"There are results!"

Konoha Village, not far from the Hokage's office, in the laboratory that has been improved a lot.

Tobirama looked at the petri dish in front of him with joy.

The eldest brother's Hashirama cells, the white eyes of the dead Hyuga branch ninja, and Under the influence of the caged bird , the cells of the Kaguya clan finally began to respond gradually, and most of the Byakugan eyeballs that were already necrotic seemed to have a little more life at this moment.

"This, this is incredible!"

Tobirama opened his mouth wide, observing the Byakugan in front of him.

The Byakugan of the branch family, because they were engraved with the caged bird, have always caused their Byakugan.

Unlike the Byakugan of the Zong family, they have the ability to be 360 degrees without a trace.

The ability to observe the surroundings in a blind spot.

And coincidentally, it was because of the blind spot that had been suppressed by the Cage Bird's curse seal that the white eyes of the separated family bloomed again, and had been suppressed by the clan's curse seal.

This place became the place where hope and vitality were finally born in the separated family.

This really makes people feel that the miracle of life is everywhere.

Of course, the powerful self-healing ability of Big Brother cells is also important. The reason.

Now, most of the Byakugan that was destroyed by the caged bird began to slowly recover from the blind spot. Tobirama kept walking around with his hands behind his back.


The repair of the Byakugan of the Separate Family should be carried out slowly.

Once it is repaired, the Byakugan will become a complete Byakugan without blind spots and the Cage Bird Seal.

By that time, the Byakugan of the Hyuga Tennin will be the main one. By absorbing the repaired Byakugan of these branch ninjas, it might be possible to take the pure and powerful Byakugan of Hyuga Tennin to the next level!

Tobirama was very excited, after all, Uchiha Madara had told him before. However, the Hyuga Tennin, who had awakened and was able to let go of all other unnecessary thoughts and exert his power to the extreme, actually wielded a power that shattered Susanoo!

When he swung that punch! It even feels like the Hyuga Tennin's Byakugan has become even brighter. By that time, if he succeeds in making Hyuga Tennin's Byakugan go one step further, wouldn't that be true if he also has the cells of his elder brother Hashirama and the Kaguya clan....

Hiss, I don’t dare to think about it, I don’t dare to think about it!

Tobirama was in a good mood and looked at the Sharingan left by the dead Uchiha ninja.

Unfortunately, these eyes are all three-magatama.

And those guys who have been stared at by Uchiha Izuna because of his request from Senju Tobirama are still three magatama.

"You guys, even if I give you a chance, you won’t use it!"

What Uchiha Izuna has been staring at and has not yet dealt with is the Uchiha tribesmen who also wanted to have such power after Uchiha Madara and Izuna opened the Mangekyo Sharingan.

They happened to meet them at that time Hyuga Tennin also wanted to obtain Uchiha's Sharingan for research, so at that time, two groups of Uchiha clan members disappeared unexpectedly.

Later, before Hyuga Tennin died, he told Uchiha Madara what he had done.

Uchiha Madara also received confirmation of his previous thoughts from Hyuga Tennin, that is, there are still madmen in his family who are crazy because they want to gain power, and the first thing Uchiha Izuna investigated at that time was these dead people. The closest people to the tribe, or friends, or brothers.

As expected, what made him painful and disappointed was that these guys were really their relatives and brothers. They didn't have deep feelings, so they didn't feel the need to do anything.

They would get severe pain and stimulation to let their Sharingan evolve into the Mangekyo Sharingan.

However, after they did this heartbreaking thing, they all waited for a long time in Uchiha Izuna and Tobirama. After that, these people still did not get the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn’t use it."

Since they have already sentenced them to death in their hearts, what Tobirama wants to do is to squeeze out all their remaining value as much as possible.

After thinking about it, Tobirama went out first and asked the ninja to help him inform him. Uchiha Izuna in the Hokage building came over and Tobirama returned to the experimental table. After thinking about it, he combined some of the cells of his elder brother, the cells of the Uchiha ninja, and a pair of damaged white eyes, as well as the Kaguya clan. All the ninja cells were mixed together.

The previous experiments only mixed the power of Hinata, the eldest brother, and the ninjas of the Kaguya clan.

This time he wanted to mix the power of the four ninja clans together.

I don’t know what the result will be

"Qianshou Feijian, what do you want from me?"

Uchiha Izuna didn't look very good. After all, he was left alone in the Hokage's office, busying around, and the other three didn't help.

"Do those guys you are following have any missions to leave the village to do recently?"

"Do you want to take action?"

"No, I want them to contribute the final value."

Quan Na frowned, what to do?

They have already killed their relatives and friends, and they have not yet been able to evolve from the three magatama to the kaleidoscope.

What value can they have?

"I feel that when they choose to obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan by attacking their relatives and friends, they no longer deserve such power.

They no longer love their relatives and friends so much!"


However, there really was an Indra who gained great power by killing those close to him.

But Tobirama didn't say much about this aspect.

"I know, but they will not let their inner desires overshadow their love.

But there are still people whose love is stronger than their inner desire for power."

Quan Nai reacted immediately, looking at Senju Tobirama in front of him, feeling a little embarrassed.

"But isn’t this too cruel!"

Izuna understands. Tobirama's intention is to make some arrangements so that these unforgivable tribesmen and relatives around them can discover their crimes.

Then, let these tribesmen who still have love and kindness prevail in their hearts, because of pain, , despair, to open the Mangekyō Sharingan, but it is too cruel to do so.

"Yes, it is very cruel.

But Quan Nai, can we hide this truth for the rest of our lives?

After all, they also want to know who did such a thing."

Quan Nai was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

"Okay, whatever you want to do, I can cooperate with you and transfer them all out of the family and out of the village!"

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