"Goodbye, Madara-sama, Izuna-sama, come here often!"

Boss Tezuka greeted the Uchiha brothers warmly as they stood up and left.

Although his enthusiasm was mixed with a bit of philistine, it also made Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna feel sincere..

He was really grateful to Quan Nai for saving his life at that time.

Even though Quan Nai was not very enthusiastic towards others, after being thanked, he just snorted without saying anything.

"Quan Nai, this store is really good."

Walking on the street with his younger brother, after a while, Madara slowly said to the younger brother beside him.

Izuna smiled.

My elder brother also thinks it's good, that's good.

"That boss is a nice guy, but brother, it’s time for us to go back."


The two of them were still holding a piece of ramen in their hands. They returned home and wanted to feed their old father, who was also not very good at cooking.

Madara Uchiha really hoped that this piece of ramen could stop his old father's mouth.

Unfortunately, that is obviously impossible......

"Already confirmed? Arriving today?"

Senju Hashirama stood at the door, listening to Izuna's answer, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Damn it, although today is an important day to receive the ninjas who are coming to the village.

But he really wants to see it. Look, Madara was on a blind date arranged by his father today!

As Madara’s best friend, of course he has to help Madara in all major life events to see if the girl opposite is okay!

"Hope they can arrive soon."

But, as expected, we still have to finish the work in front of us first.

Taking a deep breath, Senju Hashirama waited quietly at the entrance of the village.

But the eldest brother Senju Hashirama was not a person at all. How long can he lead the tribe and maintain their normal status outside of battle?

After a while, both Tobirama and Izuna began to see their elder brother Senju Hashirama at the gate, furious, scratching his head and ears, looking very unhappy. Look at ease

"Oh my god, is it really this kind of person who defeated my elder brother?"

Uchiha Izuna looked up at the sky speechlessly.

Madara, the eldest brother, is steady and calm, and he also cares about his family and tribe.

His domineering personality is exposed, and he is respected by outsiders. He is respected by the ninjas as Shura in the ninja world, a dancing rose on the battlefield.

But why.

Look at the Senju Hashirama over there, who was scolded by his brother Tobirama and lost all his dignity.

How could such a person have the power to overwhelm his elder brother?

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, it’s so fun!"

Senju Hashirama, who had just been scolded by Senju Tobirama, became frustrated. At some point, he started chatting with the ninja responsible for guarding the gate again.

Moreover, he was laughing very happily.

No way. After a while, Tobirama and Izuna even saw Hashirama touching his arms, taking out dice and playing cards, and started playing with them.

Uchiha Izuna looked at Tobirama and saw him. With a headache on his face, he couldn't help but feel happy about his misfortune.

It would be very difficult for you to deal with such a big brother.

"Uchiha Izuna, please cooperate with me later."

At this moment, Senju Tobirama whispered to Uchiha Izuna.

Before Uchiha Izuna could answer, Tobirama walked straight over to his eldest brother Hashirama.

"Brother, your current gameplay is outdated"

"Let me teach you what the real god of gambling is!"

Hearing Tobirama's words, Senju Hashirama, who thought he was going to be reprimanded again, suddenly became interested.

Even the two ninjas next to him couldn't help but be curious.

Could it be that Tobirama-sama can also play, and , Sounds like a high level?

Tobirama took the playing cards from his brother's hand and shuffled them casually. He quickly called Izuna over and shuffled the top cards one by one. Zhang, took it off and put it on the other side.

After muttering a string of"who's your daddy" in English mysteriously, he faced Uchiha Izuna.

"Quan Nai, if you tell me to stop, I will stop."


Izuna is also a little curious. What is Tobirama doing?

Tobirama stopped and asked Izuna to take out the top card from the playing card in his hand and turn it over for everyone to see. It's the 9 of spades

"Remember what the card is and put it back."

Izuna nodded. Suddenly, she couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It seems that there is something, Senju Hashirama!

As for Senju Hashirama, he has been completely immersed in it and is scratching his head and thinking about it. What is Tobirama? What to do.

Then, Tobirama mixed the cards together and started shuffling them again casually. While shuffling, he continued to chant up, down, left, left, and right to his elder brother.

After he finished chanting the cards, he put them away. Okay, he started to smoke one by one and put them aside.

After stopping casually, Senju Hashirama swallowed and watched nervously.

Finally, he pressed down hard. Among the rest of the pile, the one above was placed in Uchiha Izuna's hand.

"Let me think about it and I can guess right away what this one is!"

The momentum of Senju Hashirama's body changed greatly in an instant.

At this moment, his figure became extremely tall in the eyes of his elder brother Senju Hashirama!

"What, based on the previous card and a series of complex operations, can you guess what the current card is?"

The surprise on Senju Hashirama's face was beyond words!

He continued to babble, densely reciting some words that his elder brother Hashirama couldn't understand at all.

Uchiha Izuna looked at Senju Tobirama in front of him in disbelief, what on earth do you think? What are you doing! What are you doing! Senju Tobirama!

Did you really guess that Senju Hashirama and the other two ninjas were killed ? Attracted by the aura, when everyone looked at Senju Tobirama,

Uchiha Izuna felt the crazy look in Senju Tobirama's eyes towards him.

Oh, he finally understood that Senju Tobirama was. What do you mean?

He took a deep breath, looked at the cards in his hand that only he knew, and quietly made a two sign in front of his chest.

"I see!!!"

Senju Tobirama's voice made Senju Hashirama suddenly nervous, and sweat even broke out on his head.

He even couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What it is, Tobirama, can you really guess it?"

"Two of hearts!"

When Uchiha Izuna twitched the corners of his mouth and released the cards, Senju Hashirama took a breath of cold air.

Really, I guessed it!

And Senju Tobirama took Uchiha Izuna away.

"What's the use of doing this?"

"Don't worry, my eldest brother is actually very stubborn at heart.

If he doesn't understand this research, it will be meaningless for him to gamble in the future. Let him focus on studying the secrets and gamble less."

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