"It's about to succeed!"

I emerged from the turbid muddy water, with filthy liquid falling continuously on my face and head.

The long wait made my body smell like pickled cabbage that has been soaked for a long time, smelly and salty.

But , all this patience is worth it!

As long as you can hit Uchiha Izuna, seriously injure him, and capture his Mangekyou Sharingan, then you will have that kind of power at the top of the ninja world!

, The world is so big, there is nowhere to go!

Even Uchiha Madara can't chase him to the end of the world!

Then, with these eyes, he can get all the rewards that he dreamed of before! The golden ninja family, wait until I come to settle accounts with you one by one and take away all the ninjutsu and secret techniques of your family! Those women who look down on me, I will knock you to the ground and ravage them hard.

You sell it at a low price at will!

Those wealthy businessmen, powerful people, and those former enemies, your opponents, and enemies are all under the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan that you are about to obtain, tremble!

"Hey, you want it too..."

At this moment, Uchiha Izuna in front of him deceived his head and looked back at this guy from the corner of his eye.

In an instant, only Uchiha Izuna was left in the man's field of vision, and the scarlet gaze bloomed in the disdainful glance back at him.



At this moment, he seemed to have seen the thing that he was most afraid of in the world. His whole body froze in place, motionless.

It was obvious that there was only one last bit left, and it was obvious that the long knife he held tightly in his hand was The blade was about to cut into Uchiha Senna's clothes.

However, at this glance, his courage and murderous intention suddenly disappeared like a tide.

Damn it, damn it, why! I have to fight such a monster!

Why do I have to cooperate with these guys to die?

I can't fight this guy, this guy is sweating from his forehead! The moment the drops fell, his neck was pinched by Uchiha Izuna, and his whole body was lifted up from the muddy ground.


The kunai that was attached to the detonating talisman was blasted by his companion. It hit the ground and was inserted into his back. His expression became distorted and ferocious in pain.

With the huge force, his body was easily thrown into the air, and finally hit the bodies of his two companions heavily.. Looking at the detonating talisman that was about to be completely ignited, reflected in their panicked eyes, the fear and despair, as well as the endless darkness, completely engulfed him in the next moment.

The fireworks caused by the explosion in front slowly dissipated. After confirming that the opponent was killed, he jumped up again, jumped to the top of the tree, and continued to move forward. For him, this little interruption was not even a warm-up.

They don't want to collect the other party's bones, and they don't want to know who the other party is.

There is no value for him, Uchiha Senna, to search.

However, the words of the elder brother feel strange.!

In the past, on the battlefield, I heard my elder brother say some weird words while he was quickly clearing away the soldiers, and I thought he was so handsome that he couldn't help but blurt out the words when he was fighting.

However, Now that he thinks about it carefully, he still feels that that memory has turned into a wheel, constantly crushing his face, making him feel extremely ashamed.

No, no, he must remember this lesson. It's because no one except Senju Hashirama can let him experience the feeling of defeat.

If he talks too much, that guy Senju Hashirama might remember him and laugh at him for the rest of his life!......

"Oh, it’s about to begin!"

It has been a long time since Izuna went out to contact various families.

In the Senju family, shortly after Senju Hashirama's son was born, Uzumaki Mito plucked his hair, handful after handful.

"It's over. I can't think of a good name at all."

After rejecting her husband's proposal, Uzumaki Mito was trying her best to give her child a nice name.

However, she realized at this time that a good name is not that easy to come up with.

She picked up the infant child, Mito Uzumaki touched his face with his finger

"My child, you are really giving me a headache."

She can now move around easily.

As a ninja of the Uzumaki clan, her extraordinary physical fitness made her feel a little more painful during childbirth, and her recovery speed was also much faster than that of ordinary people.

"Come on, I'll take you out for some exercise."

Furthermore, as a child of the Senju clan, as the child of her Uzumaki Mito and Senju Hashirama, this little guy's physical fitness is also very good.

Holding her son who has woken up and is looking around curiously, After leaving the room and walking out of the house,

Uzumaki Mito felt much refreshed by the outside air.

Sure enough, staying in the room would make him rusty.

"Take a good look, little one. This is the village your father built."

The swaddled child looked at everything around him happily.

Uzumaki Mito looked at his happy appearance, and his eyes became very soft.

What a good boy.


At this time, a voice calling for Uchiha Madara came from not far away.

Uzumaki Mito looked over curiously.

Madara had a serious look on his face, even though he was wearing casual clothes.

But the Uchiha clan emblem behind him, as well as his own temperament, still make people a little afraid and awe-inspiring.

The ninja who came to him tremblingly and frightened was reporting something.

When he saw Madara's only exposed eye, which was covered by Liu Hai, he was even more frightened and his whole body was trembling.

"Hahaha, that guy Uchiha Madara scares people."

Uzumaki Mito slowly started to sway.


The voice calling her also made Uchiha Madara and the ninja who were reporting the situation look over.

"Mito-sama, what a handsome young master."

Seeing Uzumaki Mito and the child she was holding, the ninja couldn't help but praise her.

"Wow, wow!!!"

When he heard a strange voice, the child was suddenly frightened and started crying. This made the ninja very embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

"Let's go over there and talk...."

However, when Madara frowned and made a sound, Mito's child, who was in a hurry and could not calm down, suddenly stopped crying and started to giggle.

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