"What's wrong, Tobirama-sama, is there something wrong with Capone?"

Uchiha Yue felt it. When he said the names of Sarutobi Sasuke and Capone, Lord Tobirama next to him had a slight emotional fluctuation.

But Sarutobi Sasuke has always been praised by others in the village. The ninjas, even the Hokage Building and the Uchiha clan, all recognized this man's strength and ability.

So, the only one who made Lord Tobirama feel that there was something wrong was Capone.

After all, that guy also impressed him. Uchiha Yue felt that there were hundreds of millions of greedy and ambitious businessmen. It was easy for such guys to have inappropriate thoughts and actions and do things that harmed Konoha because of their own interests.

In other words, they have no village registration or nationality.

As long as they have money and can make money, they can sell the rope to hang themselves to others!

"Do you want me to control this guy, or directly..."

Uchiha Yue's eyes flashed with danger.

Seeing Uchiha Yue's expression, Tobirama shook his head.

"No, no need.

I was just thinking about how someone who was born in poverty could be so daring and hard-working. Without any background or resources, he could seize the opportunity and get to where he is now.

And he was able to raise his horizons so high and see so many things. Capone was really an incredible guy.

However, no matter what, we in Konoha Village can completely suppress him, Yue.

No matter how rich a businessman is, it is impossible to compare with the power of our Konoha Village."

But even so, Capone had the courage to encourage Sarutobi Sasuke to establish a shipping company with him, and let them go around and persuade others to move to Konoha. This action spread to the entire ninja world.

After completing the help At the same time as Konoha's mission to increase the population, Capone will probably spread his business territory along with the shipping company to the entire ninja world. He is really a bold and calculating person, and he can see that Sasuke Sarutobi also wants it. The desire to climb higher provided Sarutobi Sasuke with an offer that he couldn't refuse.

If you ignore the philistine in him and the greed hidden in his heart, this guy is really a business tycoon. Because no one is suppressing him, he will expand more and more, and then he will become a guy like Kado.

"Yes, many of the things Sarutobi Sasuke has done recently have the shadow of Capone.

That man was clearly not a ninja, but he had courage and vision that many ninjas didn't have."

Hearing Tobirama's confident voice, Uchiha Yue's face was filled with a smile.

He felt very happy to be able to walk and talk with Tobirama-sama.

Because it felt like he was following another big brother. The same feeling, full of happiness and security. The fatigue, pain and danger of fighting with the top ninjas of the Wind Country for so many days were all blown away in the wind.

After a while, while walking, Tobirama took Uchiha Yue back to the Uchiha clan.

"Okay, you have worked hard outside during this period. Go back and have a good rest."

"Yes, Lord Tobirama!"

Looking at Uchiha Yue, who seemed to be executing his orders honestly, turning around and leaving, Tobirama couldn't help but laugh.

Uchiha Yue, this guy, can be regarded as his most worry-free brother.

Especially... Wasama cried miserably when he first rescued him. When he rescued Itama later, he had the nerve to tell Itama that he was not afraid at all even in the face of death.

After leaving, Yue Uchiha withdrew his somewhat nostalgic gaze.

It's so similar.

Big brother, even though you are no longer here, there is still another big brother who cares about me and will not give up on me..

And when Uchiha Yue returned to the Uchiha clan, this feeling became stronger.

In the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Yue had a character that was not pleasing to him since he was a child. The Uchiha people are indifferent to Uchiha Yue's character.

However, because of his elder brother's protection and Uchiha Yue's talent since childhood, he has not been bullied except by his elder brother. In addition, there are very few people in the family that he can talk to, and he doesn’t even have a single friend.

"Yue, are you back? Your house is full of dust, so give it a good cleaning."

There was no hint of concern in the neighbor's neutral voice.

After Uchiha Yue replied calmly, he fumbled for a while, then took out the key and opened the door.

Walked in After entering the familiar home, there was no longer any warmth inside. He skillfully picked up the broom and started cleaning. However, Uchiha Yue soon sat on the sofa in a daze, feeling at a loss. When he was still here, his father and eldest brother were still very busy, and he was always the one who stayed at home the most.

But even so, he could look forward to his eldest brother and father who had completed their tasks, looking exhausted. When I returned home, I was greeted by myself.

But now, the loneliness that is almost bursting is spreading in my home.

No matter how clean the house is, this place, this house, this place holds a lot of memories for my family. In the harbor, only the coldness that made people shiver and

Tobirama 's body remained....The first hour I was separated from my brother, I missed him!......

"Ah cut!"

In the Konoha Guards, Senju Wama sneezed hard, and he looked at the end of the small earthen jar that was motionless on his desk today, looking at something with his small eyes.

Is it you? Did you just say bad things about me, Senju Wajian!

In the dark, Wajian seemed to hear someone saying that he was very worried!

So, he has become accustomed to getting along with Yiwei these days. He was so stunned that he slapped Yiwei on the head without hesitation.

After a snapping sound, Yiwei was looking at the documents on the table with a deep look on his face. They were stunned for a moment.

It raised its head in disbelief and looked at Wajian.

I am finally in a good mood today, and I didn't take the initiative to harass you, but fell into deep thought. It's not a bad thing for you. For no reason, you dare to slap it on the head in front of everyone?

Is it because Uncle Yiwei and you didn't sleep for a few days and lost each other? Or was it because they were biting each other because they had better teeth? Did Uncle Yiwei leave it to you? Mouth?

"Ha, you guessed it, you must be secretly talking bad about me! You are so angry right now!"

Seeing Ichibi's rapidly changing expression, a proud smile appeared on Senju Wama's face.


Ichibi pounced forward, trying to bite Wama's hand.

Wama had long been used to it. , rolled up his sleeves, and there were anti-bite gloves on his wrists specially designed to protect himself from being bitten.

"Hahaha, stupid civet cat, you have bitten me so many times, do you think I am still defenseless against you?"

Looking at his son's triumphant look because he was sealed tightly against a cat that was much stronger than an ordinary cat, Thousand-Armed Buddha Jian has a headache.

Obviously you and your second brother are both They have the same hair color, but they are 100% similar to your big brother’s idiot!

Come on, you have a cross scar on your face!

If you see that thing on other people’s faces, it will make others think. You don’t speak much!

But why are you like this?

"How can it be repaired? Thousands of hands and tiles, you are really powerful. You are worthy of being my lifelong rival!"

Senjubutsujian slapped his own face.

Come on, not only was his third son being stupid, he also succeeded in bringing Ichibi's IQ to the same level as him.

Even, he can use A wealth of experience to beat it to


Uchiha Tajima laughed, Thousand-Armed Buddha, look at your sons, although more of your sons survived than mine.

But the remaining two don’t look reliable at all.

"You are all here."

Just when his younger brother Senju Wama and Ichibi Shukaku were fighting wits and courage, and even got each other's recognition, Tobirama, who had sent Uchiha Yue home, also came to the guard team

"Second brother, what's the matter?"

Wajian and Ichibi were pulling each other. After seeing the second brother Tobirama coming, Ichibi accidentally caught the flaw, and a few hairs were pulled out from his head.

"I came for it."

Tobirama grabbed Ichibi from his younger brother Wama's head, and Ichibi couldn't resist at all.

Just when Tobirama was about to take Ichibi away from the guard, Wama was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly left Caught up from behind

"Second brother!"

"Anything else?"

"Are you going to take Yiwei to seal it?"

Senju Wasama asked carefully. The worry in his eyes that looked at Kazuo from time to time made Kazuo stunned when he was caught in Tobirama's hand.

Moreover, he almost felt like he was being raped by Senju. When Tobirama was about to take him away, he instinctively ran over to care. Is this guy, the guy who quarrels with me every day, worried about me?

A strange feeling flows in my heart. Taichi was in a daze. Really

, would anyone still worry about him after knowing his true identity?

It is a tailed beast that is lawless, makes the ninja world tremble, and makes ninjas fearful.

A tailed beast with unrivaled powerful chakra and a terrifying killing intent!

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