"Xiao Tobirama, what's wrong with you these days, do you look so weak?"

In Tobirama's laboratory, when he heard Slug Immortal asking himself this, Tobirama's body couldn't help but tremble.

"Slug Immortal, I just understand a truth. In this world, there are still only tired old scalpers and unplowed black soil."

Slug Immortal has a question mark on his face. He always feels that you said something amazing to Tobirama, but he just can't understand it.

"I don’t quite understand, but Xiao Tobirama, what are you doing with Xiao Taohua these evenings? Can you take me with you?"

How could I bring you with me? Can you get involved in this kind of thing and observe it?

Tobirama really wanted to complain, but considering that Lord Slug is just Lord Slug, he finally gave it up.

"This one, Slug Immortal, that one, Taohua and I still need some private space.

Sometimes we just want two people to be alone together"

"I see."

Slug Immortal expressed his understanding, and then, facing Tobirama's somewhat weak face, he opened his mouth.

"But your body looks very weak, and you have been yawning for the past two days. You should take a good rest."

Hearing Slug Immortal's concerned voice, Tobirama smiled.

"I know, Slug Fairy.

Come, please help me see how my medical ninjutsu is doing now?"......

"This guy is really awesome."

Beside the Kingdom of Wind, Sarutobi Sasuke looked at the relationship between the ninja clan of the Kingdom of Wind, which had almost stagnated before, and began to operate smoothly again, and couldn't help but admired. It had been destroyed by the fierce battle in the Kingdom of Wind. The communication channel was once again opened by Uchiha Yue.

Moreover, according to the intelligence, Lie Dou led the team several times to catch Uchiha Yue, but was cleverly avoided by

Uchiha Yue on the rare occasions. Bo Yue did not tangle too much with the opponent. After covering the retreat of the team, he retreated easily.

"There are so many Uchiha geniuses."

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Sasuke couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

The guy who is fighting fiercely is making the entire ninja world of the Land of Wind tremble. Even Sarutobi Sasuke has heard of his name and how powerful he is..

Uchiha Yue was able to survive several encounters.

It was really surprising that such a young Uchiha had such fighting power.

Just when Sarutobi Sasuke sighed. Behind you, a figure slowly approached.

"Sasuke-sama, you seem a little troubled lately?"

"It's Capone."

Sarutobi Sasuke didn't need to look back, he could tell who was approaching from behind him.

He grew up in a poor place, and in order to climb up, he had always done anything at all. Recently, he restrained himself under his own pressure. businessman capone

"There is a little bit of distress."

Capone was keenly aware of something.

Before Sarutobi Sasuke, he had always had ambitions. Like him, he was very eager to move to higher places.

However, when Uchiha Yue came here, , and after performing well, Sarutobi

Sasuke, who was also very happy on the surface, felt a little more wary.

Capone thought about it for a while and soon had the answer.

They were jointly created.

Currently, the only two brothers in the top management of Konoha Village are Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Senna.

Sarutobi Sasuke has always shown that he also wants to. The desire to ascend to a high position and have more say in Konoha Village.

However, the appearance of Uchiha Yue makes him worry that too many geniuses will emerge from the Uchiha clan in the future. Is there a situation where the Uchiha clan is dominant?

Is he afraid of the power of the Uchiha clan?

Capone took a deep look at Sarutobi Sasuke in front of him, maybe it's not just because of the information Capone collected.

It shows that when the ninja world of the Fire Country was in chaos, there were many conflicts between the Sarutobi clan and the Uchiha clan, and because of what happened to the Shimura clan, Sarutobi Sasuke was also behind his friends.

After the death of his uncle, he had led his tribe several times and resisted the Uchiha clan's liquidation of the Shimura clan.

The feeling of having to watch his friend and his friend's father die before his eyes was something

Sarutobi Sasuke would never forget easily.

, are still deeply afraid of the Uchiha clan and Uchiha Madara.

Naturally, he certainly doesn't want the Uchiha clan to remain strong in the village in the future, right?

Capone looked at Sasuke Sarutobi. Looking back, he knew that these things were not something he could guess or participate in.

He thought about it and changed his mind.

"Sasuke-sama, it must be the sand and climate here in the Kingdom of Wind that make you feel a little uncomfortable.

I think maybe we can spread things to more places.

We can not only allow the poor people of the Wind Country to live in our Konoha Village.

We can go to more places and do things like this.

Even if there is no desert in the Kingdom of Wind, the hard life of people in many places is not much different from that of ordinary people in the Kingdom of Wind.

Moreover, what Uchiha Yue is doing, we can also do in those countries."

Capone's words made Sarutobi Sasuke's eyes light up.

Go to other places to absorb more poor people into the village, help them out of trouble, and enrich the village with strength.

This will allow him to gain more credit and more reputation. , and also brings more invisible benefits to himself who are oppressed in other countries.���People living in poverty, after getting a better life in Konoha.

Of course I am very grateful to the village and cherish it very much.

However, they will also be grateful to themselves for helping them escape from their former lives.

Moreover, in the village, there will no longer be large-scale fighting and friction among the major ninja clans because they are fellow villagers, and the excess ninja tools will be sold to other places.

This will bring a sum of money back to each ninja to purchase ninja tools, and at the same time, it will make the things that Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara and others have to do go more smoothly.

Sarutobi Sasuke glanced at Capone.

As a businessman, you have a really keen sense of smell.

No wonder I can climb up little by little and make my company stronger and stronger.

By doing this, not only Sasuke Sarutobi and the village will benefit, but your caravan and company will also expand a lot, right?

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