Although it is not surprising that various tactical problems arise under the African matching mechanism, perhaps it is the inherent nature of this magical land, and the Portuguese garrison that has been here for a long time also began to have problems inexplicably at this moment. While the guerrillas were chasing the

dispersed policemen, the garrison commander was still enjoying his afternoon tea leisurely, and he had just received news that the patrol he had sent had found the ambushed supply vehicles and was chasing the bored farmers.

In fact, not only the commander, but even the sentries of the garrison yawned in the shadow of the sentry, and then the chaotic sound of gunfire came from the city center.

Before the garrison could figure out what was happening, they saw a dozen policemen running out of the street corner, these guys startled the sentry, and before the police approached, fierce gunfire sounded again from a very close place, and then a dozen black uncles in messy military uniforms brandished weapons and chased them from the street corner where the police had just appeared. Then, both the garrison and the

guerrillas pursuing the police entered a state of hesitation, because the guerrillas thought that the garrisons had been transferred, and the garrison could not figure out the identity of the other party.

After hesitating for a few seconds, these bloody guerrillas resolutely charged towards the garrison’s barracks.

And their surprise attack made the sentries in a comfortable state subconsciously choose to retreat, so the first gate and courtyard wall of the barracks were easily taken down by the guerrillas.

After withdrawing to the second courtyard wall, the sentry reacted, as if the guerrillas had attacked, and the Portuguese garrison, who reacted from surprise, immediately sounded the alarm, and then began to exchange fire with the guerrillas.

Under the chaotic war situation, the garrison did not have time to conduct intelligence screening, and after pulling a few policemen who ran into the gate, they learned that a guerrilla brigade had just attacked the police station, and now the whole city was occupied by the other side.

And the garrison commander was numb at that time, if the partisan brigade was in the city, then what did he send the combat troops at hand out in pursuit? But looking at the large number of guerrillas

besieging the gate, the dense firepower, and coupled with the occasional gunfire in the city, the garrison commander immediately determined that he had been fooled, and the guerrillas transferred their own large forces out in order to sneak up on themselves.

So he began to urgently call the patrols sent out and asked them to quickly rescue the base, but the patrols were also stupid, they chased dozens of black uncles outside and ran for more than ten kilometers, and it turned out that these guys were decoys?

Now there are two blossoms in and outside the city, everyone hesitates at once, if the guerrillas in the city are the main force, then will the patrol return the support be ambushed?

No way, as a commander, thinking about things must prioritize the worst-case scenario, and after thinking for a few seconds, the garrison commander clapped his hands.

“I see!”

“These guerrillas must want to transfer the garrison out to attack the city, and then ambush us!” The commander of the

garrison has just asked those policemen carefully, the guerrillas besieging the police station are hundreds of people, they fought fiercely with each other, killed and wounded dozens of guerrillas, and then were forced to evacuate because they ran out of ammunition and food, that is to say, now the besieging camp is only a small group of top soldiers of the guerrillas, and the large army is still behind! As for the equipment of the guerrillas,

the police blow even more outrageously, in addition to automatic weapons with a single water, the guerrillas even have artillery! This information, which was falsely used to

justify the crime, immediately led the garrison commander to a serious miscalculation, and he did not even dare to send someone to verify the situation. Therefore, in order to

ensure that no accident occurred in his battalion headquarters, the garrison commander immediately gave his soldiers the order to retreat.

“Let’s abandon the camp and go join the patrol!”

Since the partisans are numerous and have artillery, then there is no point in holding the barracks, it is better to give up the city, and then gather troops to fight again!

So the remaining dozens of garrisons in the barracks began to prepare for the aftermath, and they wanted to destroy the materials they could not take away.

On the other end, Zabi, who found that his men had destroyed the radio, did not hesitate, he ordered his men to fire retreat flares and prepare to evacuate, but as soon as he went out, he found his men wandering the streets of the city in pairs.

After learning of the poor situation of the second team, Zabi had to abandon the idea of a quick retreat and began to gather his men instead, he scattered the few veterans and ordered them to bring back the guys who were running around, and then Zabi learned from the men who ran back that there was a large Portuguese garrison on the side of the garrison camp.

“It’s over!”

Zabi, who knew that his side was unable to resist the regular army, could only anxiously begin to lead his men to retreat while closing the troops, and the observation post of the garrison at the height saw the guerrillas assembling, mistakenly thinking that the other party was going to launch a general attack, and also hurriedly issued an early warning. The commander of the

garrison was so anxious that in order not to let himself be annihilated, he could only ask his men to hastily blast the materials in the camp, and then began to withdraw towards the side of the city with his troops. Zabi was also startled by the

loud noise of the blasted military supplies, and he thought that the garrison’s artillery had opened fire, and having seen the power of the cannon, he quickly fled to the other side of the city with the rest of the people.

The raid was not over, and after both sides had misjudged and withdrew, the Portuguese garrison quickly assembled and returned five hours later outside Dundo to attack the city that had fallen to the guerrillas.

Under the cover of mortars and machine guns, the assembled Portuguese regular army approached the city cautiously, ready for night and street fighting, mortars carrying a large number of flares, trying to retake the city in one night.

So the Portuguese who were mentally prepared for a bloody battle to the end were soldiers bayonet, and began to reconquest the city at night with a solemn expression, with a clear division of labor among the spearheads of each attack, vigilantly watching every move on the streets.

However, until they returned to the barracks they had abandoned before, they still did not encounter the expected enemy troops, but because of the problem of night, their own people almost went on fire.

The commander did not know what the guerrillas were trying to do, and after being raided during the day, he naturally assumed that the guerrillas might have withdrawn outside the city to prepare for another sneak attack on him.

“Be vigilant, brethren, the enemy will surely be hiding in the shadows waiting to kill us!”

The entire Portuguese battalion was carefully guarded until the next morning, and then they found out that their counterattack yesterday was purely a fart, because the enemy was long gone!

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