In the mountains behind Konoha Village, Uchiha Izuna has slowly walked over step by step.

In the office, he was still telling his old father Uchiha Tajima and Senju Buddhama that he would not be provoked so easily.

But in his heart, he couldn't think of anyone else who could steal information from both of them so easily.

And, Tobirama, why did you have to go to the back mountain instead of entering the village directly when you were about to enter Konoha Village?

Just now, when Uchiha Izuna was walking on the street, he heard those people saying that it was because you didn't trust him that you deliberately took a long way around.

Uchiha Izuna walked towards the back mountain with complicated emotions.

I still want to believe in you, are you still willing to believe in me, Uchiha Izuna?

Uchiha Izuna couldn't help but turn around and cast a vicious look at the village behind him.

What kind of bastard is it that has been hiding so deeply, waiting for opportunities among them, trying to sow discord?

"Senju Tobirama, what are you doing squatting here?"

It didn't take long for Uchiha Izuna to see the familiar figure of Senju Tobirama.

Seeing him squatting on the ground, motionless with his back to him, Uchiha Izuna couldn't help but frown.

"Shhh, keep your voice down, I'm talking to it."

Tobirama did not turn his head, but still squatted there.

Seeing this, Uchiha Izuna walked towards the front.

Soon, he saw Tobirama talking to a man who was locked in a clay pot with only his legs and feet stretched out. There is also a guy with a head that looks fluffy, but the expression on his face is very ferocious.

"Hahaha, you still want to negotiate terms with me?

You are really stupid humans. I wish I could kill you humans and ninjas. I will kill you all without leaving a single one behind!"

Uchiha Izuna frowned and looked at this little guy who was yelling like crazy.

He looked quite distinctive and ugly. Why did he talk so crazy?

"Ichiwei, do you really not want to talk to me more? To be honest, if you don't want to talk to me, the most I can do is spend more time and study it from you."


Hearing that Senju Tobirama was still trying to communicate with the one in front of him, Uchiha Izuna's eyes widened instantly.

"Wait, Senju Tobirama, what are you talking about, this guy is Ichibi?"

"Ah, yes, I went to the Kingdom of Wind this time just for it."

Tobirama didn't look back and continued to communicate with Ichibi. He deliberately untied a little bit of the seal so that Ichibi could come out to breathe and talk.

If Ichibi is willing to actively cooperate, I believe that he is a Senju Tobirama's progress in researching Ichibi's power will be greatly accelerated.

Uchiha Izuna was silent, looking at Tobirama who didn't notice his expression just now, but was talking to Kazuo seriously. I 'm a little ashamed.

Uchiha Izuna, what are you making random assumptions about?

Look at yourself, you have so many random thoughts in your mind just because Senju Tobirama didn't come in from the village's main entrance.

You say you support Senju Tobirama and believe in Senju Tobirama, but is n't it because the people behind the scenes who want to sow discord have achieved their goals?

Because of the inconvenience, I brought him to the village and avoided coming back from the main entrance of the village.


You bastard, Tobirama, couldn't have said it earlier!

Uchiha Izuna's body feels a lot more relaxed

"Did you go to the Kingdom of Wind just for it?"

"Of course, one tail, in my opinion, is the most powerful among the tailed beasts."

"Hahahaha, even if you are telling the truth, I will not appreciate your humanity."

The voices of Ichibi and Uchiha Izuna became much lighter.

"Really? It doesn't look very powerful at all.

And as far as I know, isn't the one-tailed beast particularly weak among the tailed beasts?"

Ichibo immediately turned his head fiercely, looked at Uchiha Izuna, and roared angrily.

"You damn human being, after I break free of the seal, you will be the first person I want to kill!

I want..."

Uchiha Izuna automatically filtered out the dirty voice and looked at Senju Tobirama with some confusion.

"If the amount of chakra could determine strength, then my eldest brother would have been invincible.

Izuna, one of the rare tailed beasts, is able to seal, ninjutsu, and form seals.

Extremely malleable!"

"That is, I am the most powerful among the tailed beasts!"

Seeing that Ichibi began to sing along with Senju Tobirama, Izuna smiled.

He also squatted there, watching Tobirama continue to communicate with Kazuo.

But it was obvious that Kazuo's feelings towards humans and ninjas Hatred and anger had been building up for who knows how long.

It was impossible for him to trust humans with just a few words.

In desperation, Tobirama had no choice but to put it down, cover his ears, and walk away from Izumi.

Even if Ichibi is tiptoeing, trying to sneak away from the eyes of the two of them by stretching out his feet in the pot, there is still no movement in the seal and restraint of Ichibi's chakra.

It is just a weak, pitiful, helpless, and foul-mouthed little tanuki that is imprisoned in a clay pot.

In addition, there is a mark of the Flying Thunder God's seal on the clay pot. Tobirama can sense that guy at any time. After catching it back, its ears were finally a lot clearer, and Tobirama had to sigh that the guys at the Wind Country Temple had been chanting to Ichibi for so many years, but it was still so aggressive.

"What's matter? Izumi."

If Quan Nai has nothing to do, he won't go to the back mountain alone to find him.

"Well, Tobirama, do you think there is really someone hidden among us who has been spreading dazzle and sowing discord?"

"Of course, he just wants to drive a wedge between the four of us!"

Tobirama was very sure, sure, and that sincere look in his eyes made Uchiha Izuna feel weak.

His elder brother was not shaken, Senju Hashirama should not be shaken either, and Tobirama was not shaken either.

It seemed that he was the only one, and his heart was already there. I 've been shaken.

It's really embarrassing that I, Uchiha Izuna, am the weakest one.

So, now there's only one last question left.

"Then, who do you think is the most suitable person to be the Hokage? Recently, people in the village are saying that they would rather have your eldest brother Senju Hashirama......"

"Why should you listen to them?"

Quan Nai was stunned, looking at Senju Tobirama in front of him, the corners of his mouth seemed to evoke a disdainful smile.

"Our eldest brother, haven’t we already discussed this?"

"My eldest brother said that Madara is more suitable to become Hokage, and your eldest brother also agreed."

Izuna was silent, lowered his head slightly, and felt a little ashamed in his heart.

Tobirama, Tobirama had always recognized this matter.

But he, he thought so much.

The strong emotions made Uchiha Izumi

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