"Let me see how it goes."

A pair of separated Byakugan that had become necrotic under the destruction of the caged bird did not react much when mixed with cells extracted from Kaguya ninja corpses.

It seems that the necrotic Byakugan and Kaguya's Combining the cells together has no effect.

It seems that it is not that simple to achieve the perfect combination of eye power and physical power.

However, Tobirama is reluctant to use the pure white eyes of Hyuga Tennin.

This is the only pair of intact Zong family white eyes in his hand, which are extremely pure and powerful.

"Then you can only give it a try!"

Tobirama took a deep breath, worked hard, and took out the cells of his eldest brother Senju Hashirama. The cells of his eldest brother Senju Hashirama were extremely active, but he didn't know that this was coming from the eyes of the separated ninja who had just died. I don't care if the white eyes that were damaged by the caged bird mark can be repaired.

Let's try it first.

Brother's self-healing ability is already powerful enough to not penetrate his heart or break him in an instant. It can be quickly restored by cutting off his head or cutting off his neck.

Isn't it just a pair of broken Byakugan? If the Mangekyou Sharingan is used too much, it will consume the power of the eye and deprive the user of the light. The cells had recovered.

How could they respond to these destroyed white eyes?

Tobirama observed with interest.

Soon, after he joined some of the elder brother's cells, these pairs of eyes had been destroyed. The Byakugan began to react a little.

The cells of the eldest brother were still extremely active.

The dead ninja cells of the Kaguya clan could not compete with the cells of the eldest brother.

However, the depleted Byakugan was consuming a lot of the eldest brother. The power of Senju Hashirama's cells.

But even so, the eldest brother's cells still had the upper hand.

And in the culture medium, a small amount of Hyuga ninja cells and Kaguya ninja cells were forced into a desperate situation by the eldest brother Hashirama's cells. During the attack, an astonishing reaction occurred.

Kaguya's cells and Hinata's cells, which were almost in danger of being swallowed up by his eldest brother Hashirama's cells, actually had a strange reaction at this moment. Tobirama's observation was that when their powers merged together, they suddenly became much stronger and could finally compete with the power of his elder brother's cells. Seeing that the balance between them was slowly restored, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The power of the elder brother was really great. If only

I could find someone to transplant the elder brother's cells.

Except for Madara and Uchiha Izuna, even I couldn't bear the power of my elder brother.

And if anyone from the Kaguya clan first transplanted a pair of Hyuga clan's Byakugan, and then transplanted his elder brother's cells, that would be true. Not bad.

Rely on the elder brother's Hashirama cells to suppress the pain and injuries caused by the blood-stained disease caused by the corpse veins, and then combine it with the power of the Hyuga clan's Byakugan to suppress the powerful activity of the elder brother's Hashirama cells.

In the end, he can obtain the power of the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, and can perfectly display the power of the Corpse Bloodline. He may even go a step further and obtain the power of Hamura Otsutsuki.

And with his eldest brother. With the help of Hashirama cells, the amount of chakra and recovery ability are far beyond those of normal ninjas.

It's a pity.

The guys in the Kaguya clan will only become crazy if they get such power. It was even more confusing.

Tobirama shook his head, lowered his head and continued to study.

He was actually a little curious.

The cells of his elder brother Hashirama were so strong that he could continue to repair them with the combined efforts of the cells of the Hyuga clan and the Kaguya clan. When those eyes rolled, I used my remaining energy to balance them.

What about yourself?

How about your own cells?

Tobirama quickly took some blood from his hand and dripped it into another set of culture fluid for control.

Then, his face was full of embarrassment.

After his own cells entered, he was like a salted fish, not reacting at all. There was no conflict or fusion with Kaguya's cells or Hinata's cells.

The cells of Kaguya and Hyuga ninja are doing whatever they are supposed to do.

"Logically speaking, my vitality should be stronger than that of ordinary ninjas."

After all, with the ice escape blood inheritance limit, you can also inherit your power through blood inheritance.

And when the nature of chakra changes and fuses, his chakra amount has been greatly improved, and the whole person is in The strength has been enhanced in all aspects, but it is still far from the strength of his elder brother Hashirama, who has developed the Yin Yang Chakra very powerfully.

Then, should I try to continue practicing the changes in the nature of the Yin Yang Chakra. and shape changes.

After being busy, it was already late at night.

Tobirama stretched out, locked the door, and walked around the entire laboratory several times..

After checking whether the seal barrier set up by his sister-in-law Mito to help direct it, and whether the various warning measures were still functioning normally, he slowly walked back towards the house and waited until Tobirama left. , in the dead of night, a dark guy popped his head out of the ground

"What exactly is there?"

The figure, whose whole body was as black as ink, and even the light could not separate it from the shadow, stood in front of the door of Tobirama's laboratory and stopped.

Hei Zetsu was already paying attention to the reincarnation of Asura and Indra in this generation. It's been a long time.

Among this generation, Uchiha Madara, the reincarnation of Indra, is considered by him to be the man most likely to successfully open the Samsara Eye and possess the true power of breaking through and gaining the power of six paths.

Of course, he is monitoring Uchiha Madara. At the same time as Senju Hashirama, this guy Senju Tobirama was also on the list of people he needed to pay attention to.

Senju Tobirama's creative ability and development ability are obviously not amazing. However, he was able to use his own power to develop astonishing time and space ninjutsu such as the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Moreover, the many transformations between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan had a lot to do with him..

Now, the laboratory he built has been protected by various layers of barriers since the first day, making it impossible for him to penetrate easily even if he sees the laboratory door closed. Hei Jue felt that he had a desire to go in and find out.

This guy, Senju Tobirama, had a strange feeling that he was beyond his control. This made Hei Jue Người mua even more curious.

:Ohio001, 07/05/2023 12:43

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