"It's over there"

"By the way, when I went to collect intelligence, I stopped by to see what the current situation of the ninja clan in the Kingdom of Wind was like."

As the saying goes, a single move affects the whole body.

In the ninja world in the Land of Fire, the most powerful Senju clan and the Uchiha clan jointly founded the Leaf Village, and other ninja clans had to bite the bullet and join in. , after Konoha Village continued to grow, the ninja world in other countries would have some reactions.

After the ninja world in the Fire Country was unified by a powerful force, in order to fight against this terrible force. Strength.

In other countries, those ninjas will also have different ambitions, whether it is for their own ambitions or to unify their own country's ninja power. Regardless of whether the Fire Country confronts them, these are all reactions that will occur.

However, now that Konoha Village has been established many years in advance, the ninjas from other countries may not be able to react after hearing Tobirama's order. The two younger brothers spread out with many ninjas from the village and began to move in the Kingdom of Wind.

The temple to seal the first tail was already in sight, but they could not act recklessly to seal the tailed beast. Even if it is not the strongest tailed beast, the Nine Tails, it proves that the power of this temple is not simple.

As expected, there are many Wind Country ninjas in that temple, although many Wind Country ninjas have each other. They have deep hatred and want to plunder each other's land and resources to sustain their own development.

However, they all know that once the seal of One Tail is released, it will be even worse for the already barren Country of Wind. To make things worse.

Protecting this temple and protecting Ichibi's seal is something that few of these guys have a tacit understanding of and will do in unison.

Moreover, the clay pot in the Wind Country's temple cannot protect them for so many years. Didn't do research or develop some corresponding power

"All in all, we have to be careful, it would be a shame if we overturned here."

Tobirama stood in the hotel, his eyes seemed to penetrate the room, passed through the violent wind and sand outside, and came to the temple that sealed the first tail.

But fortunately, it was because of the influence established by the Leaf Village. Exciting.

Recently, ninjas in other countries have become more excited and eager to try.

Various powerful and ambitious guys are constantly jumping out, causing ninjas in other countries to fight among themselves.

This has made the protective force in this temple much weaker recently.

Many elite ninjas have been transferred back by the ninja clan to prepare for more complex situations.

"Since in this desert, Yiwei will only bring them more and more profound disasters, then, let us take away Yiwei and bring more peace to the entire Kingdom of Wind!"

Senju Momoka has been guarding Tobirama. When Tobirama heard what Tobirama said, he felt that something was wrong for a moment.

However, he also felt that there was nothing wrong with what Tobirama said.

Guard one, seal one Tail has always been a thankless job.

When the Kingdom of Wind wanted to capture Yiwei, they didn't know how many ninjas died and how many lives were sacrificed.

Moreover, in the process of fighting Yiwei, there were many. How much of the good land in the Kingdom of Wind has turned into a piece of yellow sand.

Then, the seal needs to be maintained every year, and a lot of manpower and material resources have to be carefully guarded.

Moreover, once the Yiwei is still unstable from now on. If he escapes from the seal, the entire Kingdom of Wind will face a huge disaster. After being imprisoned for so long, Ichibi's hatred for ninjas will make even the ninjas in the Kingdom of Wind tremble and fear.

"In short, the first tail is sealed by them, unstable and prone to accidents, so it is better for us to take it away."

Senju Momo looked at Tobirama, then looked ahead, at the temple in the desert looming in the wind and sand, and sighed.

"If you want to do this, then go ahead and do it!"......

"Are there many strange faces there at the temple?"

In the Kingdom of Wind, some people are still paying attention to the activities in the temple.

Qianju Tobijian and his party came, and the purpose of the action was so clear. It is abnormal that no one saw it.

"In other words, is their goal one tail?"

Among the many ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind, Liedu is also a man with extremely powerful strength and many followers.

"Catching a tailed beast is a thankless task for the average ninja."

Liedou first ruled out which individual ninja clan in the Kingdom of Wind wanted to capture the One-Tailed One.

After all, for any individual ninja clan, the One-Tailed One is now just a huge burden.

In In the Kingdom of Wind, there are usually many ninja families who have a tacit understanding and provide some manpower and money to maintain the seal on the Ichibi.

After all, once the seal is broken and the Ichibi comes out to massacre ninjas, everyone will suffer..

So no single ninja clan will take over this hot potato, and so far, the only one who can capture the tailed beast without too much effort is the one in the Land of Fire. The Konoha Village was recently established and its strength was rapidly expanding.

Lieto was thinking about what would happen if Ichibi was really taken away by the Konoha Village guys. It

's not a bad thing.

After all, it only takes one explosion in Konoha Village to cause a heavy blow to Konoha Village, which has just been established and is still expanding!

, will also let others know that there is a tailed beast in Konoha Village.

This will make many ninjas in Konoha Village, and no one will be worried that there is a terrifying one that can easily take away themselves. Life, the tailed beast that is still full of resentment towards him, is staying by his side.

This will cause huge delays and obstacles to the construction of the entire village of Konoha.

Moreover, it will also cause problems for those who want to join the leaf village. People, think about safety issues.

This will obviously have side effects on the development of Konoha Village, and what Liedu needs now is time!

After establishing Konoha Village, he has realized that it will not be done as soon as possible. If the entire ninja force in the Wind Country is unified, then the scattered ninja clan in the Wind Country will not be able to fight against the Leaf Village.

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