I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 108 Without further ado, brothers, please take a few days off. If you take more than four da

"Tendō-san!" Pulling Graeme down from the sky, Kuuga released the transformation after landing, and returned to the fifth generation appearance from the Pegasus posture.

While he and Tiandao waved their arms to greet each other, Godai trotted over with a happy smile on his face.

Tiandao, on the other hand, looked at the ashes with some residual burning marks over there and curled his lips.

Just run for your life. If you met me on the way, instead of pretending you didn't see me, you would actually come up to provoke me?

Why, do you have so much self-confidence?

You don’t really think that you are very powerful.

"Hey, Godai." Tiandao and Godai met. As they faced each other, Godai saw the police car over there with the entire roof dented.

Seeing this, he finally understood what happened between Chameleon and Tiandao.

"It really shocked me. I didn't expect that guy to actually appear in front of you, Tiandao-san, and even fight with you." Godai touched the back of his head in embarrassment: "I was aiming in the sky for a long time, and then... Find an opportunity to kill it."

"I didn't expect Tiandao-san to be able to use that method to make that guy reveal his body." Godai crossed his arms and sighed strangely: "It's really amazing. It's completely different from me using Pegasus' super-sense to find the opponent."

Compared to his ability to use the Pegasus posture in his transformed posture, the ability of Tiandao made Godai feel even more powerful.

"The main reason is that everyone in this area is helping me." As he spoke, Tiandao pointed to the sky and then to the surroundings: "For example, the earth, trees, and even the insects hiding under the leaves, they told me about each other What is it?”

Wu Dai touched his head, not understanding what Tiandao wanted to express.

After all, I have never had a similar feeling in this area, and I have no corresponding ability. Even if I want to break my head, I can't figure out how a tree can talk to people.

Tiandao didn't say much. He didn't know how to explain such a mysterious thing as mind energy. He was even confused about how to awaken it.

It was as if his consciousness had awakened after killing the squid. There was no way to explain this to Godai.

"By the way, Tiandao-san, didn't you go to the concert? Why are you here?"

"Concert?" Tiandao looked at Godai in surprise: "How did you know about this?"

"Well, I visited the Kamiyama family this morning and wanted to invite you to our party." Godai said in detail: "Then Zero told us that you went to the concert."

"This." Tiandao waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's not so much a concert, but more... a date that I have to go on?"

"A date?!" Godai's voice suddenly became louder.

"Hey! Don't think wrongly! Don't think it's me who wants to come over!" Tiandao immediately covered it up with a louder voice: "It's just that I had to come over because of threats."

"Really, women in this era can already use this kind of thing to threaten themselves. I can't even imagine what it will be like in the next ten or twenty years!" Tiandao clapped his hands and said with emotion: "Fortunately, I am from this era."

"It's so sad for the people of the future."

Wu Dai smiled coquettishly on the side, and really didn't know what to say.

Isn’t it too early to talk about what will happen ten or twenty years from now?

"By the way, didn't you say you went to the party? What..." Pointing to the unburned embers of the day behind him, what Tiandao wanted to express was self-evident.

"Even if I want a quiet gathering, there is no way that the unconfirmed life form will give me this opportunity." Godai clapped his hands and made the same expression like Tiandao: "So, I have to leave."

"Nana-chan must have a lot of opinions."

The two walked side by side and walked outside together.

When Wu Dai landed here, he naturally had no means of transportation, and Tiandao's car... it is still unknown whether it can be driven.

All I could do was call the logistics department to come over and have the car towed away.

"Nana-chan..." Godai's expression changed several times, and finally he sighed: "Nana-chan said that in the past six months, she has hardly been out in Tokyo, and her daily activities are around the Prepre restaurant. I haven’t been to any place farther away.”

Godai is telling the troubles of Nana, or most people in the entire Tokyo area now.

"It's like if you go a little far away, you will be attacked by unidentified life forms." Godai was also helpless about this: "Originally, Nana was entrusted to her uncle by her mother. She wanted Nana to feel The lively atmosphere of Tokyo.”

"In order to allow her to make more friends and see a wider sky."


Five generations stared at the sky. In the current human world, only the heaven and earth remain the same, but the people living between heaven and earth can no longer return to the peace of the past.

"No one wants unconfirmed life forms to appear." Tiandao sighed again: "For us, they are just a group of murderers."

"Godai, did you know? In the past six months, the Metropolitan Police Department has calculated that the number of murders related to unidentified life forms has reached more than 1,600."

"In peaceful times, this is simply an unimaginable thing."

The fifth generation was silent, unable to give too many answers.

"What's wrong? Are you worried that you won't be able to get back in time?" Tiandao looked at his watch: "Well, if I wait at the intersection for a while, I'll probably be able to wait for someone to send a car soon."

"Not that." Wudai shook his head: "I'm just wondering, what do the unconfirmed life forms want to do with their appearance?"

"Even if they are playing a game, what can they get in the end when the killing game is carried out to the end?"

"Maybe, the winner of the game will have some privileges?" Wudai frowned: "Tando-san, if you can understand this, we..."

Before Wudai finished speaking, Tiandao's cell phone suddenly rang.


"Tando! Come to Meguro District! We are here." Along with the screams of people and the ups and downs of gunfire, Ichijo's voice was mixed in, telling Tiandao something loudly.

"There is a guy who looks very much like Kuuga!"

Tando was on speakerphone, so Ichijo's voice instantly attracted Wudai's attention.

"A guy who looks like Kuuga?" Tiandao was stunned, and then he looked into Godai's eyes. Neither of them understood what was going on.

"Yes! Come and support me!" Before he finished the next word, the phone on the other end of the phone seemed to be knocked to the ground, and only a busy tone remained and nothing else could be heard.

"Sure enough, they are no longer appearing one by one now!" Tiandao knew that the situation was urgent, and immediately transformed into a flame dragon, and summoned the light and shadow horse immediately.

Looking at Godai's appearance after he transformed into Kuuga, Tiandao sat on the light and shadow horse and patted the seat behind him.

"The speed on the ground is too slow! Godai, get up!"

Godai obviously knew that the situation was urgent, so he didn't say much, but directly sat on the light and shadow horse, and was driven by the light and shadow horse to fly into the sky together. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a tiny black dot and disappeared.

At the other end, Ichizo looked at the being with horns on his head and looked very similar to Kuuga. After pulling the trigger one after another, all the bullets hit the other party, and not even a spark was produced. Obviously, the bullets had no effect on it.

Compared with Kuuga, who was equally ferocious but had a strange sense of holiness, this guy who looked like Kuuga in front of him gave Ichizo a feeling of only evil. There was nothing added, just killing for the sake of killing.

Just like a mad wild dog on the roadside.

Ichizo fought and retreated, and the other party seemed to enjoy the fun of chasing and killing. It did not chase Ichizo relentlessly, but forced him little by little.

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