The eldest brother Uchiha Madara took a shower very quickly, but Uchiha Izuna kept sitting on the chair at home, thinking quietly.

After the sounds in the bathroom became much quieter, he quickly shook off the water droplets on his body that had not been completely wiped off, stood up and put on his clothes.

"Brother, I'm going out for a walk!"

"Go ahead, go early and come back early."

Uchiha Izuna opened the door.

Uchiha Madara also wiped his wet hair with a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

"Do you want to go out at night? Is it possible that Quan Na is his..."

Madara picked up the towel that Izuna left on the chair and dried it for him.

Uchiha Izuna left home and wandered around the streets of Konoha.

The fledgling Konoha Village, coupled with the technological level of this era, made the village quickly quiet down at night.

Except for the ninjas, most ordinary people were already asleep at home at this time.

However, there are still small business owners like Mr. Tezuka on the street, still doing business with lanterns.

"Hey, Mr. Izuna, would you like a bowl of ramen?"

Uchiha Izuna, who was feeling a little irritable, was a little surprised when he heard Boss Tezuka.

However, he touched his belly and sat down at Boss Tezuka.

Hey, that's strange.

Now, in his hand Although the customers who were eating noodles at Boss Tezuka were a little scared when they saw him, Uchiha Izuna, they did not leave directly.

Uchiha Izuna felt inexplicably better and faced Tezuka. said

"Still the same"

"Okay, your ramen will be ready soon, Izuna-sama."

After saying that, Tezuka also winked at Uchiha Izuna, making Uchiha Izuna look aside.

Uchiha Izuna used the light produced by the burning candle in the lantern to see the boss Tezuka. It was placed behind the noodle shop. It was easy to see during the day, but it would be ignored at night because of the light problem.

I saw three people including myself, my eldest brother, and Senju Tobirama painted on it. Even if everyone gave him a thumbs up, Uchiha Senna found this boss really interesting.

He raised the corner of his mouth and took out the hot sauce he had always carried with him.

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank you, Mr. Izuna, for making my business here get better and better.

Moreover, when guests come, I will tell them, Mr. Izuna, you saved me.

You know, they all looked in disbelief."

When Boss Tezuka served the noodles, he chatted with Uchiha Izuna while taking a rest.

At this time, Izuna also noticed that the other customers were secretly looking at him and the boss curiously.

"Everyone has always felt that Uchiha ninjas are very proud and scary people.

I told them that the Uchiha clan of Izuna-sama is indeed a very proud ninja, but they are not terrible.

Then I told them that Madara-sama is not someone who can scare others to death with just one look, but someone who, like them, thinks my ramen is delicious and will eat one more bowl.

Izuna-sama is also a person who particularly likes chili sauce."

Uchiha Izuna looked at the boss's sincere eyes, and then looked at the eyes of the people around him. He suddenly felt.

It seems that no one understands Uchiha.

"Thank you, Boss Tezuka"

"Hey, it's my turn to thank you, Izuna-sama. I also hope that you, Izuna-sama, can enjoy eating my ramen all your life!"

For the first time, there was a very obvious smile on Uchiha's face that Boss Tezuka and others could see.

"Hahaha, Master Izuna, you laughed.

Look, I told you, Izuna-sama is not that difficult to get along with, and he is very handsome when he smiles!"

"Yes, yes, he is really handsome. If I were a woman, I would want to marry him."

Similarly, the other guests who finally relaxed, looked at Uchiha Izuna and felt that he was not such a cold person, and slowly started chatting with each other.......

"Water escapes, water breaks waves!"

The sharp silver-white water line was spat out from Tobirama's mouth.


The terrifying attack, which was beyond Lie Dou's reaction speed, penetrated the gray wind in an instant and came to him.

Lie Dou His heart couldn't help but beat violently.

When Senju Tobirama used the Water Release Ninjutsu, he had already begun to prepare for it, but this guy was so ungrateful!

As described in the newspaper, his ability to master the Water Release Chakra is really beyond boasting! He can complete most of the Water Release Ninjutsu seals with just one seal, and release it with terrifying power. Come out!

You're careless. It's impossible to escape unscathed this time!

In this case, Senju Tobirama!

Fiercely blowing out a sharp wind blade, he aimed it at Tobirama's face. It stabbed up!


The water break wave quickly penetrated Lidou's body, but because Tobirama had to avoid this guy's wind escape, he didn't continue to move the water break wave's attack range, splitting him in two..

Blood splashed from behind him, and Lie Dou's face turned pale, and a feeling of weakness quickly came to his heart. He had tried his best to avoid the vital points, but the feeling of being directly pierced by the water wave was too uncomfortable. The ability of water escape ninjutsu to penetrate and cut is too strong!

He has wind escape chakra all around him, and he wants to use the properties of wind escape chakra to deflect this attack.

The Ninjutsu still penetrated all his defenses without any hindrance, and penetrated his body easily.

Fortunately, it did not hurt his waist or any organs, and it stopped the bleeding neatly, leaving his face very wet. He was almost rosy again, but Liedou knew that he couldn't fight for long!

"Water escape, water dragon bombs!"

But of course, Tobirama is seizing on your weakness at this time and is going to keep consuming this guy!

You can't afford it, but Senju Tobirama can afford it.

The amount of chakra of the Senju clan is inherently higher than that of others. The average level of ninja is much higher. In addition, Senju Tobirama developed the Blood Succession Limit by himself, which further enhanced his physical fitness.

"Water escapes, water rushes into waves!"

Not only that, under the impact of waves of violent water flow, the cold air on the ground is constantly accumulating.

The spreading forest white atmosphere is constantly freezing the ground into ice.

Whoosh whoosh!

Fighting fiercely He dodged the multiple water dragon bombs biting at him and threw a few kunai. The ignited detonating talisman exploded with a bang, and the heat wave melted the ice.

Although he didn't know what Senju Tobirama was planning to do, he stopped him. That's for sure!

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