I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 120: One: You don’t have to be a police officer, but you must watch Lao Deng’s fun.

"Then I'll take my leave first." After Sakurako left, Kuroda Hikaru also stood in front of the gate of the Kamiyama family and said goodbye to Kamiyama Taiji: "Please tell Tiandao that I will visit you again tomorrow."


Taiji made an OK gesture, expressing his satisfaction with Kuroda Hikaru's politeness, which was much better than his unfilial grandson.

After all, since he became a flame dragon, Tiandao has never brought him dinner, and Taiji has to go out to buy it every night, which is really unbearable for him, an old man in his seventies.

Such an unfilial grandson, I, Taiji, actually have to worry about him and find a wife for him.

Can you find a grandfather as kind-hearted as me in this world? Can you find an old man like me?


Kuroda Hikaru bowed slightly and walked towards the outside world. His black figure seemed to be merging into the darkness in the dusk when the sun was about to set.

As her hair fluttered, her cold temperament was fully revealed, making anyone who dared to come up and chat up disappear.

…No, there shouldn't be such a person.

You have to know that in the past six months, since the unconfirmed life forms began to appear and kill, the remaining Yakuza and biker gangs on the streets have disappeared without a trace.

As the attacks of unconfirmed life forms became more and more intense and the number of murders increased, this kind of people basically disappeared from society.

Tokyo's night also had a lot of safety indicators for no reason.

Of course, for humans.

"Are you serious about coming out of the Kamiyama family?"

Coming to the intersection, standing in the middle of the intersection where you can walk forward, backward, left and right, at the end of Kuroda Hikaru's road, wearing a golden long dress, radiating a different kind of glittering color under the embellishment of dusk.

The ponytail blew down, and a silver-white rose pattern on her forehead, accompanied by the same cold temperament on her face, made her stand out.

"You should know that the current Yanlong is not the Yanlong you think."

"Of course I know." Looking at the existence in front of him who is second to none in Gurongi, Kuroda Hikaru spoke, and used human language: "So my goal has never been Yanlong."

"It's the way of God Mountain."

"...Learning human things, have you finally learned it yourself?" In the past six months, although the Ge Group has not been able to participate in the game, the Ge Group is not doing nothing all day long.

They have been mixed in human society in the past six months. Not only have they learned the human language, but they have also thoroughly understood human history and the composition of the current world.

With the ability of Gurongi, especially the Ge Group, as long as they want to learn, they can quickly master everything that others cannot master.

"Isn't it interesting, Rose?" Kuroda Hikaru spoke again: "Is it this kind of thing that drove you to give up your identity as Gurongi?"

"The feeling called: love?"

Although he said the word love, Kuroda Hikaru still looked the same on the surface.

"I really want to know what kind of feeling is it that can make you, who is second only to the one, willing to give up everything... love."

"It is also because of you that I understand one thing." Kuroda Hikaru took a step forward. She did not choose to retreat, nor did she choose to go to the left or right. Instead, she walked past Rose.

"As long as there is love, Yanlong can stand on Gurongi's side."

"Compared to your game..." Kuroda Hikaru stood slightly behind Rose: "I am taking this matter very seriously."


She did not turn around, and Kuroda Hikaru did not turn around either. Even if someone wanted to replicate her own mistake back then, Rose knew better than anyone that Shenshan Tiandao was only Shenshan Tiandao, not Shenshan Yizhen.

Those who confuse the two and think that they are the same person are doomed to have a bad end.

Tian Dao ran all the way back home, looking embarrassed, but even so, after leaving Jiulangyue, he still called Yitiao and agreed to meet at Shenshan's house.

Although Yitiao didn't know why Tian Dao did this, he still understood the seriousness of the matter when he heard Tian Dao's trembling tone on the phone.

Having known Tian Dao for so long, he never showed such a loss of composure.

Therefore, when Yitiao was talking to Tai Er, Tian Dao pushed open the door and faced the gazes of the two. Tian Dao panted and came to Shenshan Tai Er in a menacing manner. In front of Yitiao, he grabbed his grandfather's collar fiercely and questioned him.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Tai Er never deceived himself. This is what Tian Dao has always believed.

But now... he is not so sure of his belief.

"...Yes, I am hiding something from you." Tai Er closed his eyes, with a slightly painful expression.

His answer made Ichijo, who was originally planning to stop Tiandao, retract his arm and sit aside to wait for the follow-up.

What? You said that as a police officer, Ichijo can't ignore this kind of domestic violence and bullying of the elderly?

Then I will resign tomorrow!

I don't have to be a police officer, but I must watch Taier's fun!

"I knew it...Grandpa..." Tiandao suddenly let go of Taier's collar and fell to the ground helplessly: "Grandpa, you really lied to me."

"Yes, I lied to you." Taier looked distressed: "The address book I locked in the cabinet is actually empty. I don't have any lovers at all."

"I didn't expect you to find out."

Taier seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, and his spirit and energy fell down.



"No, no, no, this must be true." Yitiao waved his hands: Don't talk nonsense, old man! When I went to sweep the spring two and a half years ago, I arrested you on the spot!"

"It was Tiandao who brought you back afterwards!"

"Ah? Is that true?" Taier could no longer maintain the guilty expression on his face, and turned to show a puzzled look: "I don't remember it clearly."

"I don't remember it clearly means that you have been to many similar places, right? "Ichijo directly complained, and his original serious personality did not exist at all at this moment.

"Well, that's not what I meant." After Taiji did this, Tiandao's inner pressure was instantly gone, and the collapsed expression on his face returned to normal.

"When I went to track No. 3 today, I shot it down in the Jiulangyue area, and then when I went down to look for it, I accidentally found a super ancient ruins, inside..."

Tiandao told his discovery to Ichijo and Taiji. As expected, Ichijo showed a shocked look, and Taiji was the same, showing a "shocked" look.

"What you said reminded me that Miss Zedu came to see me during the day today." Taiji slapped the table to attract the attention of the two.

"She said she deciphered a super ancient text, the content is..."

"When the sacred spring dries up, the miserable warrior will appear like thunder. The sun is buried in darkness. "

After repeating Sakurako's words, Taiji continued: "Do you think it is related to what you found?"

"Related?" Tiandao frowned: "I can't think of any connection between the two."

"What is the sacred spring? Dried up means dead?"

"The miserable warrior? What is that? Does it refer to Kuuga or Flame Dragon?"

"The sun is buried in darkness, which means the end of the world, right?"

Ichijo and Tiandao put forward their own views.

"But the last painting shows Flame Dragon killing Kuuga."

"Does the sun being buried in darkness mean that Flame Dragon is the darkness and Kuuga is the sun?"

Tiandao murmured.

"But in the third mural, Kuuga is clearly killing people."

"Is he... still the sun?"

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