But after seeing his father Thousand-Armed Buddha looking at him strangely, he immediately came to his senses.

"Oh, no, no, I'm going to have a father!"


Uzumaki Mito couldn't help laughing. Her husband's reaction was too cute.

"Brother, please stop being like this. I suspect that my eldest nephew or niece will inherit your stupidity."

The eldest brother Senju Hashirama didn't take it seriously, but laughed harder.

My sister-in-law Uzumaki Mito leaned on the eldest brother's shoulder, with a happy smile on her face.

It's great, I and Hashirama finally have something. It was the fruit of love.

Thinking about it now, she was so happy before Hashirama agreed to accompany her back to her parents' home, and her married life with Hashirama was much better.

As a result, she was in a good mood. She was pregnant with Hashirama's child.

This was really incredible.

The whole Senju clan quickly celebrated with joy. Like a holiday, many tribesmen couldn't help but start celebrating.

Seeing the family become joyful, the elder was a little envious as he looked at Qianju Taohua who was picking gifts with him at home. He thought for a while. When walking beside my granddaughter, she started talking intentionally or unintentionally.

"Taohua, that guy in the Buddha Room is about to have a grandson.

So many years have passed in the blink of an eye, and I didn't expect that guy to become a grandfather."

Qianju Momo instantly understood what her grandfather meant. She smiled and grabbed the great elder's arm.

"But grandpa, you have always had a granddaughter, right?"

"Yes, but I want to experience the feeling of having a great-grandson while I am still alive.

Although I am not strong in combat ability in the history of the Senju Clan, and I have not made the most contributions.

But maybe, I will be the longest-lived member of our Thousand-Hand Clan in troubled times, and the first person to be able to see his great-grandson."

Seeing the way grandpa winked at her, Qianju Momohua was helpless.

How old are you? Can you stop being so immoral?

Can love come in a hurry? It can't come in a hurry.

Look. Senju Hashirama, if the clan leader hadn't arranged the marriage for him, would he be able to marry a girl as good as Uzumaki Mito?


If you want to have a great-grandchild as soon as possible, you should do it for her. Make the decision and give her an arranged marriage!

You and the granddaughter are staring at me and I are staring at you, waiting for the other to speak first.

"Hey, hey, I said, why do you two look more excited than the eldest brother?"

"That's my nephew or niece!"

At home, Tobirama looked at the two people who were jumping up and down, constantly looking for gifts to give to their future nieces and nephews. He felt very bad.

"How about taking the weapon I got when I was almost killed by five grown men for the first time as a gift?"

"No, no, Wajian, how about giving him my unique secret recipe.

Look at my beautiful hair.

I have been careful to maintain it for many years, so that half and half of the hair on my head is still so clearly defined."

I think you two have lost your mind!

Tobirama picked up the two younger brothers by their collars and threw them out of the house.

You are so careless, what will you do if you hit your sister-in-law?

Go out first and use up your excess energy. Let's vent it.

It will be several months before the birth of the sister-in-law and brother's child.

In the room, Hashirama was beside his wife Uzumaki Mito. There is a god. This is my

Senju Hashirama's child.

My sister-in-law, Uzumaki Mito, is a little embarrassed by him.

Why is he staring at his belly today ? He wasn't thinking about that.

This wasn't good.

Although he was in good health, he still couldn't do it at this time.

The medical ninja had just said that he should be careful at the beginning.

If you are in good health, you cannot have sex.

Otherwise, it will easily lead to miscarriage.

Oh , I am so shy.

My head started to feel strange.

After all, I feel so embarrassed when I think about having sex with Hashirama after my belly is slightly swollen.

But what if Hashirama had to hold it in alone during my pregnancy? Hashirama was thinking about his happy life in the next few months, but he was thinking about something completely different from Uzumaki Mito.

He looked at Mito's belly and seemed to see the little life being nurtured inside.

This was his own.

My child, this is my bloodline.

However, after I become the clan leader, will I continue to fight with Uchiha and Madara when my family is in urgent need of manpower ? Sending his own children or other people's children? Hashirama couldn't imagine doing that.

Sending his own flesh and blood to such a cruel battlefield was what every family would do in this troubled world.

But he really doesn't want this at all.

Even if his brother has grown up, he doesn't want them to go out and face danger.

If they continue to fight, it will only endanger his own children.

Grandsons, one's own brothers, one's own brothers' children, descendants and grandchildren will be like them and continue to fight like them!

"I will protect you, I will definitely protect you!"

Senju Hashirama's rough big hand gently placed on Uzumaki Mito's belly, and said softly.

Uzumaki Mito felt that he was surrounded by a thick warmth, and his whole person felt very, very comfortable.

"Oops, Hashirama, why did he suddenly say such disgusting words?"

Uzumaki Mito was very embarrassed, really.

After having a child, Hashirama seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person.

Hum, now you know the importance of my mother.

When I was pregnant, At that time, Senju Hashirama, please stop saying the words Uchiha Madara every day, otherwise I will be very angry.

Thinking of the many privileges he has now, Uzumaki Mito became excited. stand up

"Hashirama, I suddenly want to eat spicy food again!"


Although Hashirama didn't understand, he still nodded and walked out.

He was going to get some spicy food for his wife.

Moreover, he wanted to eat it himself.

He went to the Uzumaki clan and followed him on the sea. Uchiha Madara always felt moist and wet after a fight.

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