I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 11: Flame Dragon Armor Fusion (Emperor: It feels a bit strange)

Chapter 11 Flame Dragon Armor! Fusion! (Emperor: I always feel something strange)

"I'm sorry, Officer Ichijo."

In the hospital, Godai followed Ichijo. The two fought against the bat together, but both were defeated. Godai's injury was not too serious because of the belt.

But as a human, Ichijo was hit by a bat and flew up and landed, which caused him a lot of damage.

But in the hospital, Ichijo was ready to leave immediately after a short treatment. Even when facing the nurse who was worried about his physical condition, he had no intention of staying.

"There's no need to apologize to me, but you don't need to participate in this anymore." Ichijo stood in front of the elevator, without even looking at Godai beside him: "That kind of power will not work at all."

"You are just a civilian, there is no need to do such a thing."

"But I still won't give up." Godai didn't seem to hear the suppressed anger in Ichijo's tone, and still talked to himself.

But it was precisely because of this that such words angered Ichijo, causing him to press against Godai's chest and push him against the wall.

"If you feel that you have gained the power to fight, it doesn't matter how you feel!" Ichijo panted: "Maybe you are really a chosen warrior as the Heavenly Dao said."

"But you can't defeat those monsters, right?"

"As a civilian, you shouldn't get involved in this matter." When their eyes met, Ichijo could see a trace of confusion in Godai's eyes, and this trace of confusion aroused his anger even more.

"It is our responsibility to protect the citizens. Even if there are many sacrifices, I can't watch you die." After letting go of Godai's body, Ichijo stepped back a few steps and kept a distance from Godai.

"You were almost killed by that monster today."

"Go back now and forget about these things." Ichijo's voice calmed down, and he walked into the open elevator: "Also, I won't tell anyone that you can transform."

The closed elevator doors slowly merged, separating Godai and Ichijo from each other, as if to prove at this moment that the two were not from the same world.

Godai leaned against the wall, staring blankly ahead.

Ichijo's words finally gave him the opportunity to face himself and face what his future would be like if he easily got involved in such a battle.

Godai, who was in a state of disarray, came to the coffee shop where he had agreed to meet Sakurako, because Sakurako was going to attend the memorial service for Professor Natsume of the archaeological investigation team who died in the ruins of Kuroyama, so the two rushed here overnight.

Halfway through, Godai knew what happened in the Kamiyama family, so he asked Sakurako to stay here and wait for him, and he wanted to go to the Kamiyama family to take a look.

But Godai himself didn't know that so many things happened on this trip, and it took so long.

So when he returned to Sakurako, he was greeted by Sakurako's angry expression and some resentful eyes.

In this regard, Wu Dai knew that he was in the wrong, so he could only smile continuously, and no matter what Sakurako said, he completely responded without any refusal.

...It can be said that his desire to survive was full.

When driving Sakurako on the road to the professor's house, Wu Dai's muffled voice sounded under the helmet.

"Before, when I transformed, I seemed to see another me."

"Huh?" The wind was too loud, and Sakurako couldn't hear it clearly.

"But unlike my white, what appeared in my memory was red."

Wu Dai's voice fell little by little.

"That's the fighting posture, and I..."

"Is it because I am still hesitant in my heart, or not firm enough?"

"Wu Dai, what are you talking about?" The whistling wind passed by her ears, and also left Wu Dai's self-talk behind. Sakurako could only hear some whispers, and couldn't hear the exact sound at all.

The motorcycle with incandescent lights sped along, carrying a confused heart that had not yet found the meaning of fighting, and gradually went away.

In the darkness, only that beam of light broke through the gloomy night and moved forward alone.

"Fire Village...Fire Village!" Crouching outside the Shenshan family, the spider hid in the darkness, hesitating as if it wanted to enter but didn't dare, which made it particularly hesitant.

Because it had dealt with the people of the Fire Village a thousand years ago, the spider knew exactly what kind of power these guys had.

Let's put it this way, if it weren't for the guardian of their Fire Village, the entire village would have been slaughtered by Gurongi.

The blood of their clan is the most addictive stimulant for Gurongi. Any Gurongi who has tasted the blood of the people of the Fire Village will be deeply intoxicated by the stimulation brought by their blood entering the body, as well as the feeling of being hot all over and the intense burning of power.

For the Gurongi, a group that worships power, the Fire Village is like a walking delicacy, and every Gurongi flocks to it.

No Gurongi can resist this wonderful feeling that makes them shake their legs and live in intoxication.

Spider is no exception.

But Spider also knows that the guardian of the Fire Village is definitely not a good person. Like Kuuga, he was a strong enemy to them, the Gurongi.


Touching the red fist mark on his chest and the red lines spreading around his chest, Spider was not unfamiliar with such marks.

If Yan Long's punch hit Gu Longji thousands of years ago, it would cause a violent explosion and kill Gu Longji completely.

But now, because the current Yan Long is not strong enough, even if the opponent throws this punch, it can only cause such scars, which are forcibly suppressed by Spider.

Although the red cracks that are still spreading are still growing, compared to being hit by a punch and dying on the spot, this delayed countdown-like death also gives Spider a chance to operate.

As long as it eats the guy from the Fire Village, it can survive, and it can use the blood of the Fire Village to stimulate its potential and gain more powerful power!

At that time...

Spider has no time to look for other survivors of the Fire Village. Among the people it knows, there is only this one in front of it!

But... because the opponent is still Yan Long, Spider is a little hesitant.

But this hesitation finally made Spider completely determined when the crack on his chest expanded again and was about to spread to the belt on his belly.

If the crack spreads again, it will touch the belt. At that time, Spider will be dead no matter what.

With his mind made up, Spider turned over, crossed the wall, and entered the courtyard of Shenshan's house again.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Spider approached the house on tiptoe. The traces of the damage caused by the fire dragon last night were still vivid in his mind.

Covering his chest, Spider followed closely, with only one target in his dark brown compound eyes.

"Every summoner of the armor will know how to use it when he puts it on. This is the memory given by successive generations of inheritors."

The God Mountain Heart took a few steps back to avoid the continuous straight punches: "The summoner does not need to be familiar with the armor, but must clearly understand what he is good at and what he lacks."

"Remember, the characteristics that the armor can show correspond to the corresponding side of your fate."

"But, the flame side... I don't have the violent and aggressive personality of the flame." Tiandao was a little confused: "I feel that I It seems to be more suitable for water or soil..."

"No, the fact that you can summon armor proves that you must have a side that fits the armor, but you haven't found it yet." Shenshan Xinzhe nodded slightly: "Now, you have learned the most basic, but also the most core move of the Southern Fist."

"You have understood your responsibilities and missions, and you should have a preliminary understanding of your own strength."

"Then, go and feel the power of the Fire Armor."

As soon as the words fell, Shenshan Xinzhe retreated with the entire scene, shrinking into a faint point in an instant and disappearing in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the outside world, Tiandao, who suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from a deep sleep, immediately felt the sudden appearance of the familiar and disgusting breath of the devil.

The Fire Crystal Stone sensed the appearance of the devil, and a faint red glow suddenly bloomed, dyeing the entire room into a bright red.

Jumping up from the bed, Tiandao passed over the Fire Crystal Stone in the form of a human, and pushed open the door in the form of armor with a twisting red glow.

A faint dragon roar sounded loudly, and the red dragon took a step forward to meet the devil head-on.

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