The mission issued by the Hokage Building made many ninjas breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the village started to come up with ways to solve the problem, they felt that everything was okay

"However, are there only five directions in total to form a team? However, there are too many ninjas.

With so many ninja clans, it would not be enough to form only five teams in total.

Moreover, there is also a team led by the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan heading to the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

In other words, are tasks with only four directions acceptable?"

Sarutobi Sasuke looked at the mission commission posted under the Hokage Building with some surprise.

The village wanted to use this method to give the ninjas who moved in something to do, to make money, and to solve the food problem in the village. Relief.

Moreover, the village also encourages the ninja tribe to form caravans to carry out trade and bring various resources back from outside.

It also encourages the ninja tribe's caravans to sell some things in the village..

Because of the existence of the village, they no longer have to worry about being attacked by other ninjas after sending too much force without enough elite protection.

However, Sarutobi Sasuke's only headache is that there are other ninjas in the village. Intention.

After all, there are many ninja clans that have recently joined Konoha Village, large and small.

Even if we count his allies like the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan, there are endless groups..

The tasks in these four directions are not enough.

Is the big fish eating the small fish and the small fish eating the shrimp going to continue in the village?

No, no!

Sasuke Sarutobi shook his head. This is definitely not what they want to do.

Moreover, Senju Hashirama Uchiha Madara is not such a short-sighted person.

If they really want the winner to take all, the two families will directly unite and annihilate the other families. Is that okay?

Their real purpose is definitely not like this, and they definitely don’t want the Ninja clan to continue to fight on their own, or to form a small group with good friends and continue to form a group in the village. If the Ninja World of the Fire Country had a choice, Sasuke Saru would prefer to lead the team of the Sarutobi Clan and the Shimura Clan, or the Sarutobi Clan and Ino Shikacho.

But now it seems that this is not enough.

"What a headache. Is the real intention of the village to allow more families to put aside their previous hatred and barriers and start to cooperate?

However, this is a very difficult thing."

Sarutobi Sasuke rubbed his temples and couldn't help but raise his head.

He looked at the Hokage building in front of him. There was a huge floor-to-ceiling window in the office at Tobirama's request..

The transparent and clear glass now allows Sasuke Sarutobi to see a little bit of the four people who are chatting happily in the office,

Uchiha Madara, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna and Senju Hashirama, presumably. We are all up there now, waiting to see the reactions of various races.

"However, although it is difficult, this is also an opportunity!"

The dominance of Konoha Village in the ninja world of the Fire Country will not change.

This village will become the most powerful armed organization in the entire Fire Country.

Now Sarutobi Sasuke is facing a difficult problem. , is also a test.

If it can be done well, if the various families who once had hatred for each other can be coordinated, there will definitely be a place for me, Sarutobi Sasuke, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. It must be wonderful to overlook the entire Konoha Village, the entire Fire Nation ninja world, and all the Fire Nation ninja clans.

Naruto is such a nice name.

The Uchiha clan is good at fire escape, so is my Sarutobi clan. Not a ninja who is good at fire escape!

I also want to see the wonderful scenery overlooking Konoha Village and even the entire Fire Country ninja world!

"Let's go!" He walked back in the direction of the family with the Shimura clan leader beside him.

The village has assigned many tasks, and if it wants to show itself and not fall behind others, it must start taking action now.

In addition to the monkeys led by Sarutobi Sasuke, In addition to the Fei clan, there are established wealthy families like the Hyuga clan, rising newcomers like the Hatake clan, and alliances made up of secret arts families like Ino


Quite a bit.

As for Senju and Uchiha, their current strength and status in the village is beyond what Sarutobi Sasuke can imagine.

And now, the test is for them to buy food in the Land of Fire and integrate the village. Among the ninjas, as well as the task of attracting businessmen to the village to promote trade, whoever does well will be appreciated by the four guys who are already at the top, and they will also start to speak in the Konoha Village. right!

"This era has just begun"

"Do we really want to cooperate with those guys?"

The words of the leader of the Shimura clan made Sarutobi Sasuke feel a little uncomfortable.

He was obviously quite smart and guessed what the village wanted them to do.

But his ambition was still a little small.

Of course, he would have preferred it when forming an alliance with the Shimura clan. This guy is a bit stupid, which will allow him to take more initiative between the two families.

But now, he hopes that this guy can be more generous and not be blinded by the hatred of the past. Don't be tempted by petty profits, be your own right-hand man

"Yes, we not only have to cooperate with many of our former enemies, but we also have to cooperate beautifully with them."

Seeing the unwillingness on the faces of the people around him, Sarutobi Sasuke still had to pull him to continue moving.

After all, only the Shimura clan is the iron-clad ally of the Sarutobi clan.

He still needs to continue to get this iron-clad ally. Support.

But looking at his unwilling look, Sarutobi Sasuke tried to persuade him to prevent him from ruining his overall situation later.

"From the moment we came to the village, we and they could no longer be enemies!

Whether we are in the village or outside the village, we will no longer be enemies.

Understand? Unless you want to go against Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara."

Hearing what Sarutobi Sasuke said, Chief Shimura's face turned pale.

He opposed Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, forget it, forget it, he still wants to live a few more years.

"So, this is something we have to face sooner or later, let's go."

Sarutobi Sasuke was full of confidence. After sending ninjas from his own family to inform the ninjas of these families who had enmity and hostility with his Sarutobi clan during the troubled times.

Not long after, they also sent out their own ninjas. The representative of the clan came to the Sarutobi clan, which seemed a bit crude.

"Everyone is willing to come here, and I believe you also understand what the village means.

Now we are ninjas of the same village. From now on, we will not continue to be hostile. Otherwise, we will be enemies of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama."

Seeing Sarutobi Sasuke, an admirable and hated former enemy, these people were a little reluctant at first.

But when Sarutobi Sasuke directly moved out Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, they all seemed very silent.

They are not fools to survive from the troubled times, which is why they are willing to come here.

However, the thought of working with the enemies they have fought with is still a bit difficult.

"I understand the thoughts of Hashirama-sama and Madara-sama very well.

If we continue to be hostile, our children will continue to perpetuate our hatred.

Our fathers all died at each other's hands, so I don't mind continuing to fight with you.

But, to be honest, I don’t want my children to live with my hatred."

Immediately afterwards, Sarutobi Sasuke gave them a detailed analysis of this mission.

"In order to show my sincerity, I, Sarutobi Sasuke, am willing to distribute 10% of the profits from this mission reward to everyone present after paying taxes to the village.

I hope that these resources can provide some insignificant compensation to those in your family who have been harmed by our Sarutobi clan."

Hearing how generous Sarutobi Sasuke was, these ninjas who had been enemies with Sarutobi Sasuke stood up straight and looked into his eyes.

"Sarutobi Sasuke, you are really a good opponent.

We, the XX clan, are willing to join your team and send our elite clansmen to complete the mission with you."

"The same goes for our XXX family!"

Seeing that these people are really willing to let go,���Tobi Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief.

And what he did was soon known to the Hokage Building.

"This Sarutobi Sasuke is really good, with such magnanimity."

Uchiha Izuna was a little surprised. Sarutobi Sasuke was the first to complete the formation of a team with multiple ninja clans working together.

Such courage and leadership can't help but make people look at him.

"How is his strength?"

Madara is more concerned about this. Courage and leadership are more important, but the most important thing is strength.

"Not bad, the Shimura clan, his family friends who helped him in the past, resisted us.

At that time, many tribesmen said that Sarutobi Sasuke was quite strong."

Uchiha nodded.

Although he is definitely not as strong as himself and his younger brother Uchiha Izuna, he can be recognized by some tribesmen, which means that he is very good.

"Okay, then it’s him."

Senju Hashirama didn't have any objections. He was still shuffling the playing cards here and there. Then he followed Tobirama's example, and after reciting a paragraph in a deep voice, he suddenly opened a card. Guess

"I am the Queen of Spades, ah, why didn’t I guess it right again?"

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