When did I start to have such thoughts and become extremely thirsty for power?

When he was a child, he was born as the eldest brother, and his father had high hopes for him to protect his younger brothers and sisters?

Or did it start when you could only watch your brothers and sisters and fellow tribesmen die in front of you during the battle?

After all, in the beginning, I became full of desire for power. What was the reason?

Why, why can’t I remember it?......

"They were actually able to hold back and not take action."

Uchiha Senna and Senju Tobirama have been following behind for a long time.

Seeing that these people who were found by Uchiha Senna from the family have been following the team honestly, there is nothing superfluous. Actions, the two people who have been following them for several days can still keep their composure.

"After all, they are afraid of your elder brother, and know that even if they really possess the Mangekyō Sharingan in the way they do, they will never be able to compete with your elder brother for a while."

Senju Tobirama stood under the cold moonlight, feeling the ninjas in the team in front.

Every move they made was easily controlled by him.

"So they need a chance.

Now they are on an escort mission, and there are so many people around them, so naturally they don't dare to take action."

"Probably, they will wait until the escort mission is completed before they start."

Uchiha Izuna was stunned. Wouldn't it be necessary to follow him for a while? The time of this task is not short at all.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon"

"Let’s just wait and see here!"


Hearing what Senju Tobirama said, Uchiha Izuna cheered up a little and continued to look at the escort team.

"Then I'll wait a little longer!"

"Let me see if these guys have any last trace of conscience!"

Soon, the escort mission was successfully completed, and the caravan and supplies successfully arrived where they were supposed to go.

Although it cannot fully support the consumption of everyone in the disaster-stricken area.

But in this country, other nobles and wealthy businessmen are trying their best to exploit ordinary people. At that time, it was very valuable for Konoha Village to be able to sell a lot of food to them at normal prices! What made them even more happy was that even if they lost their money at this moment, they would not even have anything of value. It doesn't matter if they can't get it.

As long as they are willing to sign a contract with Konoha and go to Konoha Village to help the village do some work, they can also receive the food delivered by Konoha Village, although it seems that they are forced to go. The conditions for working in Konoha are actually extremely loose compared to those of wealthy merchants and nobles.

Moreover, as long as they go to Konoha, they will know that there is still a place in the Land of Fire that can do it. They lived and worked in peace and contentment.

Uchiha Yue saw that there were many more people, and under the influence of himself and others, he decided to go to Konoha Village to find a better way to live for himself. He was very happy.

"Brother, they will thank us in the future, right?"

"Well, we don’t have to wait until later, someone will come and thank us now."

Uchiha Sui looked at the forest scenery behind him and others, with a flash of intense pain.

The opportunity has come.

The opportunity he longed for most and resisted the most has finally come!

Even without his instructions, those The tribesmen have all begun to get excited.

They are gearing up one by one, and they are all very excited.

"What's going on, brother, why did this attack make them so strange?"

Faced with his younger brother Uchiha Yue's question, Uchiha Sui thought about it for a moment before replying calmly.

"Probably just because they had to carefully protect the caravan's goods before, they felt that the battle was very frustrating."

After listening to the elder brother's words, Uchiha Yue did not doubt anything. After all, these guys did look like they had been holding it in for a long time.

However, after all the enemies in front of him were eliminated, the ninja tool behind him roared. There was a sound of flying, but they still didn't stop.

Moreover, the direction of their dancing this time was actually me!

He pulled out the dagger in his hand, turned around and knocked the shuriken that was shooting at his body to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Murderous intent is meaningless. These guys showed murderous intent towards me!

As fellow race members, as partners who left Konoha Village together and performed tasks outside, they wanted to kill me at that moment!

"What are you doing? Haven’t you seen everything?"

Let Uchiha Yue feel the cold smile blooming on their faces

"Of course I will kill you!"

Uchiha Yue's expression became completely serious. Looking at the crazy tribesmen in front of him, he clenched the short sword in his hand and held it horizontally in front of him.

"Brother, something is wrong with these guys. Let’s take them back together and let the clan..."

At this moment, a gust of evil wind hit from behind, and the unsuspecting Uchiha Yue had an expression of disbelief on his face.

Such a feeling, such a murderous intention! yes, Sir!

That's right, it's the big brother Uchiha water!

He, he actually wants to kill me?

The dark kunai, with its cold murderous intent, wrapped around his body, causing goosebumps to rise all over his body.

For a moment, Uchiha Yue felt that he was about to die.

Everything in the past is like a revolving lantern, flickering in front of your eyes.

Ever since he was young, his eldest brother, Sui Uchiha, has always been very gentle by his side and his brothers' side.

However, on the battlefield of Sword Eyeless, after the youngest brother died, the eldest brother held his motionless body and opened the Sharingan, but there was no happy look on his face.

After that, his eldest brother became more protective of him.

He always thought that he and his elder brother would support each other and go on together.

But he didn't notice that after Master Izuna and Master Madara opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, the way the eldest brother looked at his father changed. laugh!

Where the kunai scratched, there was blood splashing out, but not much.

Uchiha Yue's eyes saw blood-red liquid flying in the sky, but surprisingly, he didn't feel any pain at all.

Because a figure wearing blue armor just appeared next to him, with one hand firmly grasping the kunai that was supposed to cut open his body.

"Tobirama, Lord Tobirama..."

With guilt and desire in his eyes, the extremely conflicted eldest brother Uchiha Sui was extremely nervous as he watched his kunai being held tightly by Tobirama.

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