"Tobirama, please help me take a look. This is the contracting team for the first and second avenues of Konoha Village last time. Now they are applying to us for the planning document of the new housing area.

Look at their two teams, which one is more suitable?"

Senju Hashirama's head is getting big.

He has visited both teams. When the village was first established, there were only a few teams willing to come to Konoha, accept the invitation, and carry out the construction of the village.

At that time, the two teams Both teams did a good job. Moreover, after the storm, they were willing to help the village renovate the area at cost and build the underground drainage system into a more solid and reasonable one. It

's a business opportunity.

There are more new businessmen who want to make money and work, and there are also old people like this. I hope that the village can give them more convenience because of their past friendship.

After arguing and arguing, in the end it was up to the Hokage's office to make the decision, which made Senju Hashirama feel dizzy.

"What's this���You are very decisive, big brother, present their plans fairly, and based on the actual situation in that area of the village, choose whichever plan is the most suitable!"

"But, if I choose one, what should I say about the other one?..."

Seeing the eldest brother's expression of being a good old man who was too embarrassed to say anything, Tobirama sighed.

At this moment, Madara stood up. After getting the two submitted plans, he quickly selected a better one from them.

"I'll go ahead and say it."

Seeing that Madara is willing to help him share the burden, a smile appeared on the elder brother's face.

I know that Madara is the best for you!

Sure enough, Madara is the best for you to be the Hokage. His Senju Hashirama is not good at dealing with these at all. That's it!

Seeing Senju Hashirama's eyes looking as happy as a puppy that got a bone, Madara smiled slightly.


Izuna and Tobirama made a sound together, and they looked at each other.

"Brother, do this yourself!"

"Brother, you shouldn’t do this!"

Uchiha Izuna couldn't help but glanced at Senju Tobirama again.

You guy, don't talk like me!

"Brother Hashirama, I'm sorry, as the Hokage, brother has more important things to deal with!

These things in the village are far from being troublesome for the eldest brother to do.

If you have to ask the eldest brother to do everything, then there will be more and more people in the village. As the Hokage, the eldest brother will not be able to finish even if he is busy here 24 hours a day!

Just let me go."

Hashirama was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Izuna is still thoughtful, Madara, I'm sorry, no need to trouble you!"

Uchiha Madara rolled his eyes at him. Do you think he wants to take care of something that should be decided by you? It's not because you don't want to do it and you are in a difficult situation. That's why Uchiha Madara came here.

"Wait, you two don’t go, brother, go alone!"

Senju Tobirama's words made the Hokage's office feel a little quiet for a moment.

"Brother, I know you don’t want to do sinful things. You always want to do your best so that everyone can be satisfied and happy.

But that's impossible!"

Qianshou Tobijian's voice suddenly increased in volume. He came to the front of the eldest brother and patted the eldest brother's table heavily.

"During the war, like you, I also want to protect everyone, and also want every clan member and every brother to return alive!

However, that is impossible!"

There was a hint of bitterness in Qianshou Feijian's voice.

"You still remember when I went to save my brother Wajian.

He was only seven or eight years old at that time, and he was surrounded by five adult ninjas from Hagoromo and Uchiha on the battlefield!"

Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Madara turned their heads away slightly unnaturally.

This was the first time they heard Tobirama say this in front of them.

"I remember, Tobirama, didn't you do a good job? You successfully saved Wajian."

Tobirama nodded, a tired expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Yes, I saved Wajian"

"But at that moment, a child of his own age was also attacked and on the verge of death.

And I saw them both at the same time......"

Tobirama's voice trembled. The elder brother should have already understood the following words without Tobirama having to say them.

Tobirama saved his younger brother Wajian, but other children in the family who were the same age as Wajian died in the battle.

However, Tobirama's mood soon returned to normal.

"On that battlefield where strength determines our relationship, it is difficult for me or you to protect everyone.

Not to mention that in the village, you can't use brute force, chakra, and ninjutsu to solve many problems.

Brother, if you push Madara to do all these things, it will only make people in the village say that Uchiha Madara doesn't understand people's hearts...."

"I see!"

The elder brother's face became serious,

"I will do a good job!"

He hurriedly left with the two plans, going to the two construction teams to tell them the final choice made by the village.

After the eldest brother left, Madara coughed and glanced at Tobirama with some relief.

This guy , I really like it more and more as I watch it.

I didn’t expect that Hashirama, your brother, is so lovable.

"Okay, Tobirama, Izumi, please come over. Hashirama told me about the Ninja School this morning.

I think the idea of opening a ninja school in the village is a good one, but there are more details that need to be discussed."

Outside Konoha Village, on the clear dividing line, there is a���The dark figure was quietly hiding in the shadow of the fallen tree.

It lowered its head and looked under the earth, feeling the vitality that was constantly radiating outward.

Really, very strong, Senju Hashirama.

He used Wood Release to stabilize the foundation of the entire Konoha Village, and was able to firmly protect the entire village when the earth shook.

The possible energy generated by the earthquake is continuously buffered and resolved through the layers of vines and roots underground.

So much so that Konoha Village, which was at the center of the earthquake, has now become a paradise in the Land of Fire.

After the Six Paths Sage and Asura, you are the first such outstanding ninja that Black Zetsu has seen.

For those who have never seen the Sage of Six Paths, calling you the God of Ninja is really not too much.

However, Black Zetsu was also a little confused.

In so many years in the ninja world, it has never seen that the area where Konoha Village is located will suffer these two catastrophic disasters that are rare in a thousand years in such a short period of time.

A storm, a big earthquake.

According to the geographical location of Konoha Village, there should not be such weather and earthquakes.

It's really strange.

Hei Jue also wanted to see if anything else would happen.

It cast its gaze to the back, where there were many people rushing towards Konoha with longing and expectation in their eyes.

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