"Why, why don't you get up? Do you have any opinions on my decision?"

After being stared at by Madara's exposed eye, both the Uchiha clan members and the ninjas of the Hyuga clan couldn't help but tremble.

Madara's aura is too domineering. After so many years, in the Uchiha clan, To put it bluntly, in addition to the fact that he has no opponent in the ninja world of the Land of Fire, except for Senju Hashirama, his powerful aura makes it difficult for many of his clansmen to bear it.

"Yes, yes, Madara-sama."

The ninja beside him quickly stepped forward and took away the two people who had an argument and started fighting in the village.

"Madara, there's no need to be so angry, none of them were injured, and it didn't cause much impact.

Otherwise, just criticize and educate them."

Senju Hashirama came forward, leaned against Madara, and tried to persuade him.

Seeing Master Hashirama standing up, many people looked at Senju Hashirama with hopeful eyes.

Madara's face Issu, at this time, I don’t want to give Senju Hashirama any face.

"Hashirama, a village is a village and rules are rules. They were arguing and fighting over this kind of thing today.

You let them off the hook without letting them realize their mistake.

Tomorrow, will they make a more serious mistake?

Nothing would be complete without rules. Even before Konoha Village was established, every ninja clan had its own rules."

Seeing that Uchiha Madara did not hesitate to criticize even Senju Hashirama who came out to intercede, the ninjas present had different looks on their faces.

Madara-sama is very serious.

He will not violate the rules Among the stipulated people, if they have their own clan members, they will be exempted.

At this moment, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan admire Uchiha Madara for being so fair. Who do the ninjas of the Hyuga clan recognize?

The ninja couldn't calm down and started fighting first!

Many Uchiha clan members looked at Madara's figure with complicated expressions.

Unexpectedly, Madara-sama was really impartial in this matter..

However, we are all members of the clan who have followed you to fight for the glory of the Uchiha clan in the entire ninja world.

Our relationship is much closer than the relationship between the Hyuga clan and you.. We are your most die-hard supporters ,


Although we know that this is fair and just, we still feel uncomfortable in our hearts.

There was nothing wrong in what he did, but it seemed a little too unkind. Seeing that Senju Hashirama still wanted to fight for it, everyone from the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan looked over.

Hesitating, Madara was a little angry, but after all, the person in front of him was Senju Hashirama. If it were anyone else, he might have started to show his domineering attitude and ask if he wanted to subvert the village's rules and disrupt the order of the village..

But facing Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara finally said one more thing.

"Don’t forget, it was Tobirama who set up these rules and set up a department specifically to manage the village!"

Senju Hashirama suddenly woke up,

"Yes, these were all planned by Tobirama early in the morning. Then, just do what Tobirama said!"

Remembering that my younger brother was in the Hokage's office, holding a blank sheet of paper, and powerfully describing the blueprint for the future of the village, Senju Hashirama no longer hesitated.

"Sorry, Madara, I just..."

"Humph, you are always so soft-hearted."

Madara and Hashirama left, leaving Uchiha and Hyuga ninjas staring at each other! The two parties looked at each other with disgust, glared fiercely at each other's eyes, and expressed with their eyes that their own eyes , it was the most powerful pupil blood successor in the ninja world, and then they separated from each other.

However, in their hearts, they remembered a name, Senju Tobirama!

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama came to the village. Here, in a corner toward the back hill

, a building has been completed.

However, it has not yet had time to decorate, and its current color is still a bit monotonous.

"According to your brother Tobirama's suggestion, the headquarters of the police force established in the village is now established at this place.

From now on, all kinds of trivial matters in the village, as well as security, patrols, management and other matters will be managed here.

The Hokage's office is mainly responsible for medical care, taxation, mission entrustment, intelligence investigation, diplomacy and other tasks."

Madara looked at the guard team that was beginning to take shape in front of him, and there was a hint of softness in his eyes.

After all, Senju Hashirama was a fool, and Senju Tobirama fished and fished, and his younger brother Uchiha Izuna was too busy in the office. Time.

This place was built bit by bit while he watched.

"Well, there are really a lot of things to do here.

For such an important place, Madara, it's really better for you to manage it.

Unlike me, if those people asked me for mercy today and nothing really happened, I might just let it go."

Senju Hashirama smiled to himself.

Looking back on his actions just now, he was really a bit unqualified.


Uchiha Madara frowned and glanced at Senju Hashirama angrily.

"Have you forgotten again? Your brother Senju Tobirama said at that time that this place should not be in charge of me, you, or anyone else.

Instead, it should be managed by the village and everyone in the village who wants to make the village better.

He said that this place would receive direct financial allocation from the village, and everyone who wanted to come in would have to take an exam.

You must rely on your familiarity with the village's regulations, pass the competition, and then conduct targeted law enforcement internships before you can finally become a member here."

Hashirama said,"I'm sorry, my brother said too much at that time, he couldn't remember it at all!"

Uchiha Madara's face also showed a trace of weirdness. It

's so easy to offend people if you want to let people take the exam. A place with a bad reputation in the village.

What do you think, would anyone really be willing to join this kind of place? With his prestige and completeness based on what you said?

Fair law enforcement will still leave resentment in people's hearts. If the Uchiha clan is allowed to manage this place, with the character of the Uchiha ninja, it will only make the Uchiha clan and the village gradually drift apart.

At this time, pressing the Hyuga clan or other ninjas here can both give them rights and restrain them.

Senju Tobirama, what do you think?

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