the power of another person.

"If Kuuga can't do it, we can only find another way."


"This is not right." Fei Yuzhen frowned after closing the book.

"Kuga's story... Why has it changed?"

"Is someone writing a new..."

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