The strong wind blew, and the ice needles created by Tobirama lost their accuracy in an instant and scattered on the ground crookedly.

"Is it Feng Escape?"

No, it seems not!

When the strong wind howled, his ice needles were thin and small.

In addition, their surroundings were completely covered by sandstorms, and the visibility was frighteningly low. It was extremely difficult for the naked eye to see easily in such circumstances. See the attack he launched.

Either the opponent has Sharingan or Byakugan.

Or the opponent has extremely good perception and can detect the subtle changes in his chakra flow in such an environment.

Or, huh! He tilted his head again and looked towards the sky. The last possibility was that the strong wind suddenly strengthened a lot, and all of his ice needles were blown away. He suddenly stopped and looked at the tiny ice needles that were crushed under his feet and broken into pieces. His eyes were a little solemn. However, it came as a surprise.

���He will not be frightened away by the opponent's sudden attack.

Liedou clapped his hands together. Amidst the howling wind, the chaotic and violent airflow around him seemed to be soothed and became much quieter.

"It's really amazing, Lord Fiend, no one can beat this wind escape ninjutsu, right?"

The ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind who followed Lie Dou until they reached behind Senju Tobirama and others had their faces filled with pride and trust.

"Thousand Hands Tobirama!"

The voice of Lie Dou was transmitted through the black wind and sand that was still blowing through the two groups of people.

"Yiwei has belonged to the Kingdom of Wind since ancient times. Put it down and you can leave the Kingdom of Wind at will!"

"Be careful, the guy opposite is a bit unusual."

Just by hearing the other party's voice, Tobirama felt that the other party was unusual.

In the perception, part of the chakra felt from the other party made Tobirama feel that the other party was very strong.

Moreover, this is the country of wind. It's an environment that these Konoha ninjas are not familiar with and are not good at fighting.

However, these guys who were born and raised in the Kingdom of Wind are not as troublesome as them.

"Who said that Ichibi has been from the Kingdom of Wind since ancient times?"

Tobirama's voice was mixed with the strong wind, and was a little blurry.

Lie Dou boldly led the people behind him and continued to walk forward.

Finally, both sides of the army used the ice wall created by Tobirama to resist the sandstorm. And we met in a small area that was created as if it were isolated from the world.

"Huh, everyone knows this, it's obvious.

From beginning to end, Yiwei has been living on the land of our Kingdom of Wind, living in the desert of our Kingdom of Wind.

Of course it belongs to our country of wind!"

Lietou looked at the Senju Tobirama in front of him. This guy is difficult to deal with.

He is the fastest in the ninja world. According to the intelligence, he has developed a time and space ninjutsu that has never been developed by anyone before. Among the Senju clan and the entire Fire Country, only Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara can surpass him. He can use time and space ninjutsu, and if he wants to avoid the battle, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara may not be able to do anything against him. Konoha Village is really full of talents.

"But as far as I know, Ichibi already existed in this desert before the Kingdom of Wind was established.

That being said, this desert, this country of wind, should always belong to Ichibi!"

The corners of Lieto's eyes twitched. Oops, he had forgotten all about it.

This guy Senju Tobirama is not only powerful, he is also very likely the planner of many plans for the Senju clan and even the entire Konoha Village.

He is inherently evil. The Senju brat is very smart and eloquent, so you shouldn't argue with him about this.

"Put down one tail and you can leave safely."

A dangerous aura began to emanate from Lieto's body. At this time, Lieto still has much more ninja parts in his body.

Seeing that Senju Tobirama will not let go of Ichibi easily, he doesn't plan to do it either. Continue to negotiate.

As a ninja, if you can't get anything in battle, then don't even try to get it through negotiation!

"Tsk, I spent so much money to buy it, and you still want me to leave empty-handed."

Tobirama handed the clay pot in his hand to Momo, and stood at the front step by step, facing the fierce battle.

The two younger brothers followed closely, grabbing the weapons in their hands.

Fighting in such bad weather, This is the first time.


The black wind mixed with a lot of dust is still howling miserably.


In an instant, both Senju Tobirama and Lie Dou were shrouded in darkness.

They moved forward at the same time.

As they rushed toward each other, they struck each other hard with their own weapons.

The harsh sound tortured the ears of the people behind them.

Between the two people's weapons fighting , the two men's eyes filled with murderous intent also collided.

The rich chakra condensed on their bodies, almost making the violent air around them.

They all froze in an instant


Wama and Itama's eyes widened, and they started to kill the other ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind from both sides!

The ninjas from the other villages followed behind them, and they also took out kunai and shurikens to follow. Join the battle.

However, what makes them feel strange is that the number of elite ninjas behind them is almost the same as theirs, but the other side seems to have thought about it and moves towards Wa.

Master Wajama and Master Itama rushed forward!

Are there only one or two left who have to face the attack of a large number of them? I

'm so touched, Master Wajama, Master Itama, in order to protect them. Did you take the initiative to take on such a heavy responsibility?


The sharp fire was still shooting out from the fierce fighting weapon, and he couldn't help but frown.

Senju Tobirama's swordsmanship was quite sharp, and his weapons were also very good. His kunai had already been knocked out by several collisions. He took a step back to avoid Senju Tobirama's stab at a tricky angle, and simply threw the kunai in his hand at Senju Tobirama.

Tobirama tilted his head to avoid the kunai, and continued to slash forward with his sword. After piercing Lieto's arm, he felt something was wrong.

Sand continued to fall from the wound, and then Lieto was completely injured. The body has also turned into a pile of yellow sand

"Sand substitute?"

Tobirama's eyes turned, but Lieto who had used the Substitute Technique disappeared.

The next moment, coldness shot out from Tobirama's feet, quickly freezing the ground.

Then with a thud, Tobirama heard a loud collision.

Wanted Liedu emerged from the ground and hit the ice block he created.

Seeing that the attack from Tobirama's feet was unsuccessful, Lieto quickly emerged from another place.

"You are amazing, Senju Tobirama."

Both swordsmanship and physical skills are very strong, and there are almost no flaws.

When he fights fiercely with him, he won't get any advantage at all. Instead, he will fall into a disadvantage step by step.

If he continues to fight like this, he is afraid that he will be killed by the opponent. Under the sword.

Tobirama snorted coldly. If the wind and sand were not too strong and the wind was unpredictable, the Flying Thunder God Kunai would not be accurate at all.

If he had used the time and space ninjutsu, he would have taken advantage of you and at least hit you hard.!

Moreover, this physical skill and swordsmanship were all trained in the battle with Uchiha Senna's flawless enemy.

Facing the abnormal dynamic vision of the Sharingan, he could only continue to reduce it. Only when there are no flaws in your own mistakes can you continue to fight with the opponent.

"You're not bad, but it would be better if you could be more knowledgeable."

Tobirama said while secretly controlling the newly frozen ice block under his feet.

The prismatic thorns with marks spread out quietly, and then in an instant, they shot towards the fierce battle ahead!

And Lie Dou suddenly spit out a ball of strong wind and stabbed towards Tobirama!

The two of them dodged at the same time, and couldn't help but curse in their hearts that this guy is really despicable!

"Humph, it seems we won’t end without a winner today!"

"Wind Escape, a big breakthrough!"

Tobirama held up his sword flower, cut through the sharp cutting wind escape he created, and then suddenly threw a flying thunder god kunai at him!

Before Liedou could hide, he felt a gust of wind Next, the kunai in Tobirama was scraped to other places crookedly.

"It seems that today's weather is not suitable for your time and space ninjutsu, Senju Tobirama!"

Liedou saw that Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Kunai and the Ice Release he had just released were all blown away by the strong wind, and he had a smile on his face!

"Then you can't beat me!"

Seeing that the Flying Thunder God Kunai and the ice pick he had secretly marked were blown away from Li Du by the strong wind, Tobirama replied with a dark face and clapped his hands together.

"Water escapes, water breaks waves!"......

"Mito, my grandson is so cute!"

In Uzushio Village, watching his father holding his child with a smile on his face, Uzumaki Mito also smiled happily.

"Of course, he is my child, but father, I have not yet decided what to name him."


So a group of people from the Uzumaki clan began to contribute their wisdom again.

Senju Hashirama, who had eaten and drank enough, followed his wife Mito and rejected the names provided by his father-in-law one by one.

"Oops, no, no, this name doesn’t sound very nice. How about calling it Senju Liangjian like I thought before?

It seems that only the beams in the house have not yet been named."

In the end, the father-in-law's popular fiery red hair almost flew up, and he kicked Hashirama on the butt.

"You idiot, do you want you and your brother to be of the same generation as your son?"

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