"It's okay, Danzo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen recalled how Uchiha Madara looked at him with disgust, and shuddered again.

It was really scary.

Obviously at that time, Uchiha Madara didn't open the Sharingan, but... It gave him an indescribable and terrifying sense of oppression.

At that moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he was almost peeing from the fear of Uchiha Madara's aura.

"I just, it just hurt too much from being beaten by my mother just now."

But how can you tell your friends about such an embarrassing thing?

"Really, your aunt beat you before, but you have never done this."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face darkened.

"I said it’s Mother, and Mother can beat you, Danzo, if you keep talking nonsense, I’m going to beat you!"

"Humph, Hiruzen, when we two fight, we are never evenly matched!"

They were all three or four-year-old kids who grew up together. They were having a bad temper. They started fighting as they talked.......

"There is always a bad feeling."

Beside the Kingdom of Wind, Sarutobi Sasuke was a little strange. A sudden chill made him feel physically uncomfortable.

It was like he felt that he was being cared about by someone, and that person was something he couldn't resist. the scary guy

"Are you OK?"


After Sarutobi Sasuke carefully checked the surrounding situation, he quickly determined that there was nothing wrong with the place where they were.

"Sasuke-sama, Uchiha Yue and the others are back!"

At this time, the Hyuga ninja in the team reported to him.

Sarutobi Sasuke nodded and hurried over. The moment he reached Uchiha Yue, he found that everyone in Uchiha Yue's team had faces. Somewhat gray-faced, even Uchiha Yue’s face looked a little ugly.

"Are you back?"

"Be careful, that guy Liedou is right behind us, and he will catch up in less than half an hour!"


Sarutobi Sasuke was shocked for a while, then why don't you bring him over to us?"

"Don't worry, he has been chasing after us these days, and like us, he hasn't had much rest for several days.

We are in a very embarrassed state, and those ninjas are almost all weak!"

Sarutobi Sasuke instantly understood what Uchiha Yue meant.

After this guy knew that Lieto had been following them, he was deliberately draining the physical strength and spirit of Lieto and his team.

Wait until they catch up here. At that time, Uchiha Yue could join forces with himself and the Konoha ninjas here to give Fierce Fight a head-on blow, and maybe even kill that guy!

"Lord Tobirama's last action in the Kingdom of Wind was also attacked by this guy. This time, we have to give him some color."

Hearing the obvious fluctuation in Uchiha Yue's voice, Sarutobi Sasuke's eyes trembled slightly.

Uchiha Yue seemed to be very angry.

Is Senju Tobirama such an important person in his heart?

Why? What's the matter, as a member of the Uchiha clan, as a genius of the Uchiha clan, what he admires is not Madara Uchiha and Izuna Uchiha, but Tobirama Senju?

"I see."

Sarutobi Sasuke immediately began to make arrangements.

The ninjas here, after meeting Uchiha Yue and others, immediately began to lay out a large number of traps, and took out their ninja tools to prepare for the formation.

And Uchiha Yue and his teammates immediately He fell asleep, preparing to seize the time to recover a little bit of strength so that he could still be effective in the battle against Fierce Fight.

In less than half an hour, Sarutobi Sasuke's expression changed at a certain moment. Gotta get serious

"Sasuke-sama, someone is coming over!"

"Well, get ready!"

After the Hyuga ninja reported, Sarutobi Sasuke also felt that there was a strong momentum coming from the front.

Bathed in the violent wind and sand all over his body, Lieduo rushed towards their direction with no trace of cover. Doesn't mean anything

"Go and inform Yue Uchiha to get up quickly."

This kind of chakra gives people the feeling that it is not so easy to deal with.

Lie Du, a very powerful ninja in the Kingdom of Wind, is considered top-notch in the Kingdom of Wind. His wind escape ninjutsu has made many people in the Kingdom of Wind All the ninjas were frightened by the news.

However, after having had many contacts with the ninjas of the Kingdom of Wind, Sarutobi Sasuke felt that this was just the case.

After all, when the ninjas of the Kingdom of Wind fought against them one by one, It wasn't that powerful, and it didn't impress him.

Sasuke Sarutobi kept thinking about the information about Ryuto in his mind, and finally thought of many Senju Tobirama's descriptions about Ryuto being inferior to him in taijutsu. , most of the ninjutsu are not as good as his Senju Tobirama, and only the wind escape ninjutsu is quite powerful in a stormy environment. You need to be careful to avoid being tricked by him, but there are not many temptations in terms of illusions. Even if you think about it, you won’t fall into this trap easily.

"Phew, here it comes!"

Leito has confirmed that Konoha will be him and the biggest enemy in the future of the village he wants to build in the Kingdom of Wind.

So after seeing Sarutobi Sasuke and others from a distance, he faced these people mercilessly. The side launched an attack!

The shurikens like a violent storm flew towards them fiercely in the strong wind.

The moment Sarutobi Sasuke entered the battle, he put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart. , don’t think about it anymore.

Since Mr. Tobirama’s description is so detailed, why can’t Sarutobi Sasuke and Uchiha Yue be able to deal with him alone today? There was also the sound of shurikens being thrown from behind. Dang, Dang, Dang! Sasuke Sarutobi looked at those shurikens and easily knocked them away.

���By the look on his face, he knew it was Yue Uchiha who dared to come over.

Such shuriken throwing skills are difficult for ordinary ninjas to use.

"Wind Escape, Gale Wind Palm!"

The violent wind created by the chakra in the palm of the rushing fierce fight roared towards this side with amazing pressure.

Uchiha Yue pulled out the sword and stood it upright in front of him, but felt that the strong wind was blowing. Under the strong wind, his movements became much slower. His body felt like it was about to be blown away from time to time, so he had to lower his body further to reduce the blow from the strong wind. It brought huge pressure to his body.

Sarutobi Sasuke was just about to form a seal, but he gave up such a plan after his body was blown by the strong wind.

This kind of wind almost made him unable to stand.

I am afraid that in an instant, Let all the fire escape ninjutsu he created return to the Konoha ninja behind him, strengthening the chakra on the soles of his feet, making him more stable and sticking to the ground.

Both Sarutobi Sasuke and Uchiha Yue looked solemn.

Looking at the man in front of me who has mastered the changes in nature and form of Wind Release Chakra, damn it, Lord Tobirama, the feeling of oppression is not nearly as strong as you described!

In a stormy environment that was favorable to him, were you finally forced to escape alone? Why did you feel such a heavy pressure that made your heart tremble when you beat the two of us? shaorin1, 13/04/2023 12:51

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