Chapter 325 Super Magic Skill

“It seems that you are still too alert to me, but you don’t know that the dead spirits are the true meaning of this world.”

The demigod lich watched Lynch’s more proficient spells and spellcasting movements, and suddenly said with emotion.

Several times during the period, he had felt the fluctuation of the secret energy field in the surrounding virtual space.

The faintly touching magic melody and the mysterious waves set off are like a chorus about to enter a climax.

All of them indicate that the man in front of him is about to mature, and he is only a few minutes away from entering the room.


It is a pity that he is the master of this world.

He is like a painter on a picture frame and a writer on a paper manuscript. He is born to be able to move the trajectory of every floating particle of the secret energy field and the light and extinction afterwards.

Without his consent, Lynch couldn’t cast a real “smashing the dead” spell at all.

So the whole “wish”, from the very beginning, it was the demigod lich to decide when to end the gambling.

For a mage, if you can’t win 100%, there is no value in betting.

Even it has been certain and certain deep in its heart, and if Lynch is released to the outside world, the other party will definitely be able to successfully display the spell of “Breaking the Undead”.

The other spells are not a problem.

From a certain point of view, this is a true apprentice necromancer, who has taken a crucial step on the road of magic.

At this time, the middle-aged man incarnation of the demigod lich still kept his back to face Lynch.

He knew that he would delay for a long time at most, otherwise he would definitely wake up with the “talent” of those behind him.

However, what he lacks most is time.

Just a little bit more, as long as the charm of the spell increases, the opponent will be like countless geniuses in the past, devoting themselves to the path of the demigod lich, and choosing to become an undead creature. Although it is not arrogant and supreme, it can be among the strong in the world. The key sequence.

“It’s strange, obviously I feel that this step is very close to the description effect of the classics.”

Lynch sighed, he felt that the ingenuity and magic power of the wave of spellcasting movements he had just made had reached its peak state in history.

A perfect masterpiece that is difficult to reproduce!

In this way, he can’t successfully display a simple zero ring “strike the dead”?

Isn’t this even a spell?

This deep hesitation made Lynch even develop a kind of “self-doubt” about the road, that is, whether he is on the right path.

In history, the correctness of the “road” is extremely critical, and it even determines the destiny of the entire industry and even the country. In layman’s terms, it is gambling on national luck. And the basic discipline industry also needs to persuade the country’s senior level to agree to appropriation for a certain fund.

In the past life, there is a debate about whether to invest in the construction of large-scale particle accelerators.

And Lynch’s suspicion is even more deadly for him.

Before countless scientific researches have achieved results, no one knows which key step will be wrong.

This is exactly the reason why the most powerful theories need to be proved by experiments, otherwise they are all castles in the sky. Like the famous electromagnetic field theory, it was only until the electromagnetic wave was proved by Hertz that Maxwell stood permanently on the monument of physics history.

Another example is the question of whether there is a positive integer solution to the Pell equation (x^2-109y^2=1).Ordinary people may try to substitute values ​​within 100, and once everything is wrong, it is easy to conclude that it does not exist.

And those who know a little bit of programming may make the program run aside, and it is easy to verify that there is no such thing within 100 million.

But in fact, this equation does not have a positive integer solution within one trillion. The final answer is that there are infinite sets of positive integer solutions, but the smallest set of digital solutions is longer than the mobile phone number.

So many things that seem to be logical, don’t jump to conclusions before getting the final verification. This is the biggest lesson Lynch has learned.

Even if it is 100% successful, you may encounter accidents in different styles and situations.

So this suspicion gave him the urge to go back and sort out the “AI chip” again.

Even after sorting out and investigating, the rest is probably as the detective cartoon said.

When all the impossibility is eliminated, the remaining most improbable possibilities will all be the truth.

He might have to doubt this environment, even the motives of the demigod lich.

However, Lin Qi just raised his eyes, only to find that the demigod lich had turned around and walked quickly to him.

The magic cast just now, the mystery of the ingenious workmanship, even made this lich unable to echo for a long time.

If there is a rookie mage casting spells on weekdays, he will even stop and observe.

But right now, I’m afraid it really can’t be delayed.

The demigod lich looked at Lynch’s fast-moving eyes.

It realized in its heart that it probably really needed to take out some of the “bottom of the box” content to delay the other party’s mind.

The middle-aged man immediately turned away from the subject, “Do you know the skills of super magic spellcasting skills?”

Lin Qi nodded blankly, “I know a little bit, and I have a little understanding of’Instant Spell’ and’Defined Spell’.”

The demigod lich also sighed with deep emotion.

“Do you know how many kinds of super magic skills with pure casting direction are there in time?”

Hearing this, Lynch couldn’t help but lower his head and break his fingers to count.

“Strengthen the effect of the’spell power’, the ultimate spell effect of the’spell effect’, the’spell increase’ that increases the cast range, the’spell delay’ of the Ascension spell time, the’spell expansion’ that increases the area of ​​effect of the spell, Ascension’s spell rank’s “spell upgrade”, the “spell prompt” that shortens the casting time, the “spell silent cast” of the spell is omitted, and the action “spell fixed cast” is omitted.”

After some memories, Lynch concluded, “In that case, there are nine kinds in total.”

The demigod lich watched Lynch enter the game, and silently answered, “If I told you that there are tens of thousands of super magic skills in the world, what you know are the most basic things that must be mastered?”

When Lynch first heard it, it was inevitable that he was stunned.

But he thought about it carefully, but it was extremely reasonable.

These super magic skills are even one of the standard courses of the Central Academy of Magic, and they are skills that every mage needs to master.

It’s just that there are too many categories that make it so troublesome.

According to its own conditions, it was modified into a super magic version, and the required level was higher.

After all, without super magic skills, those spells can also kill people.

Therefore, even everyone knows the beauty of “spells instant”, and even it is the key expertise of every mage who is interested in combat, but in fact, the number of masters that can be successfully used after mastering is extremely limited in the entire mage group!

Strictly speaking, the modified “spell model” of the super magic technique has higher casting conditions.

Therefore, it is necessary for each person to tailor it specifically and deduct it to the extreme that suits its own correspondence.

According to the demigod lich, there is even greater treasure in this secret?

“Such as’spell invisibility’.”

The demigod lich looked at Lynch who was already immersed and explained, “This skill can make the entire spell without any visual effects. Of course, the other range, area of ​​influence, and damage level will not be changed. The only The impact is that the spell can no longer be seen.”

This is also ok?

Lynch, who has played more crpg, naturally understands this trick seems to have no Ascension effect, but to what extent it can be imba.

In other words, he was able to perform a “fireball technique” that was completely invisible at the moment of the explosion!

All targets in the spell area will feel the magic effect, from the heat to the burned magic flame.

This super magic technique can even have a miraculous effect when used in surprise attacks. At the same time, the concealed light and shadow effect can also suppress the information that the opponent knows and delay the opponent’s confrontation rhythm.

The demigod lich, who felt the satisfaction of Lynch’s heart, explained this super magic skill silently, and at the same time it was also a classic book about the skill of the empire.

Naturally, Lynch was not polite, and directly used the memory of the palace’s ability to copy the content of this super magic technique first, and then slowly master it in the future.

At this time, the demigod lich looked at Lynch’s ability not to miss the new super magic skills, and immediately turned his head to cast zero-ring magic. Such a serious appearance made him have the illusion that he was blinded by the bait.

It was a little surprised, “You don’t need to investigate clearly, don’t you take this opportunity to ask me questions first?”

According to his original calculation, at least Lynch would spend an hour or two on this super magic art, and even in the communication with it, it would be secretly and subtly changed, changing the whole thinking.

How is this model now?

I don’t know that Lynch replied confidently, “Although the invisibility of the spell is good, it is not the key to me. The main reason is that it uses more face to attack. It can hit the opponent by surprise, but it is not what I want most urgently. ”

One sentence.

if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate.

If you can’t master it, then pull it to chant.

He didn’t order the express delivery himself, so naturally he didn’t have the excitement of expectation.

The demigod lich instantly understood that he hadn’t guessed human nature wrongly, but he hadn’t guessed correctly about a patient who was patient and rational enough.

For such a sufficiently rational person, sometimes the “human touch” may not even be seen.

In other words, “emotional expression” is dispensable to the other party.

The starting point for all actions of the other party is not profit value, but “logic”.

“Spell invisibility” is not in the first logical sequence, and naturally can’t squeeze other things that are about to be done.

The demigod lich drove this middle-aged man’s body, took a deep breath and immediately inhaled, and explained, “Then I don’t know what effect you want?”

“Perhaps the super magic skills I have mastered are satisfying.”

Hearing this, Lynch, who was about to make a calculation, couldn’t help but stare at each other blankly.

Even he was a little shocked!

Isn’t this intimate?

After a long time, Lin Qi hesitated, “Similar to some spells, like fireball, after the spell is selected as the center of the circle, all creatures within a six-meter radius are out of the explosion zone and will be hit indiscriminately.”

In other words, spells cannot distinguish between teammates, and it cannot be done like a traditional online game, which only hits the enemy but not teammates.This has extremely high requirements for “formation” and “positioning”.

Imagine that there is a hand-to-hand battle going ahead, so naturally you can’t throw fireballs at the battle area as you like.

This is the key factor that most restricts the wizard to cast spells as he pleases in group combat.

However, listening to Lynch’s statement, the demigod lich did sway slightly, with an unpredictable expression.

He looked straight at Lynch who had put down his spellcasting action, and couldn’t help sighing, “I’m afraid what you think is not here, right?”

“Now you have considered where the Sixth Ring Spell goes?”

The demigod lich also saw through Lynch’s true intentions.

What Lynch pursues is not a way of letting fireball only hit the enemy and not his teammates.


Pursue how to make spells not take effect according to their own will!

This point has amazing value in certain spells, such as those spells that cry both enemy and ourselves.

Six rings.

Anti-magic Magic power field!

Once the anti-magic field cast is effective to the enemy and invalid to oneself, it is not the six-ring anti-magic field that will bear it, but the legendary anti-magic Realm!

“Yes, but maybe the magic effect may not be what you want.” The demigod lich explained.

“Extraordinary Spell Aim. In theory, it is a late stage super magical skill. When you cast an area spell, you can try to shape the effect of the spell by yourself, so that a creature in the area is not affected. In other words, if you want to be on the anti-magic field If you use it, I am afraid it will disappoint you somewhat. Because the hollowed out area means that you will not be protected by the anti-magic field effect.”

The same source of profit and loss.

Lynch was a little lost, and immediately understood the truth.

In many cases, the model of how to make money will lose money back at what speed.

Just like leverage, it can quickly make people rich, and it will quickly make people ruined.

“If you are only pursuing the strength of combat power, then I can recommend several other super magic skills to you.”

The demigod lich watched Lynch’s mind slowly being drawn by him, and nodded in satisfaction.

As long as it can achieve its goal, how about it takes out all the peerless orphan-like “super magic skills” it has accumulated over the years?

“It stands to reason that there are’spell power’ and’spell power’ dual heroes to increase the spell damage curve. Theoretically, the strong effect can increase the damage by 50%, while the extreme effect stretches the original damage curve to the extreme, which is equivalent to 100% stable play damage.”

“However, our mage’s pursuit of harm has never stopped.”

Speaking of the demigod lich gently raised his hand and pointed towards the distance!

In an instant, two fireballs mixed with hot energy flew towards the fireplace in the corner, and then a stream of hot energy exploded!

Double fireball explosion!

Under the superimposed power of the explosion, Lynch flushed with the heat of fireworks alone.

“This is the magic twin, it allows me to be on the same area or the same target, and produce two magic effects at the same time.”

“The rest is a’spell chain’ that simultaneously acts on multiple single targets.”

“There are also ‘great power spells’ that come in contact with the target and have the effect of falling and awe, and there are ‘secure room spells’ that make it easier to increase the upper limit of the spell when you are in a secret room…”

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